Lebatron -> Severe combat bug I never seen before (10/7/2021 5:16:21 PM)
I don't see how the new patch could have introduced this bug, but maybe I've just missed it for years. What has happened twice now during playtesting of Deluxe is that in one case a CAG just kept killing everything run through on op-fire. In the second, it was an Arty killing ships that passed a straight. Since I'm playtesting I do goofy things, and deciding to run another ship through after the first is blown away doesn't seem sound but it revealed that the op-fire roll of a critical hit is not resetting for each roll of op-fire. So once the first roll is a critical I can continue the crit roll indefinitely as long as I have more ships to run through the straight. After seeing this twice and noting the large number of 100% crits there is no way it's just pure chance the 5% crit just happened to hit several time in a row. Has anyone ever seen the crit get locked like this?