Rysyonok -> RE: Until 1948: The war that never ends (A solo AAR) (4/15/2021 9:49:18 PM)
Sep/Oct 1939, End of Turn: Germany builds 2 synthetic oil plants that are only 7 BP versus what I thought to be usual 8. Italy - a territorial and a submarine. Japan - a synthetic oil plant, two militias (one was free), two carrier planes (free), and a submarine. China - an infantry and a cavalry, both red; a strong offensive against IJA is definitely on my mind. CW build strategy is probably the most eclectic; a few ground troops to serve as ad-hoc infantry, a few planes, and an extra bomber - essentially, a bit all over the place. [image]https://i.ibb.co/QXDVxJC/0415A.png[/image] France builds 3 free volunteer units and a pilot / fighter pair. USA goes for all 3 battleships, carrier, and an amphibious unit, clearly aiming for the long-term benefit. USSR opts for a LND4 bomber, a pilot, and a garrison.