Planning map and history (Full Version)

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goranw -> Planning map and history (3/30/2021 3:56:16 PM)

The game map (planning map) with historical frontlines from turn 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25.
Long. and Lat.
Occupation dates.

goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (3/31/2021 1:08:22 PM)

Perhaps not a planning map in real sense. More a situation map (Lagekarte) with small unit identifications.
Colour coded for type. Ai-Ai play. Latest version. -41 scenario. History occupation dates,
Long. Latitudes.
Remarkable is the game knowledge to follow the historical flow.
Thats difficult to achieve. It means that the game has a simulation capacity.
Compare game frontline turn 25 with 2 historical fronts. Turn 20 and 25. That is 2-nov and 7-dec.
Of course there are deviations.
[;)] The Ai didnt realize it shouldnt take Sewastopol in -41 and passing a bit over Newa,
Donets and the Kertsch strait.
Goran W

goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (4/6/2021 12:55:21 PM)

Part of a "planning map" regarding the Road to Leningrad scenario. Latest version.
Game situation contra historical. Game turn 10 24 aug.
Historically turn 5-10 and 15. = 20-july, 24-aug. and 28 sept.
Game units ( colour coded in type)and also historical ones from a OKH-Karte 24 aug.
German historical depots.
It shows also a game attack (big flag) SSW Narwa. (Kampf are units in battle)
Historical occupation dates in yellow. Airfields triangular with level.
Fortress level= white resp red on black back ground. Ex Oranienburg 5.
Long. Latitude.
Small dots in unit hexes show movement possibility resp. attached units.

A sort of evaluation of the game performance as a simulation is that its good.
A bit forward against Tallin and a bit after east of Lake Peipus.
I would guess its a bit difficult for the Ai to handle a divided attack on sides of the Peipus see
that later on combines against Leningrad.
Goran W

Bamilus -> RE: Planning map and history (4/6/2021 5:01:23 PM)

Beautiful stuff.

goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (4/8/2021 11:35:02 PM)

A sort of a planning map "Lagekarte".
41-scenario. Ai-Ai Turn 15 28-sept.Latest version.
Game situation compared to history.
See frontlines.
You can also see national unit flags, type color coded units, some logistics,
fortress levels, if could or had been moved and if added subordinated units on axis side.

As before a proof of a certain simulation capability. Difficult to achieve.
Front to advanced on the Chrimea and SW area of Moscow. Odessa fallen.
Goran W

goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (4/9/2021 8:59:53 AM)

Situation 29-june turn 2.
After script and soviet response.
Ai against Ai.
Game frontline and historical one.
Game units and units from OKH-Karte.
A bit after along the barbarossa frontline but good simulation of the two
pinches against Minsk.
Goran W


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (4/13/2021 11:36:25 AM)

Situation map. "Lagekarte" turn 13, 14-sept.
First game attack over Newa. Axis 21 inf. div.(red)
3 defending soviet div.(yellow)
Historical occupation dates (yellow)
and frontlines turn 10, 24-aug and turn 15, 28-sept.
Game a bit "before history"


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (4/15/2021 1:29:01 PM)

Starting airfields in the Leningrad area. Purple triangels.
In reality of course just the starting fields in the game.
First picture was german intelligence 1. feb-42. (Onto the game map) Source german airfield atlas.
Second picture is really used german fields sept-41. Source OKH-map
Third is soviet intelligence july-41. Soviet airfields categorized. ( hexes and airfields from game map).
Source part of lenoblo-aero-1941.
Interesting to compare and seeing ongoing game play influence.
Goran W


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (4/16/2021 9:30:12 PM)

Turn 20 2-nov.
Game positions and history frontlines.
Quite historical.
Some problem to keep the Newa line and east Wjasma..
Goran W


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (4/18/2021 9:48:35 AM)

Situation map at axis turn 2 29-june. "Planning map"
Ai- Ai play. Script and soviet Ai answer. V. 00.11.
"Bialystok pocket". Purple is historic advance.
Very historical in the big lines. Great achievement considering that the result
also must be a starting point for future realistic Ai-play..
A bit infront of actual situation regarding passing Daugava river and east of Lwow.
A bit after in reducing the pocket.
Goran W


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (4/20/2021 8:40:14 PM)

Not bad for a game to have a historical simulation capacity.
Road to Leningrad. Ai-Ai from 22-june. Up to start turn 17. Game situation 12 Oct.
Historical frontlines turn 15 (yellow) 28 sept and turn 20 (green) 2-nov.
Up to Newa. Oranienburg pocket. On the road up to Tichwin.
A bit too advanced north-east lake Lake Ilmen.
Goran W


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (5/4/2021 3:57:28 PM)

Turn 5. Road to Leningrad. 20-july.
Historical frontline that day.
Game frontline can be estimated via the axis units.
Game AI a bit after the real advance.
Onto a german map in scale 1-2,5M from-41.
Lat. 55 and 60. Long. 25 and 30.
Also used by OKH in a different layout.
Goran W


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (5/5/2021 10:21:17 AM)

Turn 10 24-aug. Ai-Ai.
Above the 41-scenario. Down the RtL-scenario.
Also game units, occupation dates and historical frontline.
Onto an soviet war map.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (5/20/2021 5:07:14 PM)

Planning map. "Lagekarte".
Turn 2 Axis. Ai-Ai.
After script turn 1 and soviet new lines.
Historical occupation dates and frontline 29 june.
Comparision between the 41-scenario and the RtL-scenario.
Personally I prefer the RtL-script but I know its difficult to evaluate
the big "necessary Ai-concept" that is a must to further game Ai-development
Goran W

goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (5/22/2021 1:33:10 PM)

Airgroups 22-6.
Goran W


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (5/25/2021 8:56:02 PM)

To evaluate
Ai-Ai Turn 5 20-july.
Game front and historical fronts from turn 2 (purple), -5 (red), -10 (black).
Lat.-Long. Army groups borders. Date of axis occupation. Airfields (german map type)
Game unit with nationality, identification and colourtyped for sort of unit.
Goran W


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (5/26/2021 8:35:16 AM)

RtL-scenario T5 20-july. Ai against Ai.
Big similarities with the 41-scenario.
A bit after history. See resp. frontlines.
Here I put it on Vilcum's great map.
Goran W


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (5/27/2021 7:32:36 AM)

Operation Taifun. Ai-Ai.
Turn 10, 2-dec.
Game and historical frontline.
2 unit versions.
Axis occupation dates.
German airfield map types.
Long. Lat.
A bit of imbalance north-south.
Tula is a problem.
Goran W


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (5/27/2021 10:24:03 AM)

Just for fun a comparision with t11 in WitE-1.
That not as historical. Onto a map with "every" airfield that was used.
Also more historical places. Same old counters as above.
Goran w


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (5/28/2021 10:32:08 AM)

Onto a game map.
AGN- air war -41. Movement and deployment.
Game air development contra history air war (Jagdgeschwaders)(Yellow stars).
Turn 1-5-10-15 and 17.
Schematic in the sense that I avoided to identify the groups.
Black squares supply with importance for also the air.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (6/1/2021 11:45:31 AM)

Interesting to see maps mods in different posts.
Thought of showing some new mods but realized its perhaps best to begin with the WitE-1 maps.
Ex. Mostly 4.TGA.
Here are 7 playable modded maps and one barely playable (The last one).
1 and 2 starting up WitE-1 maps. Note the thin white lines
in squares that should make it resemble a real map.
3. I think this is Red Marcus mod (Tell me if I am wrong!)
4. This I think is a Jison map. a map with overlay from a vegetation map.(The most beautiful one)
6 A black/white one. Beautiful to play with colourfull counters.
7.An overloaded version but full with information. One version had most of known airfieds
8.Typical german map overlay. Only playable? in middle and western areas
because of the fact that the original map was a bit shrewed in east.
Must be closely changed to correspond in facts.
Goran W


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (6/3/2021 10:17:50 AM)

Old finnish OOB.
Put onto Overkill01's great map mod.
My own, to some extent, forest, wood, counters, airfields and naming.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (6/4/2021 12:32:28 PM)

Turn 15 28-sept. Ai-Ai. 41-scenario.
AGN and air war. Game airfields ( Luftflotte 1+2) and historical (red dots).
Historical frontline. Occupation dates. Game units.
All based on map mod by Overkill01.
In many ways quite historical.
Goran W


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (6/5/2021 7:19:30 AM)

Turn 25 7-dec. Ai-Ai.
Game and historical frontline.
Unit locations game and OKH..
Onto map mod by Overkill01.
A sort of evaluation;
Newa line holds. Oranienburg pocket exists.
Tichwin attack difficult to make historical.
Instead an attack south at soviet armegruppe Nowgorod.
Goran W


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (6/7/2021 7:24:42 AM)

A hasty view of 4 maps. All beautiful in their one sense.
1. Game base map. 2."Generals map". 3."Rain map". 4."Fire in the east map".
I hope no person takes offense as the tiles are perhaps not fully representative.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (6/9/2021 12:06:09 PM)

Turn 1. Lemberg (Lvov) attack.
Historically a bit early.
Onto the Generals map mod.
168 inf.div from the north.
6.Army HQ retreats.
Goran W


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (6/13/2021 4:35:57 PM)

Attacks on Tarnopol.
Turn 1 Ai-Ai.
1 and 2/11 Panzer against
Soviet 80 inf. div.
Different maps.
Goran w


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (7/6/2021 5:44:14 PM)

Turn 25 at 7-dec-41.
Occupation dates. Onto Generals map mod.
Game and historical frontline.
Early battle south-east Rostow am Don. Rostow holds but is surrounded.
3 rumanian and 3 german units attack 54 inf brig.
A bit advanced to history. Likewise as over Newa
and Sewastopol fallen. Interestingly Tula holds.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (7/8/2021 6:22:46 PM)

RtL. Ai against Ai.
Game front 12-oct. Turn 17.
Historical frontline turn 15 and 20.
Occupation dates. Lat-Long.
Air situation turn 17.
Onto generals map mod.
Goran W


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (8/4/2021 2:30:57 PM)

Later version. Ai-Ai.
Turn 25
Historical frontlines turn 20 and 25.
Occupation dates.
German airfield signs.
All put onto Generals mod.
Newa line, Sewastopol and Tula not holding.
Too tough defense in front of Moskau.
As a whole a remarkable simulation considering all turns.


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