Oberst_Klink -> RE: Americans steam roller everything (help) (12/6/2021 2:30:11 PM)
ORIGINAL: okeefe Im playing as Nazis and trying to blow all the bridges in the first scenario where you have to hold bitburg, americans have tons of armor and bazooka. I use all the Stug cards to no avail, anyone got any tips? I presume you're referring to the Westwall Scenario? Not an easy one, but if you like a tutorial, I am inclined to do some slides. Note: I used an updated German | Allied trooptypes library (added some recon points to the units I have mentioned before) and adjusted the German models to reflect the VG.Btl. and VG regimental artillery unit; e.g. using 4 x 7,5cm leIG 18/37 within the respective VG.Btl, more PzSchreck (acc. to TO&E they had up to 54 per regiment), VG.Art.Rgt got 7,5cm FK nA16, not 12,2cm FH(r). Klink, Oberst