Coachace -> (12/2/2001 12:05:00 PM)
Bought a number of MCNAs for gifts, Firefight, preordered the next MC. I WILL purchase pretty much every game Matrixgames sells.
Just a thought, though, and I apologize if it's already been discussed, but I recall when SPWAW first became available for free and followed its evolution through its subsequent versions, and it seemed that when the wave of enthusiasm was high, most of the gamers would have bought whatever went up for sale (aside from those who live abroad and can't afford the shipping).
I recently read PCGamers' William Trotter's article about Matrix Games' deal with Simulations Canada and got the fever all over again thinking about it. I know these games nneed to be developed, and that takes time and resources, but I can honestly say that when all your products are made avaialabe for purchase, I think we'll all see what the computer wargaming community is really capable of. I, too hope David H., Paul V. and ALL the Matrix Games people realize their hard fought and well deserved success in this industry. I EAGERLY wait for all your products AND I fully appreciate what you have done for the gaming community to date.
I wish there was something I could do (other than tithing) to support your efforts. Hey, I'm an accomplished IT professional. Need anything networked or hardware repaired?
CHEERS and Happy Holidays. Put some more up for preorders and I'll personally discuss preorder benefits with Santa!