Gen.Hoepner -> This is wargame experience!!!!! (1/17/2002 6:15:00 AM)
I've just finished a battle in Derne(MCDF),where my group had to rescue a column of Italian soldiers sourrounded by the "rats".My men,spread around the countryside,not to be easily targeted in column by Brit's arty,have been objected of a number of ambushes by hidden troops or ATg.....after some tanks and armoured cars got burnt i realized i couldn't really save those poor boys and I ordered my kampf-group to take a step back and set up a defensive perimeter.Thought the Italians were going to surrender very easy and very soon,so that that nightmare could finish(I had already lost 4 of my best tank crews and many other good crews were stuck in immobilized vehicles sourrounded by enemy fire,so that I had to send little rescue groups(1 or 2 panzer)to save my isolated crews,which were bailing out in those moments). But.........But.....................when you do not expect it.........The Italians created a defensive perimeter under a little hill,covering themselfs with tons of somke.They dig in in the rocks and sand of the desert and wait for the commin rats..........when the cruisers started to come out of the smoke those guys assoulted them bravely and constantly,well supported by the fire of the 47mm.....soon 4 brits tanks remained somking in the sand while at least 5 or 6 truks (morris i think) wheere burning with their crews not far from there.The brits dimounted engaged a fierce battle,but my italians where still supported by the guns of their tanks and armoured cars...........The Rats went away in the smoke as they came and the Italians were safe.They got out of that situation without any help from the germans who cared much more of their precious experienced crews than the lifes of an italian reinforced company..... My heart is still beating of honour for that!!!!!! BTW i lost that battle 'cause i didn't conquest the VH,but in my heart and soul it feels like i had won it! Thanks Matrix"""""!!!!!!