Nikademus -> (8/14/2001 2:09:00 AM)
I'm gonna side with Paul on this one.
Sources i have often have called the 2pdr one of the finest if not the finest anti-tank weapons of the early portion of the war *in terms of pure armor penetration*. At the very least, given it's size and all i'd expect it to preform comparably with the German/US 37mm and also the 50/L42 KwK.
However as Paul pointed out, there are several variables, hard to express in the SP:WAW engine. The primary ones being the early shatter problem of the 2pdr round and the German switch to face-hardened plate. One must ask, what motivated the Germans to make the switch if the 2pdr was so mediocre?
I'd actually argue against reducing it's power. My most recent experience with the 2pdr hardly showed it to be the 'uber-weapon' people in this thread are ascribing it too. Heck, in a shootout with experienced Italian tankers in M13's I found their 47mm weapons doing far more damage and penetrating more often at range (500+yards) than the mightly two pounders were doing.
I also found that often with penetrations the small round would'nt ace the tank but would only cause minor damage. And this was against M13's!!! Not even talking about face-hardened Pz-III and IV tanks
The biggest problem of the two pounder was that it did'nt have an HE round which made it useless against the variety of other targets out there. Tanks dont primarily fight other tanks, they fight infantry and their support weapons (guns/artillery) the bane of commonwealth forces in Africa were not the was the AT guns. This is part of why the 50mmL42 was a better weapon overall for the early/midwar period, its HE round was quoted as having a good chance at causing suspension and other damages even in non-penetrating situations and of course, it could be used against infantry.
And with it's APCR can take out KV's frontally (not sure about that! 130mm seems high)
The other problem of the 2pdr was that it was a victim of progress. It started out a good weapon but was quickly overtaken by the developments of war and was kept in production for far longer than it should have for reasons touched upon already in this thread.
as for the Boys AT rifle. hav'nt seen it taking out too many tanks frontally. Think this might be due to the 'vulnerable hit' location popping up from time to time. Otherwise, a suspension hit is the best i'd hope for. I would expect them to at least have a chance against halftracks. The weapon was designed to take out light tanks, not just halftracks and such and there lies in the true disapointment of the weapon. virtually useless against any decent AFV but marginal against halftracks and other similar types. With the new infantry rules though it takes a brave man to fire off his weapon and only a half track. I've often made the AI pay for such tactics