Spwaw 8.2 : scenarios fixing (Full Version)

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Resisti -> Spwaw 8.2 : scenarios fixing (3/2/2004 12:40:09 AM)

Ok, with reference to the thread “a stiff salute is in order”, and as anticipated in there, I’m posting hereunder the document I prepared, explanatory of what I’ve done, with regard to texts/titles/scenarios fix.

The only problem, is that I cannot upload here the little additional goodie I prepared, actually, cause the Forum is not allowing any .zip/.doc attachment (will this be ever fixed?!?).
So, for time being, those who want to have it now, just put their mail here, or send me a PM.
I’ll ask that this file will be included in the patch, too.

Here we go:

A big work has been done on the about 350 scenarios showing in Spwaw 8.2 and a considerable amount of my free time has been spent on this; approximately 200 hours in a 6 weeks period of time.
I hope you’ll keep this in mind and be indulgent with me, when you’ll discover something that slipped me through [:)]

Few new scenarios have been added and others have been moved to fill the holes left by those (few) scenarios we had to delete for different reasons.
In particular, all the Tutorials, which where missing in the 8.0 release, have been moved back in.

All the scenarios’ titles (the .cmt files) have been revised and made consistent with a given scheme; all titles in the list are now showing this structure:

nnn(scenario slot)-abc(title)-nn(year)abc(author’s code)

To achieve this, some titles had to be modified/made shorter, but all the original titles have been maintained in the intro texts.

All the intro texts (the .txt files) have been revised and made consistent with a given scheme which should allow the player to have all the necessary information about the scenario at hand.
Each text will now show:

Type of engagement
Place of the battle
Hour and date of the battle
# of turns
Scenario size
Estimated time of play (where provided by author)
Testers’ names (where provided by author)
Designer’s name
Designer’s mail address (where provided by author)
Player Notes (where provided by author)
Historical background (where provided by author)
Sources (where provided by author)

The evaluation of the scenarios’ size has been done mainly following a scheme based on the total # of units used, but also taking in consideration the # of turns and if the human player is on the attack or in defence.

Each text has been checked for misspelling (using the Windows Word orthography check feature).

The graphical aspect of the texts has been improved, too, and they all are now showing with a better columning and spacing, when opened in the game.

Then, the scenarios have been checked for compatibility with 8.0.

Part of this work has been done by scenarios’ authors (so you can’t blame me for these, if something is wrong [:-] ), and a considerable percentage of them by myself.

Either for patch’s space reasons, and also for an evident impossibility to fix also the smaller glitches in 350abt scenarios, those with minor problems have not been fixed, so you could still find map’s texts errors, or the “P1”-“P2” issue, or units having more weapons than the # of men they are composed with (a sniper with a rifle and grenades, i.e.), etc.

Another hard decision has been not to replace those tanks that had some of their characteristics modified in Spwaw 8.0/8.2, like Range Finder or Fire Control. With many, many thousands of units potentially involved, this what not a feasible task for a human being alone. [sm=crazy.gif]

The things I’ve basically checked, and asked authors to check, are:

Map glitches
Units showing a wrong icon
Units having wrong weapons
Vehicles having an inappropriate carry capacity for the units they were intended to carry.

All these checks have been necessary since some weapons/units had their slot changed, inside their own oob, as well as certain vehicles had their carry capacity modified (reduced).

In example, Grant and Stuart I tanks, when appearing in old scenarios, had their main gun swapped into a Twin AAMG…
On a funny note, I found some American battleships bombarding the D-Day shores with…. Bayonets!! ROFL

Last, I created a document, which includes the complete list of all scenarios showing in Spwaw 8.2, with author’s name, year, and theatre. It will come handy, I’m sure, especially if you use it taking advantage of the “filter” feature of Word application, so to easily find all scenarios designed by a given author, or all scenarios taking place in a certain year, etc. I turned this feature on already, in the document’s copy I’m attaching here.
TIP: update this document on a regular basis, whenever you add a scenario in your own Spwaw installation.

A word on campaigns: there will no chance to have them revised in time for the patch release: few are, but many others don’t, yet. Some are under revision while writing by their authors.
I count to have them all(or most of them) fixed(under the limits indicated above) at a later stage, and release them separately. Sorry, but we can't do everything at the same time..[:(]

I would like to thank “Wild” Bill Wilder for all the help he provided me during these weeks, for all his words of encouragement, and for having stored all the revised files as a back up copy on his PC [sm=00001746.gif]

Well, that’s all folks!

Voriax -> RE: Spwaw 8.2 : scenarios fixing (3/2/2004 12:54:05 AM)

Wheee.. :)

Resisti, you should be able to post your goodie if you zip it, then change extension to a one forum allows, and post. Just remind all to change the extension back to zip when they download.


Goblin -> RE: Spwaw 8.2 : scenarios fixing (3/2/2004 12:54:11 AM)


A big work has been done on the about 350 scenarios showing in Spwaw 8.2 and a considerable amount of my free time has been spent on this; approximately 200 hours in a 6 weeks period of time.

Holy *^&# Resisti! [X(]

Awesome job!


rich12545 -> RE: Spwaw 8.2 : scenarios fixing (3/2/2004 1:09:23 AM)

Resisti, what you've done requires far more than a salute. It is mammoth. It is incredible. It is way way beyond the call of duty and I can't begin to tell you how impressed I am with this effort.

John David -> RE: Spwaw 8.2 : scenarios fixing (3/5/2004 5:33:12 PM)


Man, unbelievable.[&o]

Please my friend, get some sleep[;)]

We all thank you for your efforts and your dedication!


Gvaihir -> RE: Spwaw 8.2 : scenarios fixing (3/5/2004 5:54:58 PM)


heck, this is amasing... GREAT JOB MAN!!


lexxan -> RE: Spwaw 8.2 : scenarios fixing (3/5/2004 7:20:30 PM)

Sei un Grande! Io non avrei resistito ma tu ....si! Ovviamente.

Fradar -> RE: Spwaw 8.2 : scenarios fixing (3/5/2004 7:56:50 PM)

Thanks Federico : great job.
Mille grazie !

VikingNo2 -> RE: Spwaw 8.2 : scenarios fixing (3/5/2004 8:37:42 PM)


mine_field -> Would like this please. (3/11/2004 12:13:33 AM)

I have version 8.0. I have noticed the problems you have been working on. I was hoping you could email me the changes. I don't have the 8.2 that you mention. I'm assuming this is under development. I am very new as you might imagine, I posted a thread in the training center.
You can email me at kstallings@nc.rr.com .
Thanks in advance.

Goblin -> RE: Would like this please. (3/11/2004 12:34:17 AM)

8.2 hasn't been released yet, mine_field. They are going to release it in the next few weeks, barring problems...


Resisti -> RE: Would like this please. (3/11/2004 12:44:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: mine_field

I have version 8.0. I have noticed the problems you have been working on. I was hoping you could email me the changes. I don't have the 8.2 that you mention. I'm assuming this is under development. I am very new as you might imagine, I posted a thread in the training center.
You can email me at kstallings@nc.rr.com .
Thanks in advance.

I've just sent you a mail.

Charles2222 -> RE: Would like this please. (3/11/2004 4:41:17 AM)


On a funny note, I found some American battleships bombarding the D-Day shores with…. Bayonets!! ROFL

That's funny? I'll have you know that's a game feature. Everyone knows battleships were prone to pick up any ol' weapon they found lying around on the ocean -er battlefield. As for weapon useage they could in a pinch spin those rifles like ninja throwing stars and stick the enemy with the bayonet that way. It's a feature I tell you.

robot -> RE: Would like this please. (3/11/2004 3:49:51 PM)

Mine you keep talking about 8.0 and 8.2 There is a 8.1 out that deals with the MG issue and some graphic things i believe. Also maybe some of the descriptions of the scnerios but im not sure on that. If you hit the upgrade button i think if you dont have the latest patch it will do it automatically.

mine_field -> RE: Would like this please. (3/12/2004 11:44:15 PM)

I just hit true update. In game screen still says 8.0. Remember getting an 8.01 patch some time ago that dealt with mg knocking out suspension.

Resisti -> RE: Would like this please. (3/12/2004 11:49:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: mine_field

I just hit true update. In game screen still says 8.0. Remember getting an 8.01 patch some time ago that dealt with mg knocking out suspension.

This is just fine.
The "8.1" was not a patch, but only a quick fix for the MGs issue, and nothing else.
The "real" patch will be out in few weeks, and will be named 8.2.
At the point, updating your Spwaw version, will make the game screen show 8.2

IBTyrone -> RE: Spwaw 8.2 : scenarios fixing (3/20/2004 6:47:14 PM)



A big work has been done on the about 350 scenarios showing in Spwaw 8.2 and a considerable amount of my free time has been spent on this; approximately 200 hours in a 6 weeks period of time.
I hope you’ll keep this in mind and be indulgent with me, when you’ll discover something that slipped me through [:)]

As one who never has enough time to play his favorite game, I appreciate what you've done, Resisti, to make it better for all of us. Thank you for the gift of your time and energy.



The only problem, is that I cannot upload here the little additional goodie I prepared, actually, cause the Forum is not allowing any .zip/.doc attachment (will this be ever fixed?!?).
So, for time being, those who want to have it now, just put their mail here, or send me a PM.
I’ll ask that this file will be included in the patch, too.

Can Gunny as moderator get the file loaded up to the forums for you if you emailed it to him? Something of this magnitude would benefit all if it could be made available to everyone via the forums. It would also be easier to reference if online. Any reason why this can't be done? Maybe I am missing something in my ignorance. Thanks for your consideration.

Resisti -> RE: Spwaw 8.2 : scenarios fixing (3/21/2004 12:31:02 AM)


As one who never has enough time to play his favorite game, I appreciate what you've done, Resisti, to make it better for all of us. Thank you for the gift of your time and energy.



The only problem, is that I cannot upload here the little additional goodie I prepared, actually, cause the Forum is not allowing any .zip/.doc attachment (will this be ever fixed?!?).
So, for time being, those who want to have it now, just put their mail here, or send me a PM.
I’ll ask that this file will be included in the patch, too.

Can Gunny as moderator get the file loaded up to the forums for you if you emailed it to him? Something of this magnitude would benefit all if it could be made available to everyone via the forums. It would also be easier to reference if online. Any reason why this can't be done? Maybe I am missing something in my ignorance. Thanks for your consideration.

Hi there, and thanks for your support :)
If you're asking for the reason why the zip files can't be attached on this Forum, the only reply which comes in mind to me, is that Matrix wants to save some bandwidth and limits the uploads/downloads (not whining on this, just guessing :) ).
If you're asking why Glenn couldn't try to upload here my file, well, I dunno if he can, but I admit I've not thought to ask him, neither :)
I'll do.

joki -> RE: Spwaw 8.2 : scenarios fixing (3/22/2004 5:16:09 PM)

Resisti -
Awesome work !!!! [&o]


tracer -> RE: Spwaw 8.2 : scenarios fixing (3/22/2004 6:04:09 PM)

Incredible job Federico! [&o]

I have some server space at Streamload.com, and could 'donate' about 400mb/month
of bandwidth if you'd like to place the files there. Just PM or e-mail me.

Resisti -> RE: Spwaw 8.2 : scenarios fixing (3/22/2004 7:02:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: tracer

Incredible job Federico! [&o]

I have some server space at Streamload.com, and could 'donate' about 400mb/month
of bandwidth if you'd like to place the files there. Just PM or e-mail me.

Hi Tracer.
It’s very kind of you to make such an offer, really!
But the whole stuff will be included in the next official patch.
I don’t even know if I would be allowed to release it separately.

Thanks again for your support :)

Wild Bill -> RE: Spwaw 8.2 : scenarios fixing (3/31/2004 5:42:08 PM)

I've always had the greatest respect for Resisti. Without a doubt and at the risk of hurting someone's feelings (which I don't want to do!), I will say that this man is one of the most thorough in scenario testing I've ever worked with.

I salute you, Federico for taking over this task and completing it with high honors. You have done us all a great service.


teck -> RE: Spwaw 8.2 : scenarios fixing (4/3/2004 3:44:53 PM)

any idea as to when all of this hard work will be released?

Resisti -> RE: Spwaw 8.2 : scenarios fixing (4/3/2004 11:25:25 PM)



any idea as to when all of this hard work will be released?

I can't help you on this. It will go out together with the oob update and the other stuff; everything's in Matrix's hands, by now.
Wait and hope attitude ;)

jewel -> RE: Spwaw 8.2 : scenarios fixing (4/5/2004 12:46:15 AM)

Thank you Resisti. I cannot imagine all the hard work. Simply amazing! J. [&o]

Wild Bill -> RE: Spwaw 8.2 : scenarios fixing (4/7/2004 3:05:34 AM)

This was one of Resisti's finest pieces of work, a real labor of love for all of us SPWAW faithfuls!


Riun T -> RE: Would like this please. (3/11/2005 12:03:47 AM)

OK ,bitterly confused my version says 8.2 in the files and shows 9.5 when I start after the movielet WHATS the real version??
8.2 solitare on the scenarios screen

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