76mm -> RE: East Front Overload... (5/18/2021 6:53:55 PM)
ORIGINAL: rommel222 I too feel the weight of East Front games and trying to decide which ones are the best bet. At 69 years old I no longer have much interest in high learning curves and long turn times. As much as i feel the attraction to East Front 2, JTS Kiev '43 and Schwerpunkt World War II I would not play them. I opted to get Combat Mission Fire & Rubble and deal with soviet partisans. I'll get Fire & Rubble sooner or later but have more or less lost interest in the Combat Mission franchise. Too much modern content, too little East Front content, just not my thing. And most of the scenarios I played in CMRT were too puzzle-like for my taste, you had to play them in a certain way to have any chance. Also not my thing. For me there is no learning curve for the JTS games, I've played enough of them that it is old hat at this point. The main thing is to re-install autohotkey when necessary, so that I can use my full suite of hotkeys, and then remembering them. I never bought Schwerpunkt, I generally don't buy games without full-fledged editors; I've made an exception for the JTS games (although they lack a map editor) because the other editors are pretty good and I like the games otherwise.