Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (Full Version)

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scottj63 -> Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/14/2021 8:03:42 AM)


After watching a video series on someone playing the game, I decided to get back in it....Thank you for the post about performance. Got it running basically smooth now. In the game I don't remember how or why for a few things. Trying to load units in New Zealand to build up Espirtu and Noumea but I can't load any units even with AP's.....Can I be reeducated as to why I can't. Need to get ENG's up there to build up airbases. Also in Australia I can't load INF onto AP's either to get troops on a couple islands....

I am a retired guy living in the Philippines...I actually live at old Clark Air Base. Going to be painful to watch my home lost (laughing).

Thank you for the communities help in advance.

Scott in the PI

CaptBeefheart -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/14/2021 8:27:31 AM)


Great neighborhood. I might have taken the Asiana flight to Clark a few times. If I ever get that way again I'll give you a shout.

You are probably trying to pick up restricted units. Look for an (R) next to the HQ designation or the HQ line being grey rather than white (this is from memory--there are probably other indicators).

One thing to note is if you do manage to pick up a unit and want to send it to a base with a port under Level 4, you should load it on an amphibious TF, or else it'll take forever to unload.


scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/14/2021 8:32:07 AM)


thank you Sir for the reply. Will take a look when I open the game again...

Living here at Clark is nice....Big expat community (but a lot left since Covid) But many of us with families live here full time....Two of my brothers came to visit from the states and never left. One lives in the same subdivision as me so I have company 2 or 3 times a week. I have lived here for 15 yrs now and absolutely love it....If you make it this way after the Covid restrictions are gone please get hold of me. Always nice to have company to share a beer. I have a 6 keg system in my house so the beer is always flowing.

Scott in the PI

scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/14/2021 8:40:00 AM)


Another question for you Sir. I remember there being a screen where I could select what theaters are commanded by me or the AI.....I think (laughing). Can you direct me to where that is if it exists.

Scott in the PI

Platoonist -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/14/2021 9:17:48 AM)

You might be thinking of the predecessor game to this one called simply War in the Pacific. In that game you could assign a theater like China to AI control. In Admiral's Edition you can't. You run the whole shebang.

btd64 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/14/2021 11:33:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: scottj63


Another question for you Sir. I remember there being a screen where I could select what theaters are commanded by me or the AI.....I think (laughing). Can you direct me to where that is if it exists.

Scott in the PI

As platoonist said, that was the original game. Welcome back....GP

RangerJoe -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/14/2021 12:01:11 PM)

Here are two threads where a new player asked for help and received a lot of advise. I suggest that you try the Coral Sea Scenario first and then the Guadalcanal scenario next. Play each one several times and play both sides.

Coral Sea�


CaptBeefheart -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/18/2021 1:32:29 AM)

Six kegs at your place? Very nice. That's better than any watering hole I know of in your vicinity ("You want SMB or Light, sir?").

I have no idea when or even if I'll be heading back, but I certainly will let you know.

One thing I did about 10 years ago was hire a driver for the day and we traced the Bataan Death March. Great way to spend a few hours. I have yet to do Corregidor.


scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/20/2021 7:28:45 AM)


My dad was stationed here in the 60's at Clark. Have lived here 15 yrs but have only travelled to a few of the islands.

Getting frustrated with my submarines doing what they want to do...I sent them to a hex to patrol...and then I will see them moving back to their home port with all their torpedoes and lots of fuel....Is my only option to have them remain on station? I have lost the Lexington off of Johnston Island as the Pearl Harbor attack force got it and its entire TF...and just lost the Hermes off of the east side of Borneo. I never saw the carrier TF that got it....I haven't sank anything capital yet.

Scott in the Philippines

btd64 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/20/2021 10:23:43 AM)

Hey, you have "Auto Sub Ops" on. In the beginning of the game you should turn it off....GP

rustysi -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/21/2021 12:38:40 AM)


Is my only option to have them remain on station?

No. Set them to patrol, best to use several locations. An area you wish them to 'swim' around, like the sharks that they are.[;)]

scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/24/2021 11:32:44 PM)


That did the trick.....some still retire sooner than I want but I guess that is the captain. Having a great time I am at 30 Dec 41...Lost the Lexington after Pearl Harbor and lost the Hermes near DEI in an ambush....I am destroying his planes on raids pretty well he has lost like 150 more planes than I have an mostly bombers.

So glad I have got back into this.

Scott in the Philippines

BBfanboy -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/25/2021 5:59:46 AM)

The game really is a blast - the learning curve is enlivened by the uncertainty produced by partial info on the enemy and the inevitable mistakes your staff will make in giving orders (or not!) to your forces. Good luck and good shooting! [:)]

pontiouspilot -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/25/2021 3:05:15 PM)

You shouldn't put that info on here you will end up with dozens of us freeloaders showing up drinking your beer!!

If you get a chance take a visit down to Cebu.

scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/31/2021 2:17:30 PM)


More questions..... 30 Jan 42 now.....Have a couple carriers in Darwin after a very successful sortie into the Solomon Sea...Destroyed a very large invasion force that was heading SE to what I suspect would be Guadacanal. I am building up Tulagi as fast as I can and starting a base on Rennell. Problem I am having is my carrier TF in Darwin isn't refueling so I don't endurance to get them back out. Any ideas as to why? Second question which isn't as important is that my Chinese aircraft at Changsa won't fly their mission.....I have a flight of the AVG there and they are running their sweeps, but the Chinese birds stay on the ground....My other Chinese base with planes is doing their mission...Changsa has plenty of Air support also.

I got a little revenge when I sunk the CVL Rjuyo when they were raiding Midway....they didn't know I had the Hornet sitting up there....and got very lucky putting a torpedo into CV Akagi, which sank 10 days later on the way to repair. ASW ships are horrible, but I guess that is the beginning of the war for you.

Loving the game....Having nothing but time being at home full time I am getting a lot of turns in.

And my fellow American freeloaders would be very welcome here to enjoy my beer. I have a retired brother who lives in the same subdivsion as me so we get together 2 or 3 times a week to smoke and enjoy some drinks. I have lived here 15 yrs and I have never been to Cebu. Have been to Palawan, Bohol, and Boracay numerous times though....When there is no Covid BS going on I do most of my travel to other countries in Asia.

Scott in the Philippines

Platoonist -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/31/2021 2:42:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: scottj63

Problem I am having is my carrier TF in Darwin isn't refueling so I don't endurance to get them back out. Any ideas as to why?

I believe Darwin in the stock game starts as only a size 3 port. Being kind of a backwater installation (at the time) it probably isn't large enough to handle docking and refueling a CV task force. Plus, unless you transported more fuel there since the beginning of the war you'll likely suck it dry.

scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/31/2021 3:14:18 PM)


Yes it is Level 3 port now.....I have put a lot of fuel in Darwin. I am using Palembang as my gas station.....Will the ships eventually refuel at Darwin as I don't have endurance to go to Brisbane or Surabaya before they will start getting damage for being at 0 endurance.

Scott in the Philippines

btd64 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/31/2021 3:36:00 PM)

If you have any AO's available, send them to Darwin....GP

Platoonist -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/31/2021 3:36:12 PM)

Assuming you have the fuel there, (and it sounds like you do) you'll probably have to disband or transfer ships out of your carrier TF at Darwin and use the refuel/rearm ships in this port feature.

BBfanboy -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/31/2021 6:03:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: Platoonist

Assuming you have the fuel there, (and it sounds like you do) you'll probably have to disband or transfer ships out of your carrier TF at Darwin and use the refuel/rearm ships in this port feature.

If you want to retain the TF admiral, do not disband all the ships at once. Just transfer some of the ships to the base, click on the "refuel ships in port" button and then Right Click the same button to rearm what you can.

At a size 3 port a Carrier TF will not replenish its sorties (bomb and torpedo stocks) unless you have an AE/AKE present or much naval support. (See the rearm table in the manual for that detail.)

After that , transfer those ships back into the TF and then transfer the other ships needing fuel to the port and repeat the process. The port will likely run out of available Ops points before it can finish refueling everything. So you must decide whether to leave the carrier TF there (keep a good CAP up!) or start it toward a base where it can refuel and rearm completely.

Another thing to keep an eye on (this game gives you plenty) is upgrades - especially AA for the big ships and ASW for the DDs. Check your TF for ships that can upgrade in February and make a plan to get that done ASAP.

rustysi -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/31/2021 6:38:43 PM)


At a size 3 port a Carrier TF will not replenish its sorties (bomb and torpedo stocks) unless you have an AE/AKE present or much naval support.

Sorties at such a port may be restocked with 94 naval support, not too difficult to do. Torps are a bit more challenging to accomplish, needing 292 nav supp.

Platoonist -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (10/31/2021 8:53:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: scottj63
Second question which isn't as important is that my Chinese aircraft at Changsa won't fly their mission.....I have a flight of the AVG there and they are running their sweeps, but the Chinese birds stay on the ground....My other Chinese base with planes is doing their mission...Changsa has plenty of Air support also.

Regarding this issue, you may want to check the Inspiration/Air Skill/Leadership/Aggression numbers of whoever is commanding your Chinese air groups in Changsa. If those numbers are mediocre they may not be exactly inspiring their boys to fly offensive missions.

scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/1/2021 4:02:21 AM)

I had forgotten that everything has a commander who's "personality" (stats) dictate whether they listen to my orders or not....which is one of the great things about this game.....last night I had a very important convoy heading to an island.....and they retreated do to a surface threat.....I was like "where in the hell is this surface threat"...but they turned around based on what the commander thought was a threat...delayed my plan a couple turns....Japanese took Baker Island from me which I can't let happen as that is my shipping sending a big bombardment force to hit them escorted by one of my carriers....don't have enough shipping to get an invasion force trying to get some ships together to get Baker back....lost a couple auto convoys already do to surface ships hanging around there.....Singapore only 4 days....that was surprising....when they shock attacked and the odds were 1-1 I saw the writing on the wall....Got all of my planes out except a brand new 16 plane Hurricane squadron and I got out 2 of the ENG battalions for the air support for other places. Lost 19702 troops there. It appears the Japanese move faster than I do...

Thanks for the advice about upgrading ships....because ASW is horrible now...My ASW patrols have lost 7 ships and I have sank 1 sub with them...but also thank you guys for the Patrol advice....much easier to manage the ASW now.

I could have sworn when I played 10 yrs ago there was a button I could hit to make Home Port same as Destination instead of having to go across the screen twice.....Even with the EXE switches I saw you guys use in posts the game still runs slow across the map. Like if I have a convoy highligted with its route, I have to click off of it or the map scrolls like molasses.

Loving the fun I am having as the Japanese are raiding Midway AGAIN and my carrier for that area is on it's way to Bakers Island....good thing I have 100 fighters on Midway, they decimated the first wave of the attack.

Scott in the PHilippines

BBfanboy -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/1/2021 2:27:38 PM)

See the thread in the Tech section on slow performance. It will tell you all about switches that you need to set to make the old game engine run with modern hardware and newer Windows OS. Also pay attention to advice about turning off continuous displays of things like ranges, search arcs, hex details, roads, etc.

scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/3/2021 6:44:43 PM)

Thank you Bbfanboy, got the lag taken care off.....Fighting around Palembang is intense, about 50 ships from both sides down, but I got 3 BB's and have a couple carriers based at Surabaya which are giving them hell as their Cv's are in the Central Pacific and also raiding Midway a lot.....about 100 planes dead there in the last week, have 60 more fighters heading there on ships as the attrition is killing me there (laughing). Took Baker back and destroyed their invasion at Batavia. Thank god for rail lines to move troops. Rangoon should fall soon, but making them pay heavily in planes there with some AVG and 24 Hurricanes. Best pilot is at 14 kills now, second best is in a Buffalo with 11 kills. I bet he is looking forward to an upgrade.

Scott in the Philippines

scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/7/2021 1:01:53 PM)


Still major fighting around Batavia...they have invaded 3 times and I have beat them back 3 times.....Issue I am having now is my 2 carrier force based out of Surabaya isn't completely rearming both is at full sorties and the other is at 0 of 345 or something like that....It says can't rearm due to not enough OPS that the TF ops points or the ports? Don't want to send them back out without both carriers ready to rock and roll. And certain planes are awesome against ships.....Swordfish, Albacores and Vildebeests are doing a great job for me around the Batavia front. What is killing me is a lack of fighters..........everywhere (laughing). I have about 300 fighters in the states that I can't touch yet. End of Feb 42 and I am still holding Clark Field (which is good seeing I live there 79 years later) and Battaan.

Scott in the Philippines

BBfanboy -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/7/2021 2:03:31 PM)

The Ops points for rearming issue could apply to the port, the individual ships (not the TF as a whole) and the availability of supply. If one carrier replenished sorties and there is enough supply, the second carrier should replenish next day/turn.

I have seen some players make good use of the Demon fighters in Java, and fly down some of the P-40s from the Philippines. British Hurricanes are fairly plentiful but short-ranged, even with drop tanks. You could fly some in through Sumatra if you still have bases there or you could sneak some in by ship. You do need to change some bases to ABDA command to get Allied aircraft to fly in.

scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/9/2021 10:14:11 AM)


Thank you for the reply Sir, saved the game then hit next turn to see what happened with the carrier and you are absolutely correct, next turn the Saratoga rearmed. So that question is answered.....Clark fell on 1 Mar 42, so the version of me from 79 yrs ago would be no interned by the Japanese.

Can I ask what exactly are "extended maps"?

Scott in the Philippines

RangerJoe -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/9/2021 12:00:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: scottj63


Thank you for the reply Sir, saved the game then hit next turn to see what happened with the carrier and you are absolutely correct, next turn the Saratoga rearmed. So that question is answered.....Clark fell on 1 Mar 42, so the version of me from 79 yrs ago would be no interned by the Japanese.

Can I ask what exactly are "extended maps"?

Scott in the Philippines

Extended maps include other bases and separate some things like Subic Bay from Clark AFB. That is, if you are familiar [;)] with that area.[8|]

BBfanboy -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/9/2021 12:15:17 PM)

The ones I have seen are from the "Da Big Babes" mod site:

The last page offers three new map versions:
Stock Map with stacking limits in every land hex
Extended map with stacking limits as in stock map
Extended map with stacking limits in every land hex

The "extensions" to the map are a few new bases around Singapore and a new land mass between Aden and Abadan that blocks the direct off-map path between them, forcing the Allied player to send his convoys from Aden on-map much further away from the safety of Karachi, and send fuel tankers to Aden on-map for a couple of turns before they can go off-map again. This gives Japanese subs and raiders a chance to intercept them before they get to safety. There may be a few additional bases here and there that I don't know about.

You can change the map digital features by downloading the Zip file for the one you want, unzipping it and moving the three digital files to the map folder of the game to replace the existing ones. It is best to save the stock map versions of these files in a clearly named folder first before replacing them with the new ones.

Note that none of the Art .bmp files the map uses are changed. The Art files are for your eyes. The computer only sees and uses the digital ones.

There were also some changes to the stock map when Andy Mac created a new, less predictable AI for a few of the stock scenarios. I am not using these yet so I am unsure how they work. Look for recent discussions on the forum.

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