Uber Zero escorts (Full Version)

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Barlock -> Uber Zero escorts (2/26/2004 1:59:58 PM)

Quick question... How does the computer seem to have knowledge of what I'm doing with my CAP after his turn has already been processed, and then increase his escort and reduce his bomber count accordingly and has anyone else seen this or is it just me?

Here's the background:

I've been playing UV on Scenario 17 as allies vs the computer. It's late Dec 42 and I've managed to recapture Lunga. The Japanese are regularly bombing Lunga's airfield and resupply convoys - which is to be expected - so I've moved in both Enterprises'and Lexingtons' air wings (both carriers are off for repairs at Pearl) and further reinforced Lunga's air assets with a Marine wildcat squadron. Initially experience in the fighter squadrons were up up over 73% with 99% morale and no fatigue. Lunga itself has no less than 4x radars operational, 2x CD detachments, and 3x AA battalions and I've managed to build up level 7 fortifications.

The Japanese are bombing Lunga on a daily basis from Rabaul and Shortland and sending in bombardment TF's every few days (which have so far led a blessed life and miraculously avoided all my approach minefields - with over 600 mines each - 0 hits at all! [&:] )

I've noticed that when my CAP level is small...the Japanese will send in a small fighter escort with a large number of bombers. However, when my CAP is set high, the Japanese then throw in 200+ zeros with a mere handful of bombers. Needless to say, my CAP get's slaughtered at this point...

This effect can be repeated ad-nausem by replaying the same turn over and over. No CAP...few fighters, lots of bombers....large CAP, few bombers, bucketloads of fighters...

Here's a copy of a relevant combat report for a high CAP:

Weather: Clear
Air attack on Lunga , at 38,40

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 142
A6M3 Zero x 86
G4M1 Betty x 18

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 81

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero x 2 destroyed
A6M3 Zero x 1 destroyed
G4M1 Betty x 3 destroyed
G4M1 Betty x 7 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
F4F-4 Wildcat x 22 destroyed
F4F-4 Wildcat x 26 damaged

LTJG B.Kanda of F2/1st Daitai is credited with kill number 9

Allied ground losses:
Men lost 96

Airbase hits 12
Runway hits 16

Attacking Level Bombers:
2 x G4M1 Betty at 6000 feet
9 x G4M1 Betty at 6000 feet

Same turn, reloaded but with 0 CAP up:

Weather: Clear
Air attack on Lunga , at 38,40

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 22
G4M1 Betty x 52

Allied aircraft

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M1 Betty x 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
SBD Dauntless x 13 destroyed
SBD Dauntless x 9 damaged
PBY Catalina x 4 destroyed
PBY Catalina x 3 damaged
F4F-4 Wildcat x 11 destroyed

Allied ground losses:
Men lost 223
Guns lost 7
Vehicles lost 9

Airbase hits 16
Airbase supply hits 9
Runway hits 23

Attacking Level Bombers:
12 x G4M1 Betty at 6000 feet
16 x G4M1 Betty at 6000 feet
12 x G4M1 Betty at 6000 feet
12 x G4M1 Betty at 6000 feet

DoomedMantis -> RE: Uber Zero escorts (2/26/2004 3:11:05 PM)

well either the AI was just lucky or it cheated, we know its not lucky sooo.......

I suppose that you have so many advantages over the AI, it feels it needs to get some back. If you play like you would against a human oppnent you should be alright.

pertsajakilu -> RE: Uber Zero escorts (2/26/2004 3:25:36 PM)


If You are playing against (com)puter it seems that it "miracuously" knows Your cap settings. I have noticed same thing. When I set cap to zero bombers (unescorted) appear over my base. Cap is up..no bombers. Also puter controlled planes do more strikes per day than Your planes.

If you play against puter ( like me ) You have to use to it.


Kermit -> RE: Uber Zero escorts (2/26/2004 3:39:35 PM)

Yep - I also get the same issue against the computer. Nothing can be done about it and once the allies get their "uber" P-38's and Corsairs it won't matter much anyway.

In the meantime just don't fly your fighters unless you really need to (like to cover a convoy) unless you have a burning desire to kill your pilots [:D]

If you do want to rebuild your pilot experience (and I thoroughly reccommend you do), rotate the devastated squadrons through PM and set them to sweep over Lae. The computer only usually puts a squadron of Oscars there at this stage in the game and they sure make nice target practice.

DJAndrews -> RE: Uber Zero escorts (2/26/2004 6:50:19 PM)

The preferences setting for degree of difficulty makes a difference too. On "historical" the computer AI is largely unassisted. Increasing the difficulty doesn't make the AI any better, it just allows the computer to cheat.

DoomedMantis -> RE: Uber Zero escorts (2/26/2004 11:49:31 PM)

One thing you might notice is that even though they get more strikes in, they also suffer more operational losses as well. They are flying more often when tired than a human player would

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