Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (Full Version)

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DeHav -> Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/24/2021 10:36:38 PM)

This is something that I've actually encountered before. It happened on 'Goodnight, Irene' in v1.03, and now it's happening again on 'Brass Drum' on 1.04[1147.33](Steam version, always kept up to date).

The problem is quite odd - when any submarine reaches the dashed pathfinder part of its course near the strait, it will immediately start to randomly teleport around the area and be forced to the surface. I've tried moving submarines around in the editor, clearing their courses, just about everything I can think of and they still do it.

On the attached save file (Brass Drum) both the USS Texas and all Iranian subs are experiencing this. If you unpause, all submarines will be teleporting and forced to the surface.

I've uploaded the save to Dropbox - sorry if this breaks some sort of rule, it wouldn't accept the format on here. I can try to upload again if necessary. Download link here.

For what it's worth, I've tried both verifying files in Steam and totally reinstalling the game.

DeHav -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/24/2021 10:54:34 PM)

Incredibly, I just opened up the game again, loaded the save and it's stopped doing it.

I've had this issue before, and it definitely persisted over multiple reloads/restarts so I'm sure it will be back. Certainly worth looking into!

thewood1 -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/24/2021 11:01:35 PM)

I have never seen subs teleporting around. I'll try the save.

thewood1 -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/24/2021 11:06:23 PM)

You wouldn't by chance have the comms setting for subs turned on would you? If you do, when they submerge, they will become a limited contact until they surface or establish comms some other way. I'm not sure, but there might be a setting somewhere in the missions telling them to come to the surface at the end of their current run.

I'll have to go back and double check all of that. Its from a spotty memory bank.

DeHav -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/24/2021 11:36:47 PM)

Nope, I don’t have the realistic comms turned on. You can even see it in the editor when it’s happening, they’re randomly teleporting around in an approx 10nm radius. Always seems to teleport them to the coast too

thewood1 -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/25/2021 12:03:56 AM)

I ran it three times for 30 minutes game time and didn't see it once.

DeHav -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/25/2021 1:13:41 AM)

If it happens again I’ll try to make a video or something. It stopped after restarting the game but it’s happened often enough that there’s definitely something weird going on, it’s just difficult to reproduce!

michaelm75au -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/25/2021 8:29:57 AM)

'Teleporting subs' has been reported before and there is an open defect (0014685) regarding it. But as it is not easily reproduced, it would be extremely hard to determine the exact cause to 'fix'.
Most of the reports tend to be around pathing (dotted line) in 'constricted' water passages, from memory.

DeHav -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/25/2021 9:20:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: michaelm75au

'Teleporting subs' has been reported before and there is an open defect (0014685) regarding it. But as it is not easily reproduced, it would be extremely hard to determine the exact cause to 'fix'.
Most of the reports tend to be around pathing (dotted line) in 'constricted' water passages, from memory.

Interesting, it’s not just me then. If it happens again I’ll try to document everything I can!

nukkxx5058 -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/25/2021 11:44:26 AM)



Incredibly, I just opened up the game again, loaded the save and it's stopped doing it.

I've had this issue before, and it definitely persisted over multiple reloads/restarts so I'm sure it will be back. Certainly worth looking into!

Yes, I too had my sub teleporting in the strait at the end of Bass Drum !! So I confirm. My sub was on course scouting for my 3 fleets and studently, it was teleported way ahead and near the coast.

I just finished the scenario yesterday so this is very recent(with 1.04). Then my sub was stuck at the coast and couldn't move anymore. Several enemy subs were apparently stuck too near the coast.

thewood1 -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/25/2021 12:44:04 PM)

Thats very weird. I use OpBD as a benchmark on updates. I have run it literally hundreds of times and sent that USN sub around the bend each time. Never had it surface or teleport.

goldfinger35 -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/25/2021 3:35:07 PM)

I had that problem too in Goodnight Irene

maverick3320 -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/25/2021 4:14:16 PM)




ORIGINAL: michaelm75au

'Teleporting subs' has been reported before and there is an open defect (0014685) regarding it. But as it is not easily reproduced, it would be extremely hard to determine the exact cause to 'fix'.
Most of the reports tend to be around pathing (dotted line) in 'constricted' water passages, from memory.

Interesting, it’s not just me then. If it happens again I’ll try to document everything I can!

It's not just you. I've had this happen in a number of "Fury" scenarios by Gunner98. It was reported awhile back but apparently no one else could reproduce it.

Stanley_The_Rolmate -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/25/2021 4:27:43 PM)

It's happened to me as well(Reviving a giant, IoF 1 and 5, though they only surfaced in IoF 1), only with enemy subs in the Persian gulf though and I wasn't able to replicate it.

DeHav -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/25/2021 6:42:40 PM)

It seems like an issue with the game engine then, and not anything to do with scenario or doctrine.

It's interesting that it's always near the Strait of Hormuz. As it's one of the most popular shallow-water regions for CMO scenarios, it might be that it just happens to be the only place this relatively uncommon bug has been noticed.

BDukes -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/25/2021 10:39:43 PM)

I haven't experienced this in years. If it ever occurs. I'll post a save.

Where in the Straits of Hormuz did you guys experience it?


TempestII -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/26/2021 12:59:27 PM)

I've got a save of a Goodnight Irene here where all the Iranian Subs have surfaced. I've seen a Iranian Kilo teleport a short distance too.

(Don't judge me for having a few extra toys on the US side [;)] )

thewood1 -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/26/2021 2:03:46 PM)

I just opened your file and started it. Sure enough, all Kilos were surfaced. But I ran it for a few hours game time, just to see what happens. As the subs' batteries charged to full, they submerged. So either they all discharged their batteries or somehow the save doesn't see the battery level when it starts so surfaces.

I have run the original 3 times into the last day and not seen any subs surface that had charged batteries.

thewood1 -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/26/2021 6:42:48 PM)

So I just ran the save file from TempestII until less than a day left. By that time, all diesel subs had fully charged their batteries and then immediately submerged. Interestingly, if an enemy ship got near, they submerged to snorkel and continued to charge. So the issue seems related to battery charging. I suspect, with no testing, that its something to do with saves and reloads of scenarios with subs at a point in their mission. I have run the Good Night Irene three times from the start for a full day in game time and have not had a single issue with subs.

BDukes -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/26/2021 7:27:14 PM)

Glad somebody captured this although still not entirely sure what's going on.

Just tested. The Ghadir's are generally at 67% battery with the ROE threshold for recharge in transit/stating being 60% Is there leeway built into this maybe?

Just tried a deep rebuild and rebuild test to see if that was maybe the cause but nope. Works fine.

Check out the IRGN Flotilla. Seems to have run out gas and beached itself. No assigned mission.

This is a bit weird.


BDukes -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/26/2021 7:38:25 PM)

Just downloaded a fresh copy of GI from the steam workshop. The Iranian Ghadir's don't do this at game start or after a save.

Beats me.


DeHav -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/26/2021 8:48:27 PM)

It happened to my SSN - so it’s nothing to do with diesels recharging their batteries. The surfacing is instantaneous and teleporting happens every few seconds (real time).

It’s almost certainly a navigation issue - something is tripping up the pathfinding. It’s a bit like how aircraft sometimes get stuck on the edge of a NNZ and bounce off the edge in an unphysical way.

If it happens again I’ll make a video. As the issue is fixed by restarting the game (but not reloading the scenario) I suspect the best way to try and reproduce this bug would be to restart the game and few hundred times, each time loading a scenario and running it for a few minutes at max sim speed.

BDukes -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/26/2021 8:51:58 PM)



It happened to my SSN - so it’s nothing to do with diesels recharging their batteries. The surfacing is instantaneous and teleporting happens every few seconds (real time).

It’s almost certainly a navigation issue - something is tripping up the pathfinding. It’s a bit like how aircraft sometimes get stuck on the edge of a NNZ and bounce off the edge in an unphysical way.

If it happens again I’ll make a video. As the issue is fixed by restarting the game (but not reloading the scenario) I suspect the best way to try and reproduce this bug would be to restart the game and few hundred times, each time loading a scenario and running it for a few minutes at max sim speed.

Yes. Have fun with that.[:)]


thewood1 -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (10/26/2021 10:12:39 PM)

Well, I have done it 12 times now. Thats it for me.

Dimitris -> RE: Submarines surfacing and teleporting in Strait of Hormuz (11/3/2021 1:02:26 PM)

Does anyone have a (pre-happening) save that reproduces this reliably, even at least on his machine?

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