JohnK -> RE: Something has to be done about Allied ASW (7/6/2004 9:29:42 PM)
ORIGINAL: Feinder Be aware that subs don't have -that- many compartments. There are 8 on the fairly large Gato class. You fill one, and you're now carrying a LOT of water. You fill two, and you better be heading up. You fill 3, and you're probably not going up. I'd expect that the early war S and T class subs might have had fewer compartments, altho I'd bet the IJN fleet subs probably had 8 compartments (because of their size). But like I said, 8 or 6, you're still talking about a LOT of water. And you've got seal off that bulkhead FAST, because force of the water coming in, will likely preclude you from closing the next hatch. But it's really only going to take 1 or 2 "on the mark" DCs to cripple or sink a sub. Also understand that when you see the "Type 16 Depth Charge" with 4 ammo, that means 4 -salvos- (of probably 12 depth charges), not just rolling four depth charges off the back. I know that there was considerable "tweaking" to the ASW combat in UV (the engine upon which WitP is based). Remember tho that, we players will compell a lot more actions, and a lot more intense than were historical. But the scope of UV was certainly smaller, and it may very well be that WitP could use some tweaking (for longevity purposes). A little worrying the first instinct people had was to discuss the microtactical modeling of the effect of depth charges on the compartments of Japanese subs than to look up what subs the Japanese actually lost in in the war :-) One important effect, I suspect, is that submarines in WITP are likely at Sea for a MUCH greater % of time than in reality. I don't think the cumulative SYS damage from simply being at sea really forces enough time in port to be realistic, for submarines. It gets repaired pretty fast. The reality is, wear and tear that might not really reduce a subs speed may well require a long overhaul once the sub is in port, to prevent a catastrophic failure.....don't think WITP captures this.