RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (Full Version)

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RangerJoe -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/9/2021 12:27:15 PM)

The new maps so graciously done by Andy Mac have more small bases to help the AI. But humans can take advantage of them as well . . . [:'(]

scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/10/2021 12:02:42 AM)

Thank you BBfanboy, so if you get extended maps you have to get scenarios that will work on the game...Less predictable AI is always a good thing....

Scott in the Philippines

Platoonist -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/10/2021 12:47:42 AM)

The extended maps work best with human players or with the Japanese AI. Since pretty much all the new added locations are in Allied territory the Allied AI wouldn't be able to use them because they weren't part of the game at the time the AI was originally coded and it doesn't even know they are there.

scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/11/2021 7:53:52 AM)


Couple questions again.....put my Air Combat TF in Darwin, port still 3.....let it sit a day and the Saratoga won't get any sorites (0/400 or so). The Enterprise still has 300/400 so I sent it out to patrol....The next 2 days it won't attack any convoys and the Saratoga is still not getting any sorties while in port at Darwin....Secondly, a lot of fighting around Batavia, have an AS in port in Batavia, but none of the subs I am sending there are rearming....Isn't that what AS is supposed to do?

Japanese ASW ships are doing much better than me...have about 10 subs in port repairing and the Tuna was sunk last turn near ASW is horrible on the IJN subs.

Scott in the Philippines

scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/11/2021 7:55:14 AM)

Platoonist, that is great for me as I only play AI and as the Allies.

Will download an extended map. What scenarios should I get for the entire war?

Scott in the Philippines

Torplexed -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/11/2021 10:42:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: scottj63

have an AS in port in Batavia, but none of the subs I am sending there are rearming....Isn't that what AS is supposed to do?

Does your sub tender (AS) have supplies aboard? Without supply at a certain level it can't rearm subs.

btd64 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/11/2021 10:54:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: scottj63


Couple questions again.....put my Air Combat TF in Darwin, port still 3.....let it sit a day and the Saratoga won't get any sorites (0/400 or so). The Enterprise still has 300/400 so I sent it out to patrol....The next 2 days it won't attack any convoys and the Saratoga is still not getting any sorties while in port at Darwin....Secondly, a lot of fighting around Batavia, have an AS in port in Batavia, but none of the subs I am sending there are rearming....Isn't that what AS is supposed to do?

Japanese ASW ships are doing much better than me...have about 10 subs in port repairing and the Tuna was sunk last turn near ASW is horrible on the IJN subs.

Scott in the Philippines

Hi, first thing is Darwin at level 3 doesn't have a high enough realm level. Or you need a replenishment ship like a AKE or an AE with supplies loaded and docked.

Also your AS ships need to have supplies loaded and be disbanded in port.

There is a chart in the manual for this port information. Hope this helps....GP

Alfred -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/11/2021 1:01:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: scottj63

Thank you BBfanboy, so if you get extended maps you have to get scenarios that will work on the game...Less predictable AI is always a good thing....

Scott in the Philippines

The AI is not less predictable in the more recent Andy Mac updates.

Time after time, people keep on making the quite incorrect statements that Andy Mac has updated the AI. He has done no such thing.

Andy Mac only writes the scripts. More than 12 years after AE was released, the only person who has written and publicly released new scripts is Andy Mac. The entire AE community owes him an immense debt for his work on scripts, both the original at release and subsequent product. But this is not the AI. The scripts merely set out the strategic plans to be pursued by the computer opponent. They do not change the criteria employed in choosing ships to populate a task force, nor which air targets individual air units will choose, nor the weighting to be accorded to what gets targeted, nor how upgrades are done, nor change the logistical flows to reflect dynamic changes to mention just some of the actual tactical AI.

The more recent Andy Mac scripts are neither better nor worse than the original scripts released in mid 2009. They are simply different and represent Andy Mac responding to human players becoming familiar with the original scripts. It follows that if a new player has never played the original scripts, for which there were usually produced up to 13 for each scenario, and instead has only played the most recent scripts (for which only a single one per scenario has been produced), they will be surprised and challenged by the original scripts should they subsequently play them.

A new player is not going to have a better AE experience merely by playing with the latest script. In fact probably worse for the replayability is much less as familiarity is quicker. With the original scripts, restart the scenario and the player will probably be confronted with a different script which has different plans to the previous game.


scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/11/2021 1:31:58 PM)

Thanks Guys for the reply.

My AS don't have supplies on board which explains that issue.

So I need an AKE or AE docked and loaded with supplies to get the sorties back.....Will get an AE (only have 2 left I think) to Darwin.

A couple more questions as I am playing....I set up a mine laying mission to mine Midway (my base still) but the mine layers go to Midway with 100 mines and go back to Pearl Harbor with 100 mines....Am I missing something here, or you can't lay mines in your own base?

How big of a shipyard do I need to repair BB's? Sent a the PoW to Sydney to repair and it is size 40....On the repair section of the ship it has an x No Repair on it but I still have 22 FLT damage.

I have 2 squadrons of Vildebeests that are not flying mission now....They were go to planes for hitting convoys in the DEI....I have change command to the local Dutch and still the "get pilot" area it is now greyed out also. I still have one squadron of them that are still flying missions. Everything looks the same in the squadron description screen.

Still haven't figured out why the Enterprise TF won't do air combat missions even with 300+ sorties available. When it was teamed with the Saratoga it would do missions, but once the Sara was out of sorties the Enterprise stopped flying also and alone in the TF it is doing nothing still. The Hornet is coming into play now and boy do I need it. Will have 2 CV's around DEI, one around Guadacanal/Port Moresby area and one in the Central Pacific. 2 British CV's will be hanging around Rangoon area. Sure could use some replacement planes on one of the British CV's. I take it I have to be in a port to hope for replacements.

Another very frustrating thing is seeing hundreds of fighters in the US that I can't touch. And about 60 B-17's that are just sitting on their bases training that I can't ship to the war zone.

Alfred, thank you so much Sir for the explanation on the extended map and scripts....I imagine my campaign I am playing now will take months so I can check them out later.

Scott in the Philippines

Platoonist -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/11/2021 3:15:18 PM)

There is an option within the the minelaying mission menu to lay mines or not lay mines. The default is to not lay mines so you have to change it or your mine laying task force will just sail to it's destination and back without dropping any mines.

scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/11/2021 5:17:27 PM)

Thank you so much platoonist for that. Found that button

Platoonist -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/11/2021 6:00:21 PM)

I think the crux of lot of the issues you are having with your carriers my friend is that you are trying to conduct high tempo carrier warfare operations out of a dinky, dusty outback port. Darwin would need to be about size 5 or 6 to properly support what you are doing. That would require a lot of engineers and months of time. This game really tends to punish poor logistical arrangements.

BBfanboy -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/12/2021 5:32:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: Platoonist

There is an option within the the minelaying mission menu to lay mines or not lay mines. The default is to not lay mines so you have to change it or your mine laying task force will just sail to it's destination and back without dropping any mines.

And also be warned that if your en-route minelaying TF is interrupted for any reason (simply crossing paths with an enemy xAK will do it), it will retire to home port ... and lay its mines there! Always monitor what is happening with minelayers!

scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/15/2021 8:25:04 PM)

Another one I can't figure out. Sub minelaying missions out of pearl harbor. The subs won't load mines. Shouldn't pearl harbor have a large enough port to have mines?

Maallon -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/15/2021 8:31:43 PM)

Mines are loaded from a global pool and not from a specific port.
Go to your intelligence screen -> Industry/Troops/Resource Pool and set the filter to mines there.

edit: The port size is of course important to actually load mines in the first place, but the mines them self are drawn from the global pool.

scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/16/2021 4:10:30 AM)


Got it sir, thank you.....actually a great idea as so I can't spam mines.

Scott in the Philippines

scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/19/2021 1:58:26 AM)

Next question isn't actually about the game, but wondering if something for the game exists....Google was not my friend.....Is there a user made map out there that shows the convoy routes used in the game? Something like that would be a huge help in setting up submarine patrols....

My game is going great and I am having such a good time after all the years. The way the ship losses are going I think the winning side will have a surfboard and 2 canoes at the end. Monstrous battles going on...The Japanese did a huge invasion of Canton Island.....I happened to have a 2 BB force heading to Espiritu Santo (my main base I am building up in the Solomon's area) so I sent them to intercept the forces....A cruiser force was escorting the invasion...or so I thought (laughing) Somehow I had a naval fight against a 39 ship convoy....I thought the size limit was 25 ships? Well my BB force sank 7 of them, then the CA force came in, battle was pretty weak for both sides, then my BB force hit the huge convoy again sinking 8 more....this was the night phase btw....ship movement and air phase came and then the IJN carriers that I didn't see attacked....Lost a BB immediately, second one crippled and is in Canton Island....and the invasion force landed...but my carrier (only the Yorktown) was east of Canton and devastated more of the invasion force just out of reach of the Japanese cv's which moved a bit west. The invasion force was retreated a hex due to the survivors of my BB force (3 DMS's). I can't lose Canton as it is right in the middle of the convoy route to Aussieland. I am already loading a counter invasion force in Pearl Harbor to get underway to either A) try and retake Canton, or B) put a lot of reinforcements in. On the other front (DEI) I am doing well, but the bleeding is starting to affect operations....surface combat ships are getting hard to come by with all the action in the area around Batavia. On the plus side my 2 CV TF is operating in the area and is really helping now. China is holding its own. I have actually cut the map taking Hanoi and Haiphong.

It would be nice if we could increase shipyard sizes like airfields and ports....Still frustrating as hell seeing all my air squadron's just sitting in the states with the (S) which seems to mean "you can't touch them" (laughing). Do those squadron's randomly become available for Political point use? Or is it hard scheduled? I am learning to love Minesweeper's around Rangoon. They are keeping Pegu and Moulmein open for my bombardment forces to hit...And the Japanese know that obviously as they send air raids in targeting those TF's

Having an outstanding time. The AI is playing a great game....Causing me fits often with those 1 or 2 DD raids that slip through my lines and hit convoy's, a transport convoy in Noumea being the last victim. They hit and disappear as I don't have a lot of search going behind the "front lines" I will have to start transporting the Kingfishers I have from the states to bases I am using as hubs to keep an eye out for those small raiding forces..And I need to stop being greedy using Catalina's as attack planes and get them with higher search percentages.

I want to thank everyone for the help that they are giving me. I greatly appreciate the time you are giving.

Scott in the Philippines

RangerJoe -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/19/2021 2:19:04 AM)

The convoy routes change based on the threats perceived.

Those static groups are useful. Use them to defend Conus and to train pilots. Some will withdraw and return, maybe more than once. They may come back and be available to be bought out.

scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/19/2021 5:38:42 AM)


Thank you for the reply Sir. So from what you are saying the IJN can use every hex for their convoy's....I am so glad that there is the "patrol" feature.....that is making sub missions much much more manageable....I have most of my Dutch and S boats in the DEI and Solomon's area and the US fleet boats around Japan and they are doing very well for me. Haven't lost one in a couple weeks also.

Scott in the Philippines

RangerJoe -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/19/2021 1:23:09 PM)

You are welcome.

scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/25/2021 6:06:43 PM)

From what I was reading that Rangoon is important for supplying China but you have to have a clear path for that to happen....I finally beat the IJA out of Rangoon and now we are fighting over Pegu.....So hopefully after I clear them from Pegu, the supplies can flow to China.

My one AE I have in the theater is in Tulagi supplying 3 surface combat/bombardment TF's that are rotating to Shortlands every day. The AE is the most valuable ship I have in the theater in my opinion. And according to my availability listing, won't be getting another one for awhile. Up to 6 carriers now with 2 British which are supporting Rangoon and 4 American, 2 of which are in the DEI and 1 in the Marshalls area and 1 supporting Canton/Pearl/Midway area. Have built up Rennel and Tulagi and have about 200 planes there now. It is the end of April of 42 and I am landing engineers to start building Guadacanal for another base to hit the Japanese. Sure am looking forward to the "Sleeping Bear" waking up and making me planes for replacements (laughing).

Scott in the Philippines

RangerJoe -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (11/25/2021 7:54:58 PM)

Look for the C2 cargo ships that can convert to AEs. My suggestion is to covert every one of them to AEs. The Ruth Alexander is one that I can remember without opening the game. In the standard game with no cargo mods, they carry 5400 tons of regular cargo, 200 fuel, and move at a speed of 16.

There are also ships that can covert to AKEs, they are also useful for the CAs, CLs, as well as the BBs with smaller guns. These can also resupply carriers with sorties.

scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (12/2/2021 11:58:04 AM)

Just got my brother War in the Pacific AE for Christmas as he is a huge wargamer also.....We normally play Hearts of Iron 4 together and Squad Leader is our main war game.....Retired like me I am sure he is going to be throwing hours away into the game soon.

My game is going good. Batavia/Balikpapin is the "front line" for me. Took back Canton Island, Took back Koepong. Beat them at Batavia twice. Rangoon is mine and I have the upper hand in Pegu which if I am not wrong is what I need to start getting bigger supply numbers into China. China is basically a stalemate but I think I have the upper hand as I took Hanoi and Haiphong cutting there lines in half along the coast. Most of my BB's are getting repaired though after lots of surface fights. Still have my 6 carriers but my DEI air combat force is lacking planes. Hoping for faster replacements.

Thank you to everyone who has answered my questions....Everything is going smoothly as my understanding has greatly improved....

Scott in the Philippines

Ian R -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (12/2/2021 10:08:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: scottj63

Just got my brother War in the Pacific AE for Christmas as he is a huge wargamer also.....We normally play Hearts of Iron 4 together and Squad Leader is our main war game.....Retired like me I am sure he is going to be throwing hours away into the game soon.

My game is going good. Batavia/Balikpapin is the "front line" for me. Took back Canton Island, Took back Koepong. Beat them at Batavia twice. Rangoon is mine and I have the upper hand in Pegu which if I am not wrong is what I need to start getting bigger supply numbers into China. China is basically a stalemate but I think I have the upper hand as I took Hanoi and Haiphong cutting there lines in half along the coast. Most of my BB's are getting repaired though after lots of surface fights. Still have my 6 carriers but my DEI air combat force is lacking planes. Hoping for faster replacements.

Thank you to everyone who has answered my questions....Everything is going smoothly as my understanding has greatly improved....

Scott in the Philippines

The Burma Road is explained on page 254 of the manual.

You don't need Pegu, there are other ways to get from Rangoon (origin) to Tsuyung (appearance point). The reference in the manual to Ledo as an origin won't apply unless you are using a map mod which includes the Ledo Road.

There are two references in the patch read me document as well - load it into your word-processor and tell it to find "Burma".

BBfanboy -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (12/2/2021 10:55:32 PM)




ORIGINAL: scottj63

Just got my brother War in the Pacific AE for Christmas as he is a huge wargamer also.....We normally play Hearts of Iron 4 together and Squad Leader is our main war game.....Retired like me I am sure he is going to be throwing hours away into the game soon.

My game is going good. Batavia/Balikpapin is the "front line" for me. Took back Canton Island, Took back Koepong. Beat them at Batavia twice. Rangoon is mine and I have the upper hand in Pegu which if I am not wrong is what I need to start getting bigger supply numbers into China. China is basically a stalemate but I think I have the upper hand as I took Hanoi and Haiphong cutting there lines in half along the coast. Most of my BB's are getting repaired though after lots of surface fights. Still have my 6 carriers but my DEI air combat force is lacking planes. Hoping for faster replacements.

Thank you to everyone who has answered my questions....Everything is going smoothly as my understanding has greatly improved....

Scott in the Philippines

The Burma Road is explained on page 254 of the manual.

You don't need Pegu, there are other ways to get from Rangoon (origin) to Tsuyung (appearance point). The reference in the manual to Ledo as an origin won't apply unless you are using a map mod which includes the Ledo Road.

There are two references in the patch read me document as well - load it into your word-processor and tell it to find "Burma".

Even when you use a mod with a road from Ledo to Myitkyina (or wherever), my understanding is that the extra 500 supply per day is hard wired to be granted only if the path is from Rangoon to Tsuyung. Of course normal supply flow will take advantage of any new transportation route in the map data.

Ian R -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (12/3/2021 2:43:37 AM)



Even when you use a mod with a road from Ledo to Myitkyina (or wherever), my understanding is that the extra 500 supply per day is hard wired to be granted only if the path is from Rangoon to Tsuyung. Of course normal supply flow will take advantage of any new transportation route in the map data.

You may be right, but that is not exactly what Blackhorse said - although not necessarily inconsistent with it either - here:


"To Tsuyung from Rangoon -- if there is a clear road/rail path, Tsuyung gets an extra 500 supplies/day.

Page 254 in the manual. The manual (wrongly) states that you can create a path between Ledo and Tsuyung. But there is no road from Ledo to China, so no 'free' supply."

scottj63 -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (12/4/2021 5:36:38 AM)

Thanks for the answers guys, checked the city Tsuyung and it says "Burma Road is open" so hopefully more supplies will get to China....and I clicked the "yes" in supplies for a few bases to see if that helps also. I could be doing great in China if I had the supplies. Holding my own though, and I have surrounded the city of Kukong so will eliminate that Japanese pocket soon. Japanese have another 2 carrier force that rushed Canton Island and hit a couple supply convoys hard...I have the Yorktown in Pearl Harbor but it and her escorts are repairing SYS damage so they can't intervene. Need another carrier to give them a chance anyways....I think the Wasp is out in 50 days. Indomintable took a torpedo near Rangoon so she is heading to Colombo to repair. but the Illustrious is coming onto the map now so will still have carrier coverage in the Rangoon front in a week. Drove the Japanese out of Pegu quickly so now I am debating to drive on Moulimein which would be a base to hit Bangkok with my bombers. I am running fuel from the DEI to Perth. Moving oil from Balikpapin to Surabaya to the refinery.

Scott in the Philippines

RangerJoe -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (12/4/2021 1:43:20 PM)

You can move fuel in xAKs unless there is an HR against it but if there is not enough fuel to load the tankers, send any extra oil to Australia to keep those refineries working.

HansBolter -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (12/4/2021 5:11:44 PM)

500 per day is nothing.

The road being open isn't about the freebie, but rather about how much supply YOU can ship into Rangoon.

If you want supply to flow to China, you need to ship enough into Rangoon to both satisfy the needs of the British Army in the vicinity and create a sufficient overage for it to be pulled elsewhere.

That requires a concerted effort with a considerable commitment of xAKs, escorts and air cover.

There may not be sufficient supply to meet this need in India and Colombo. The supply runs to Rangoon may have to originate off board.

Lots to plan and set up......

RevRick -> RE: Back in the game after 10 years, forgot everything lol (12/4/2021 6:51:02 PM)

Hey, Scott!!
Thank you for starting this thread. I am also one returning to game play (after retirement from Ministry) and need some of the same information. I haven't been fully able to return for some time, but have tried (unsuccessfully) to play intermittently. Even trying those attempts succumbed to the time demand. So this feels like starting all over again all over again (EGAD!) GRAZI!

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