harlekwin -> RE: 8.0 Corrections/Suggestions (3/4/2004 4:53:43 PM)
Keke this is correct but also a lost cause. The German early use of the 76.2, the off-board nature of the calliope, all valid concerns. We have a forum to vent at and the last official "by the company" 8.2 OOB appears to be a personal scenario toolset more than an attempt to portray an accurate model of the evolution of combined arms warfare. Please allow me to ask you to consider impacting 8.2 as a lost cause and join me in waiting to cast a gaze at it when released with a wary but fair appraisal. At a minimum an honest and brutal assessment needs to be made of their use of the limited slots available and this can be done more openly at the Depot or on another forum. Your research was good, and your cites not flawed I particularly like the point about the heat round for the 76.2 but you know the drill "engine issues" or whatever. Keke there is more reasonable input and cross-x elsewhere. If 8.2 is smashing success I will happily be red-faced, if not well there are things that can be done and the behind the scenes guys are NOT the monolith that is being presented here. Flaming Erwin while fun and arguably warranted is a distraction form the real work being done, and a distraction from the valid concerns being raised. David Heath has said he will give oversight to the scrub. That is good enough for me to back off and wait he is a stand up guy. If there needs to be an "8.3" or a "7.12" made by a third party we will cross that bridge when it comes. regards, sven quote:
ORIGINAL: Keke quote:
ORIGINAL: KG Erwin Tomo, you have hit the nail on the head. Not only forum administrators but the top man, Dave Heath, have gotten drawn into this. Steps have been taken to address the problems, but apparently more drastic action will have to be taken. It will be done. Enough is enough. The perps have been identified, and they will be the first to respond, or else they will just shut up and let us go about our business. To the troublemakers-- this is your final public warning. Any more spamming or trolling will result in your banning from the Matrix forums. If this is done, and you come back under a different name, I will simply delete your posts. This crap has to stop, now. I try to hold my temper here since this post is so out of line. You are just trying to convince more casual readers with your questionable political rhetorics, which reminds me of Fascism or Bolshevism, that there are three identified terrorists here who try to hamper the work of the OOB-team. That is just BS. You can FE check my posts about T-34s and improved aircrafts and see that they are no spam, but pointing out concerns about the current OOB, and backed by facts. My agenda has been to point out more or less obvious errors in the OOBs, keeping in mind that historical realism, within the game limits, is the goal of the game. If it is not, then it has been just waste of time, and I should apologize.