Command: Kashmir Fire out now (Full Version)

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Roby7979 -> Command: Kashmir Fire out now (5/6/2021 2:06:01 PM)

Kashmir Fire the new DLC for Command Modern Operations is now available here

Fifteen hypothetical campaign scenarios recreate a near-future conflict between the world’s two most volatile nuclear nemeses: Pakistan and India.

Kashmir, the subject of a dispute between India and Pakistan since the partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947, is now the center of the scene.

Carriers, frigates, submarines; guide world’s most impressive militaries in a multi-sided campaign while trying to ensure the victory of your forces through thoughtful strategy and planning.

Are you ready for a new conflict?

Watch the video gameplay


thewood1 -> RE: Command: Kashmir Fire out now (5/6/2021 2:20:12 PM)

1) Would be easier if there was a store link. Takes quite a bit of poking around to find and buy it.
2) Can't install until 1.03 is installed.

Is 1.03 available and I just didn't see it?

stww2 -> RE: Command: Kashmir Fire out now (5/6/2021 2:28:11 PM)

AFAIK 1.03 came out on Steam this morning.

thewood1 -> RE: Command: Kashmir Fire out now (5/6/2021 2:31:17 PM)

I haven't seen it on this site yet.

Rain08 -> RE: Command: Kashmir Fire out now (5/6/2021 2:52:54 PM)

Since the update is out on Steam now, when will the changelogs appear? I suppose apart from the carry over of the beta updates, there's some additions/changes too, as the game says 1147.23.

sarjen -> RE: Command: Kashmir Fire out now (5/6/2021 2:54:12 PM)

Its live and installed. :)

thewood1 -> RE: Command: Kashmir Fire out now (5/6/2021 3:20:10 PM)

Is that on Steam or direct?

Dimitris -> RE: Command: Kashmir Fire out now (5/6/2021 3:43:01 PM)

It should be available on both release channels.

schweggy -> RE: Command: Kashmir Fire out now (5/6/2021 3:57:59 PM)

1.03 is available here: (PC Update Ver.1.03.114723)

And via the update utility in the game (update.exe)

Disclaimer: I haven't had a chance to update CMO or install the DLC yet, but have both downloaded and ready once I've backed up the current installation.

Roby7979 -> RE: Command: Kashmir Fire out now (5/6/2021 4:16:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: thewood1

Is that on Steam or direct?

yes,available on steam too

thewood1 -> RE: Command: Kashmir Fire out now (5/6/2021 5:55:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: schweggy

1.03 is available here: (PC Update Ver.1.03.114723)

And via the update utility in the game (update.exe)

Disclaimer: I haven't had a chance to update CMO or install the DLC yet, but have both downloaded and ready once I've backed up the current installation.

I have been getting errors when I try to update through the update utility. Had to download through Matrix My Page

ultradave -> RE: Command: Kashmir Fire out now (5/7/2021 12:05:22 AM)

I always get that. I never even bother with the Matrix updater. It's not unique to CMO. Other games have the same problem. For me it seems that no matter what settings I try, Windows is trying to protect me from Matrix :-)


JDLgnd -> RE: Command: Kashmir Fire out now (5/7/2021 3:42:17 AM)

Thanks for the DLC.

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