Cassini -> Militia tracing supply to home city... (11/30/2021 8:25:47 AM)
I participated in the Beta over two years ago, and just purchased the game a few days ago and dove in - MUCH has changed from the days of the 0.96, 0.97 versions of the Beta!!!! My FIRST suggestion is in regards to the tracing of militia supply. In my start up game, I gained a few client minor states. All is well. Another major power declared war on the client minor power and its forces came under my control. Here's the problem - the supply 'rules' has supply (for attached units) traced to the SHQ - I only had one SHQ at this point. All the units of this minor (formerly) were promptly out of supply since I couldn't get a supply line to the now militia units. Fix: change the 'code' to allow militia (ONLY) units to trace supply to either their 'home' city hex OR the SHQ to which they are attached (which ever is more advantageous to the unit). This would fix this problem. As for all the 'special' units that pop up within a zone (once it becomes controlled by the player) - these need to be 'assigned' to militia forces too (if a valid supply line cannot be traced back to SHQ) - as all of these are promptly out of supply once the former client minor becomes a friendly controlled zone (without a supply line back to SHQ). Without this change - making a minor into a client state is actually counter productive for the player - since the forces of this former minor (should it be invaded by a major) cannot possibly resist an invasion while out of supply. Another issue... the manual that came with the game is MUCH reduced from the manual that accompanied the beta versions two years ago (there was MUCH more info regarding what is going on in the game in the Beta manual). Is there anyway to get the Beta manual put up too? (with all the necessary disclosures that it isn't updated to current standards). Once I was no longer able to participate in the Beta, I completely uninstalled all files and had my anti-virus 'shred' them to comply with the terms of the Beta testing.