Rhodan -> (10/12/2003 9:09:25 PM)
Allright Wild Bill, that seemed to do the trick, it would seem the program created a nesting folder within the main folder. Thank you very much for taking the time to talk me through this. I plan to enjoy MCDF now :) - slap on the fingers of Matrix for not fixing this install bug that showed up on the boards some time ago. This was downright sloppy, sorry guys. - another slap for not taking the time to reply to my email last tuesday(wednesday?), letting me at least know it was received and my concerns looked into. - last but not least, I do not know who to look at for this , but I really dont appreciate any kind of software being installed on my computer , be it spyware, adware or whatever, by either Matrixgames or it's distribituor. Both installing SPWaW7.1 and MCDF my firewall went beserk, telling me a program called SUF60runtime had tried to access the Net. This puppy seems to be linked to somethign called irsetup.exe , which in turn resides int he temp folder while installing takes place. If this program serves a useful purpose such as checking for newer versions etc then, ofcourse, I will withdraw this complaints immediately. I am really not the kind of guy that complains easily about software, and I can live with bugs within the code, but sheesh... this was something that could have been dealt with some time ago. WB, once again, thanks for taking the time to help me through, I owe you one :D