zgrssd -> RE: Official Shadow Empire poll is up and running! (6/11/2021 7:00:09 AM)
ORIGINAL: Vic I am trying what I can and will continue to try to reduce the times. However please do keep in mind that before release I debated this and decided NOT to block the large planets and high AI counts. (which especially in combination cause the huge turn times) My reasoning was that people who really like a faster turn-around would just have to play on small planets or medium planets with less major AIs. Alas... I could have predicted that people want bigger planets with many major AIs and a fast AI :) Not mocking anybody here. Just explaining my logic. So as I said i'll keep trying to nudge out some speed advantages in the coming months, but do not expect something super huge. best wishes, Vic If you as a developer add a option to a game, you take on a responsibility for it to work well. If you make a Space Sim with a Galaxy Size of X Stars, you are responsible for Galaxy Size X to have acceptable turn times. If you allow Y major regimes on the Planets of size X, you are responsible for those AI to not take too long a time. Adding Options creates a obligation of performance. The bigger you allow the planets to be, the more AI you allow them to have - the more time you have to invest into performance. I think you can get out of that - just hide those options behind a checkbox like "Experimental Options". That way everyone that chooses to play that way, knows what he is setting himself up for.