Cpuncher -> Taifun (Allies) vs Cpuncher 1939 Campaign V1.11 (Mostly just pics) (6/14/2021 1:11:51 AM)
Been busy lately so here I will mostly just post turn by turn screenshots (taken at the end of the Axis turn), of each of the following theatres: 1. Poland/France (Posts #2-10). 2. China (Posts #11-41). 3. Italy N Africa/Middle East (Posts #42-67). The Russian Campaign hasn't gone very far as Taifun called it a game in Dec 41. Germany was progressing well, dealing heavy damage to the Russians, though Taifun killed 2 Panzers. There was also an Italian E Africa campaign, which was still not completed. Taifun didn't commit much there early on. Let me know if you have any questions regarding any of the screenshots. I will try my best to answer. Since Taifun used a very similar strategy here to the one against IIo4Tu, it will be interesting to see how these 2 games differed in progress...