larryfulkerson -> RE: The Cobra vs the Mongoose (7/13/2021 7:35:03 PM)
ORIGINAL: Hellen_slith Hey Larry, Ken is definitely a tough and bruising player (at least when I played him) and he had the Germans that time and simply wiped me out. Incredible lengthy moves of 20,000 plus German movements, 200 plus battles .... turn after turn after turn. I was no match for him and suicided Stalin around move 20 or 25 I think. Anyway, one of the ways Mr. D and I are dealing with the immensity of the OOBs is, we are both turning one move per day (we're both retired so plenty of time) and when the time comes to send our moves, resolve battles and hope for the best! Each of us is taking about five or so hours per turn -- and neither of us can possibly move ALL units so our "time limits" serve to force us to develop a plan and carry it out and turn it around quick. Well, that routing seems to be working well for us, but of course YMMV. Also, just my two cents: I abhor dividing units in this scene. There are MORE than enough chits to move each turn without creating even MORE little sub-units to struggle with. And the Soviet air -- OMG, what a struggle with that, over 300 chits for me just Sov[iet] air, and moving those eastward from the Urals to replace losses each turn ... What a BEAST. But at least now I have a routine of doing that quickly. Well, anyway, GL in this one w/ Ken! Looking forward to following the action! I cannot thank you enough for this indepth report. Really...thank you. Yeah, I knew I had the fight of my life on my hands when I saw his resume. Wow. This Ken Fortune is worth his weight in gold. So I received his first turn moves as the Soviet player just now and I'm posting it here below so you guys can watch the playback the same time as I'm watching it. I've started it already but I'm pausing it so I can post this file below. My password is "test" without the quotes. That's the password beta testers are supposed to use so that the developer can debug our saved game files more easily. From what I've watched of his playback so far he's just moving aircraft around. That's what I would do too so we're both on the same page so far. Well, I gotta go watch the rest of the playback and start moving units around. I'll keep you guys posted on what happens.