tyronec -> Naval Patrol bombers not flying. (1/13/2022 8:35:05 AM)
T8 of my game with K62. The Naval Patrol around Odessa is set to run 4 strikes, 70 fighters and 70 bombers. It has 130 bombers and 169 fighters available, 50 of the bombers have only 8 hexes to fly, the rest of the bombers and the fighters are further away. By the third attack there are only 44 bombers flying. By the 4th attack there are only 3 bombers flying. Some of the bombers have not flown at all. The fighter escort are fine, they are still flying at maximum strength. How is this happening ? I should have shown combat 8 for the last one instead of 7, but the numbers are the same. [image]local://upfiles/52296/BE75877316244BFBBD7BA4CB51499054.jpg[/image]