carlkay58 -> RE: Another March to the East (5/19/2021 11:16:36 PM)
T04 Air Phase: We have established that even with AI Air Assist on I can perform supply transport without any breaking of the system. Another tool to get the AI to do what I want is through the Commander Reports - Air - AOG tab. There I can change the stance of AOGs and determine whether I want the AI to ADVANCE, HOLD, RETREAT, or FLEXIBLE. I personally do not care for FLEXIBLE as it seems too chaotic for me. If I place the AOG on HOLD then I can manually change the location of an AOG and it will stay there. I will do that with the Fleiger Fuerher Ostsee AOG at this time. This is the complete collection of naval aircraft in the LW. I have two objectives I wish to achieve here. The first is transferring the AOG to the Black Sea to be used against Odessa. The second is to transfer the command from Luftflotte 1 to Luftflotte 4. The AOG is currently near Koenigsberg. I right click on the AOG label and drop down to Naval Ops and select Odessa. I then right click again, go down to reassign AOG to and select Luftflotte 4. I then have to change the stance to ADVANCE so the AI will now control and move the AOG for me. I now activate the Air Phase. A Naval Patrol directive is now created for Luftflotte 4 which does no sorties as the AOG had to transfer down and had no mileage left. There is a Superiority directive for Luftflotte 1 that did not fly any sorties either. This is because the fighters are out of range of the directive box. [image]local://upfiles/35705/DCB6ADC356744510AECA3AC35E4FB45F.jpg[/image]