Rail connections (Full Version)

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eskuche -> Rail connections (2/4/2022 4:41:35 PM)

They don't seem to need to be connected in real life, just be in adjacent hexes, to give supply.

edit: you can even ship troops across that


AlvaroSousa -> RE: Rail connections (2/5/2022 3:46:18 PM)

That is correct. It is how I designed the game. I couldn't figure out how to do it with connecting.

WP2 will have connecting rail hexes.

eskuche -> RE: Rail connections (2/5/2022 3:50:49 PM)

Thanks. I thought about the programming needed to fix that and realized it's probably way too much for a few edge cases in a few hexes [X(]

ORIGINAL: AlvaroSousa

That is correct. It is how I designed the game. I couldn't figure out how to do it with connecting.

WP2 will have connecting rail hexes.

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