Rysyonok -> RE: Until 1948: The war that never ends (A solo AAR) (4/22/2021 10:18:14 PM)
May/Jun 1940, End of Turn: Production: China builds a Communist MTN and a Nationalist INF division. British continue the strategy of heavy bombers and cheap territorials. A TRS is sent back for repair; naval gearing overall is down to only 1 unit per turn, and that's dangerously low, something not to repeat in future games as CW. France builds an infantry, a garrison, and a fighter / pilot combo. USA starts 2nd phase construction on 1939 battleships, while repairing CV4 Saratoga and building a carrier air. USSR builds 2 infantry, 2 x LND2, a ski division, and a pilot. [image]https://i.ibb.co/927ZhFc/0422B.png[/image]