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All Forums >> [Current Games From Matrix.] >> [World War II] >> War In The Pacific - Struggle Against Japan 1941 - 1945


Chiteng -> (11/15/2003 6:45:02 AM)

I would argue that you could bring Japan to its knees with simply Gato production. If you built enough Gato.

You COULD do that, with minimal impact on the rest of the war.

There are many strategy.

byron13 -> (11/15/2003 6:59:40 AM)

Nope, sorry Chiteng. Mdiehl wins this round. Assuming you actually said that Mac and Nimitz were wrong to try a two-pronged approach, you're licked. The statement - if made - presumes you believed that they had the assets available to successfully execute a single-pronged advance and, therefore, should have done so. Now in WitP, having been allocated the same forces they were allocated, you say you cannot make a single-pronged approach cannot work. I don't see King coming into this equation at all. Either you can successfully execute a single-prong attack through the Central Pacific with the forces historically allocated or, if you can't, I think you've got to admit that the historical strategy is somewhat validated.

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