Staufenberg44 -> RE: China 37 (2/15/2022 12:21:26 AM)
I had trouble my first time through but once you understand supply better Shanghai, and Nanking not long after, are assured. What I like about it is how it makes the Japanese player feel as they must have felt in the Senso-shi-do (Supreme War Council)--big victories and advances! But the Chinese, with their inferior armies, refuse to surrender and accept the writing on the wall: and on and on it goes and when you advance deep enough supply will really bite you in the a**. And then all hell breaks out in the Pacific to the east as the Americans blockade you and force you to go for the oil. It's a perfect introduction to the game system. Japanese naval and amphib operations limited. I don't like the over-rated Montgomery but his basic rules of strategic war surely stand true: Montgomery’s rules of war 1. Don’t march on Moscow. 2. Don’t go fighting with your land army on the mainland of Asia.