If you were Born before 1985 (Full Version)

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David Heath -> If you were Born before 1985 (3/11/2004 6:56:13 PM)

My brother inlaw found this on the internet and emailed me it. I found it funny as I read it so I figured I post it here and share it with you.

Were you born before 1985? And those of you who were born after 1985, maybe you should take heed. Maybe you could learn something. This pretty much says it all! According to today's regulators and bureaucrats, those of us who were kids in the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's or even the early 80's, probably shouldn't have survived. Our baby cribs were covered with bright colored lead-based paint. We had no childproof lids or locks on medicine bottles, doors, or cabinets, and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets. Not to mention the risks we took hitchhiking. As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags. Riding in the back of a pickup truck on a warm day was always a special treat. We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle. Horrors! We ate cupcakes, bread and butter, and drank soda pop with sugar in it, but we were never overweight because we were always outside playing. We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle, and no one actually died from this. We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps and then rode down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. After running into the bushes a few times, we learned to solve the problem. We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the street lights came on. No one was able to reach us all day. No cell phones. Unthinkable! We did not have Playstations, Nintendo 64, X-Boxes, no video games at all, no 99 channels on cable, video tape movies, surround sound, personal cell phones, personal computers, or Internet chat rooms. We had friends! We went outside and found them. We played dodge ball, and sometimes, the ball would really hurt. We fell out of trees, got cut and broke bones and teeth, and there were no lawsuits from these accidents. They were accidents. No one was to blame but us. Remember accidents? We had fights and punched each other and got black and blue and learned to get over it. We made up games with sticks and tennis balls and, although we were told it would happen, we did not put out any eyes. We rode bikes or walked to a friend's home and knocked on the door, or rang the bell or just walked in and talked to them. Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn't had to learn to deal with disappointment. Some students weren't as smart as others, so they failed a grade and were held back to repeat the same grade. Horrors! Tests were not adjusted for any reason. Our actions were our own. Consequences were expected. The idea of parents bailing us out if we got in trouble in school or broke a law was unheard of. They actually sided with the school or the law. Imagine that! This generation has produced some of the best risk-takers, problem solvers, and inventors, ever. We had freedom, failure, success, and responsibility --- and we learned how to deal with it. And you're one of them! Congratulations. Please pass this on to others who were blessed to grow up as "kids" before lawyers and government regulated our lives "for our own good" !!!

ShermanM4 -> RE: If you were Born before 1975 (3/11/2004 8:13:10 PM)

What happened in 1975? I was born in 1980. Even the changes between the time when I was little and now are staggering. I think the biggest kicker is that most play grounds have some kind of synthetic soft core ground. They do not have dirt, gravel, or mulch like they did in my day. None of the equipment is dangerous any more, its all built from plastic and brightly colored metals. In my we day we had wood and steel. Nothing was better than getting a few friends on that big metal marry-go-round disk, and then going so fast we all flew off and then vomited any more. The best part was getting on the swings on swinging as high as you could and jumping off when reaching the apogee. Then only to land on hard gravel (hopefully feet first). Also, I think the biggest problem is declining birth rates amongst the middle class. For some reason the only child now has it way better than 2+ ever did. Just my thoughts not trying to start an argument.


Itsjustme0771 -> RE: If you were Born before 1975 (3/11/2004 8:18:27 PM)


Thanks for posting your feelings. I assume that these are your personal feelings and not the feelings of Matrix. As an attorney, I take a bit of offense to the generalization.

Kids not being the kinds of kids you remember are primarily the fault of their parents, not lawyers and regulators.... but those are just my feelings.

Tactics -> RE: If you were Born before 1975 (3/11/2004 8:27:22 PM)

I dont get it. I was born in 1971. There has always been good and bad parents as well as good and stupid laws/rules. Edit that post and put in a paragraph or two, it was a tuff read.

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> RE: If you were Born before 1975 (3/11/2004 8:30:06 PM)

I tried talking to a friend a short while back about the Gulf War (first one). I was stunned when he really didn't understand what I was talking about. I told him sheeesh it was on the news man night and day, where the heck were you. Les I was only 6 it wasn't all the interesting to me at the time :)

I had the pleasure on being born the year the world almost ended. 62 Bay of pigs, the big show down. Move your missiles or else.

I remember being a kid, playing and all that. I have tried to limit how much I remember of my middle age years though. The cold war was too cold while I was a part of it.
I did not enjoy the film The Day After. It was so bloody flaky that the society I lived in actually thought they could wage nuclear war and get away with it.

Now Bush wants a stupid missile shield to defend against fairy tale enemies. All he will do is make the rest of the planet scared of the US enough for them to band together to get rid of the US.
Problem is, I am standing next to Bush at the moment.
My only hope is, when the push comes to shove, they use something clean and efficient, so that they don't get me too.

It won't come in a missile attack, that is soo 80s. No it will likely come through the President's email. The world better collectively wake up soon.

David Heath -> RE: If you were Born before 1975 (3/11/2004 9:28:46 PM)

Hi Guys

This was not intended to be serious... it was something I found funny and not in any way to be taken seriously. See I knew I should not have some out of the office. [8|]


MemoryLeak -> You shudda known (3/11/2004 9:35:12 PM)

Some of these people just enjoy walking around with a puckered butt. I'll bet they are a laugh a minute to be around. That's probably why the only people that will talk to do so via computer.

Greyshaft -> Politically Correct (3/11/2004 10:19:40 PM)


Original = Itsjustme0771
I assume that these are your personal feelings and not the feelings of Matrix. As an attorney, I take a bit of offense to the generalization. Kids not being the kinds of kids you remember are primarily the fault of their parents, not lawyers and regulators.... but those are just my feelings.

And I remember a time when you could say what you thought and didn't expect Lawyers to pop out of the ground and tell you what was Politically Correct... Lighten up there... it was just One Man's Point of View and I think it was quite a good one... though I expect it has been circulating in one form or another since Adam played Fullback for Jeruselum!


Original = Les_the_Younger
I had the pleasure on being born the year the world almost ended. 62 Bay of pigs, the big show down.

Les you astound me! Born in 62? Why the way you carry on I thought you were aged 62. [:D] From now on young whippersnapper I'll have a bit more respect from you towards those of us born in the 1950's [:-]

Fallschirmjager -> RE: Politically Correct (3/11/2004 10:54:27 PM)

Has anyone noticed something call the life expectancy rate?
It keeps going up

The "good ole days", wernt that good

John David -> RE: Politically Correct (3/11/2004 11:36:01 PM)

I took it for what it was meant for David. Must be that I'm getting old! 45 Tomorrow [X(][X(]!

Yeah, I made it, through the 60's as a kid, the 70's as a teenager and the 80's as a young adult. According to the stats, I'm a fluke!



Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> RE: Politically Correct (3/11/2004 11:49:34 PM)


In looking at the post David posted, and realising David was just trying to post a lighthearted post, I think we have all perhaps forgotten the point of the post was to get a chuckle.

I dropped the ball on that one myself.

David Heath -> RE: Politically Correct (3/12/2004 12:13:59 AM)

Hey John..... Happy Birthday


Marc von Martial -> RE: Politically Correct (3/12/2004 12:43:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: David Heath

Hey John..... Happy Birthday


Hey, at least your smiley can stand a nice "bottoms up" , huh ;) LOL

Marc von Martial -> RE: Politically Correct (3/12/2004 12:44:20 AM)

Happy birthday John!

EricGuitarJames -> RE: Politically Correct (3/12/2004 2:27:17 AM)

Back to Daves post. Living on a run-down farm out in the back-end of the back-end of beyond I suppose I see things differently. Home-made swings, trees that get climbed, a pond to swim in - I see my landlords kids (aged 7-10) and my niece and nephew (about the same ages) running around, playing games, getting hurt! They come inside, play on my XBox and my computers, eat and drink, and then go back outside. And do it all again. The spirit is still there, kids just need the opportunity.

Oh and Dave, just to be certain of not causing offence, use the odd smiley[:D][X(][8D] or whatever[;)]

Sarge -> RE: Politically Correct (3/12/2004 3:37:38 AM)

crazy kids of today.

John David -> RE: Politically Correct (3/12/2004 5:58:05 AM)

Thanks for the Birthday wishes guys.

The best thing is, that I get some presents this weekend. I have MC's NA, LV & WT. 3 guesses as to what I'm downloading for my favorite gift![8D][8D].

Love that guy named WB![&o][&o]


Nomad -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (3/12/2004 6:12:48 AM)

Davids post struck a cord with me, I guess being born in the 40's will do that to you.

chief -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (3/12/2004 7:21:46 AM)

Ah yes the good old days....I remember the depression, Pearl Harbor, WW2, scrap drives, rationing, good music, cute girls, ah but too soon to old we get. Also had the oppurtunity to see up close 15 Atomic explosions and one Hydrogen, may we never see another one.

BORN 1932.......Robot is older by one year.

rosary -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (3/12/2004 11:28:11 AM)

@Dheath: I thought the post was funny.

dinsdale -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (3/12/2004 4:30:16 PM)

Oh the irony :) don't some of the replies underline exactly what the original piece was driving at.

ravinhood -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (3/12/2004 10:23:00 PM)

Take me back to the 60's when comic books were a dime, a bottle of REAL coke was a nickel, and wargames were $3.64. Gasoline was .19 to .25 cents. Going to a movie was .50 to get in, .25 for a large box of popcorn and .15 for a large soda, still had a dime left over after a night at the movies. Something like 3 to 4 songs on the juke box for .25. I think the 60's early 70's before Nixon screwed everyting up, were the best of times, and afterwards when Nixon took office, they were the worst of times and have been ever since! LOL

tsimmonds -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (3/12/2004 10:32:32 PM)

Course you only earned $0.50/hour....[;)]

demonterico -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (3/13/2004 6:49:30 AM)

My first job was pumping gas, and I believe that was 1967. If I remember right I made $1.15 an hour. The gas I pumped was .20 to .25 a gallon, and a six pack was $1.00. Yeah if you had $2.00 you could drive around and drink all night. Hey and talking about driving, the greatest cars ever built were built in the 60s. (GTXs, GTOs, SSs, Cudas, oh yeah) My only complaint is I'm still waiting for my flashbacks.

NefariousKoel -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (3/13/2004 11:23:15 AM)

Growing up in the Cold War era, I understand completely where you're coming from.

Lately, I've been noticiing the literal "panziness" of the city people not only here, but everywhere. Not a week goes by that I don't see some c*cksmokin farghole lobbying for more laws in order to prevent idiots from killing themselves. I say... so be it.

I've only seen this since I've moved to the city. Back home, if someone blew off their left thumb, it would be from stupidity. Here, they seem to make it an ordeal of massive life-saving proportions. I've only seen these nazi liberals pushing for laws to stop idiots from sh*tting in the literal gene pool since I've moved to the city. It's been 10 years of disgust.

If you wanna save people's lives, make it a lifestyle. Don't proposition your f*ckin governor to turn this into the government restricted red scare your forefathers fought against you f*cksitcks!

ravinhood -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (3/13/2004 5:04:24 PM)


Course you only earned $0.50/hour....

I was making $1.25/hr at McDonalds, man I was rich. ;) Then got hired at the bowling alley making $2.40/hr + 3free games of bowling, that really was rich job back then. Damn why did I quit that job? Oh I remember, the draft got me! LOL

Ron Saueracker -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (3/14/2004 10:13:46 AM)

1965 was my birth year. Think I was born 30 years too late sometimes. I'm too simple at heart for a lot of this government involvement/mother government crap. And of all places to live...in Ottawa, the worst possible place if one is in any way at odds with beauracracy and teetsucking.

Matrix, you are one of the best at time shifting, if only through sims. Try a real time machine, I wanna be a tester![:D]

Guiri roig -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (3/17/2004 1:00:55 AM)

I was born in 1957, and despite the obvious cultural differences, the story was pretty much the same. I played, I fell, I got dirty. I went fishing and fell into the river. I climbed trees and fell off them. I picked my nose and ate the snots. I did all the things that, nowadays, children would be hauled before a shrink for doing. Somehow or other I made it through the 70s, although it was all a bit hazy... Hey, Desmonterico, if you're still waiting for the flashbacks it's because you didn't take enough acid..;-)
Now I've got kids of my own, and the world has changed. Everything is too serious, too earnest, there's not enough fun for kids anymore. Now I'm living in a big city, with a different culture to my own, and it's weird. Parents bring their kids to the park and warn them not to get dirty! Okay, there are more pervs around now than 40 years ago, but that doesn't justify paranoia.
Toys are expensive, all made in China and are crap. 24 hours and they're either broken or obsolete.
As Dinsdale mentioned, the responses underline the piece. Thankfully, Spain has not become a lawyer's paradise. They do perform a useful function, like insurance agents, economists and priests, but I wouldn't let my daughter marry one. If I had a daughter.
Happy belated birthday, John D.

NefariousKoel -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (3/19/2004 8:25:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: Ron Saueracker

1965 was my birth year. Think I was born 30 years too late sometimes. I'm too simple at heart for a lot of this government involvement/mother government crap. And of all places to live...in Ottawa, the worst possible place if one is in any way at odds with beauracracy and teetsucking.

Matrix, you are one of the best at time shifting, if only through sims. Try a real time machine, I wanna be a tester![:D]

I don't know about you boys but... this sounds like a genuine Canadian cry for help! He wants to be American! [&o] What will the fellow Ottawans say?!

Firefly -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (3/24/2004 11:03:52 PM)

I'm surprised no-one has done the obligatory Monty Python skit yet [:)] .

I was born in 1952 and remember my parents and aunts and uncles telling me how lucky/molly-coddled kids were these days. How they didn't have TV and comic books in their day, they had to make their own entertainment, never answered back to adults and if they misbehaved a kindly passing copper would clip them round the ear etc.

One thing that never changes is middle-aged jealousy of youth [:D] .

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