What is WitP to you? (Full Version)

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TheElf -> What is WitP to you? (6/20/2004 11:14:32 PM)

It has come to my attention after frequenting these forums for over a year, both UV and WitP, that the scale of these games draws people like us to them for very different reasons. I'm interested, and I'm sure everyone else is too, in finding out: What is WitP/UV to you?

Feel free to be as descriptive and specific as you like. Is it a WWII game simulating the Allied experience? Is it a chance to change history as the Japanese? Do you play it for the large surface actions or the Air war? Are you Navy-centric? Army-centric? Air-corps-centric?

As for myself, I enjoy all aspects of the game in phases. If I had to narrow it down to one thing though, it would be the Air War. I enjoy both sides, but I favor the Japanese as the underdog.

I am really looking forward to your responses.

TheElf -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/20/2004 11:17:35 PM)

Almost Forgot: For your first AI or PBEM game who will you play? Allies or Japanese?

Jonny_B -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/20/2004 11:19:30 PM)


What is WitP to you?

Realism in all aspects, from combat, supply to leadership, which this game has taken into account.

TheElf -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/20/2004 11:22:20 PM)

Thanks for the response![:)]

Platoonist -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/20/2004 11:23:12 PM)

Always been fascinated by naval warfare and Gary Grisby's PacWar was my favorite game of the early 90s. I liked it's scope and detail. All the important ships, planes, divisions there....not just abstracted or lumped together. I was new to computer games then, so I like the fact that it did the bookkeeping and provided an opponent....albiet a somewhat befuddled one.

This one will take it even further. After all this time I'm still entranced by the scope and detail. All the way down to the individual PT Boat level. I'll probably never finish a full campaign game...but it'll be epic fun trying. Plus it's the first grand strategic game I've had to look forward to in a looonng time.

brent_2 -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/20/2004 11:23:57 PM)

For me it is the chance to look at everything, everywhere. Of course that's also my biggest fear about this game.

For me I'll take the allies first, just because there's less "now what was that kind of plane again?" kind of stuff. I just don't know as much about the Japanese equipment and such.

Jonny_B -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/20/2004 11:31:59 PM)


Japanese, there is no way for them to win the war, and please all you allied fan boys, do not respond by saying they can win by holding out to a certain period of time or events. That would be like holding onto you know what.

Holding your breath

The cards are stack against Japan, I always cheer for the underdog.

Go Miami Hurricanes in the College World Series.

siRkid -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 12:30:35 AM)

I've always loved turn based war games. For WitP its the chance to control the enitire operation from start to finish.

Drex -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 12:37:47 AM)

I like large-scale naval wargames( tactical naval games haven't interested me as much as strategic/operational). WitP is the next stage above PacWar. I will play both sides otherwise you are missing half the game.

GameTester -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 1:02:43 AM)

WiTP offers several things to me: a historical overview of the war in the pacific, a great gaming challenge that should test my intellect, and the ability to play 'God' in my own fantasy universe. [:)]

Von Rom -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 1:26:03 AM)

Few games such as UV and WiTP are being made today.

WiTP will be a dream come true.

I like the big historical strategy games - gives you a greater feel for what happened.

I also like the idea, as the Allied Commander, of being able to take control of just one theatre in WiTP. The AI will be in control of the other Allied theatres. This way, the game should be far more interesting.

I will no doubt have a few choice words to throw at the AI Allied Commanders when they make those "bonehead" moves. . .

IronDuke_slith -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 1:30:32 AM)

It's strange that no one has said

"Chance to give Raver a good kicking."

I guess I must be the weird one...


brisd -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 1:59:45 AM)

I have always been a fan of strategic wargaming, whether it was AH's Third Reich or SSI's Pacific War. This game is the next on my list. I enjoy operational games and some tactical ones too, naval and land combat both appeal to me. So WITP is what I've been waiting for. I will play both sides, taking the Japanese probably more as I enjoy the challenge.

Grotius -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 2:45:44 AM)

I love the fact that WiTP is a combination operational (and sometimes even tactical) gameplay with strategic scope. Whenever I play a purely operational game, I think: yeah, but what's going on in the next sector? Whenever I play a purely strategic game, I think: yeah, but I wish all the fleets and air units weren't dealt with so abstractly. WiTP allows me to have it all!

As for which side, in general I'll favor playing the Japanese simply because they're the underdogs. But for my first game, a learning game vs the AI, I'll play as Allies because you start with fewer things to manage -- no production, fewer units on the map, by all accounts less planning. Once I've learned the game (and unlearned what I need to unlearn from UV), I'll favor the Japanese.

TheElf -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 2:48:18 AM)



But for my first game, a learning game vs the AI, I'll play as Allies because you start with fewer things to manage -- no production, fewer units on the map, by all accounts less planning. Once I've learned the game (and unlearned what I need to unlearn from UV), I'll favor the Japanese.

This is a good point. I hadn't considered it from that perspective. Mught change my mind. I was thinking Japanese first, just because that is where all the new toys are...

Ron Saueracker -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 3:00:13 AM)



It has come to my attention after frequenting these forums for over a year, both UV and WitP, that the scale of these games draws people like us to them for very different reasons. I'm interested, and I'm sure everyone else is too, in finding out: What is WitP/UV to you?

Feel free to be as descriptive and specific as you like. Is it a WWII game simulating the Allied experience? Is it a chance to change history as the Japanese? Do you play it for the large surface actions or the Air war? Are you Navy-centric? Army-centric? Air-corps-centric?

As for myself, I enjoy all aspects of the game in phases. If I had to narrow it down to one thing though, it would be the Air War. I enjoy both sides, but I favor the Japanese as the underdog.

I am really looking forward to your responses.

May have kept me from strangling my business partner on more than one occasion.[X(]

tigercub -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 3:18:41 AM)

history WOW why did these things happen ? been playing war games all my life studying it as well not to much i have not played in wargames and brisb ? you look like the type of guy ta play...if you want a hard game ask, not after noobs.

2Stepper -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 3:25:43 AM)

There was always something that could be said for the old boardgames back in the Day... I was hooked hopelessly on Pacific War "Struggle against Japan" by Victory games when I got it... Fact I still have a copy in near-mint condition that I take out on occasion...

The fascination over the years with computers and the older games is to see them come to life so effectively... To have a much quicker "fix" on what made the originals enjoyable... You could have 10 turns done in 4hrs what with the boardgame would take you 4hrs just to setup. Other good examples of this have been "Battletech" which evolved into the popular "Mechwarrior" game series, and "Starfleet Battles" which developed into the beleagered but successful "Starfleet Command" series...

All gave the gratification of the game wrapped up in a nice neat computer package. WiTP promises much the same. [8D]

tsimmonds -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 4:22:14 AM)

It's the computer wargame I've been waiting for since 1984; it's the last game I'll ever need to buy; it's my chance to finally kick Halsey's ass....

marky -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 4:32:28 AM)

theres no way that the japs can win in WITP?

is this true?



wat is WITP to me?

a chance to kik sum jap @$$

and drop a couple or more bombs on em


Moose 4075 -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 4:35:19 AM)

What I look forward to in WitP, and what I've liked about most Gary Grigsby games, is the fact that there's the big sweeping strategy element, allowing history to be changed; yet there's also enough detail to see all of the different hardware. The hardware has always been what has interested me the most about military things. Small level tactical games show that off best, but make you feel like what you did would've just been swallowed up by the events at large. Games like WitP, UV, 12 O'Clock High, etc., show you the hardware while still showing major impact from one's actions.

The downside to all of this is Gary's games are more difficult than many. I am very impressed how playable he can make it relative to the detail, but they're complicated enough that frequently they're too much, and I'll seek out something easier for entertainment for a particular couple of hours.

highblooded -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 4:45:43 AM)

I Luv Games! The bigger the better! And this is the biggest Yet!

WW2 History is my Passion and Hobby. Until UV the Pacific theater was a side interest to the European War(with the Eastern Front my Focal Point) But I've been catching up the last few years... When I heard of WITP I was thrilled! So I picked up UV to whet my appetite!

Unfourtunately I've only played against the AI as my schedule can vary alot, I feel it is unfair to other gamers to be unable to commit to a proper schedule for gaming. Or maybe I'm just afraid I'll lose badly! hmmm...[8|]

What is a normal PBEM commitment anyway?

Mr.Frag -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 4:46:20 AM)


What is a normal PBEM commitment anyway?

The rest of your life [:D]

Admiral DadMan -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 5:10:32 AM)




What is a normal PBEM commitment anyway?

The rest of your life [:D]


your Rest [>:] AND your Wife [:-]...

Damien Thorn -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 7:26:16 AM)

I'm planning on buying a projector so I can play the whole thing on my wall with a 10' diagonal screen. So you see, the $70 Matrix is charging is a very small percent of my overall price.

Mr.Frag -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 7:33:23 AM)


I'm planning on buying a projector so I can play the whole thing on my wall with a 10' diagonal screen. So you see, the $70 Matrix is charging is a very small percent of my overall price.

Now there is dedication! I already dumped $2500 into a super machine with all the trimmings myself.

52nd Lowland -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 7:40:42 AM)

Its just the breadth and scope of the Pacific Theater that is the clinch for me.The potential combat area is massive and allows a lot of room for maneuver and surprise as well as the fact that the combat conditions in some of the areas were absolutely atrocious.
Its basically the wargame that i have waited for since i first started playing PC wargames all those years ago and finally its came to reality.Well done Matrix and 2by3 !

Svar -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 7:59:27 AM)

While most of you have been waiting for this game for quite a while, I have been waiting since the 1950s when I tried to design my own PacWar war game without the aid of computers. I had to give up when I realized that it would take dozens of people on both sides to keep track of all the details involved in running a war on this scale.

For me the joy is in playing with all the toys of war from WWII. I will play as the Allies until I actually finish a game. I will start with a late war scenario to get the feel of the game mechanics then start a full war scenario after the Midway battle as the results of that battle completely color the US reaction for the rest of the war. I'll only play the full war from 12/7/41 if the game is robust enough to cover the possibility that the US wont have CV superiorty until late 1943 or early 1944. The way the US was losing CVs early on there was a good possibility that all 6 prewar CVs could have been lost while Japan still had about half of their CV fleet by the end of 1942.

I suspect that before I actually finish a game I will try to see where I can exploit the game system to produce ahistorical results, winning the game really isn't important to me it's the journey that counts.

I finished plenty of old PacWar games but always tried to delay the end as long as possible so I could get as many of the new US toys as possible and exploited the system to get more ships of certain classes. I never was successful in capturing Tokyo though because there were too many Japanese units in Tokyo and the game always crashed when I ran the turn with the land battle.

brisd -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 8:17:08 AM)

Tigercub, appreciate the compliment and the name is brisd, as in Brian from S)an D)iego. [;)] I'll be looking to do some pbem games once I've got the mechanics down, though I will be working so I can't have ten games going like some of these fanatics!

Wallymanowar -> RE: What is WitP to you? (6/21/2004 8:21:42 AM)

Back in 1978 a friend of mine and I got involved with a wargame called USN by SPI, that was the start. Together we scraped up enough money to buy SPI's monster wargame called War in The Pacific - this game sits on my desk above me as I type. The problem with playing that WITP was the recordkeeping and sorting through the rules. Ever since those early days I have been looking for better versions of that game - now it is just about to be released - and I'm still alive to enjoy it[;)]

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