Bamilus -> Turn 12 Axis Panzer Reinforcements (4/12/2021 4:37:49 PM)
So, I've tried both ways with this and am struggling to figure out which one is better. I get this question is highly contextual, but I'll ask anyways. When the Axis get the 2nd and 5th Panzer Divisions on Turn 12, is it best to use tactical movement to get them to AGS or use railway (at least part of the way)? I'm not sure what's worse: the wear and tear on the ground elements and trucks using tactical MP (plus delay in getting to the front lines), or using an insane amount of rail capacity that will negatively impact supply for probably 2-3 turns. Infantry divisions and smaller units I have no issues with railing at least part of the way. I can seem to keep the rail capacity from being overwhelmed, but these are massive divisions with huge capacity. Just curious how people typically handle these.