bradmbrown -> (7/21/2001 7:04:00 AM)
I fell in love with tabletop wargames when a friend brought over Avalon Hill's "Blitzkrieg." That was a LONG time ago. Nevermind...
Since then I have fought at Waterloo, Gettysburg, the Ardennes Forest, Kursk, Borodino, Antietam, Arabella, Chinese Farm and HUNDREDS more.
Seems the more detail I craved, the worse I was at digesting rules. Sure, we all know, if rules are well written, after a few turns they make sense and things happen a bit more smoothly, still, well, you know...
I have friends who are crazy about Squad Leader and you know something? I have been unwilling to commit myself to such an HUGE and UNWIELDLY rules system. My friends say, "Come on! You gotta come over, we have this GREAT scenario!" Well, I would love a great scenario if it weren't for ALL THOSE EDITIONS OF RULES, on and on and on and on.
Now comes along SPWAW. HEHEHE!!! I downloaded it as soon as I ran into it on the web and I have lost a LOT of sleep since. There are no rivals as far as I know.
I can take as long as I want to play, no fear of the cat walking across the old table downstairs (Terrible Swift Sword).
No one has spilt a coffee on a game yet (Wellington's Victory, Pickett's Charge, Midway).
No wife has threatened to leave because of lack of petting, praising and attention (Divorced: no worries, mate!).
I don't have to grow a long thumb nail and index finger nail to get at those STACKS. (I hate stacks).
No need for a referree in double blind games! It is hard enough to find opponents, let alone another who wants to attend and umpire.
There is one and only ONE beef I have about this game:
I cannot find (or afford) a four feet wide by eight feet long computer screen, which would be HEAVEN.....