Tortfeasor -> The point system (1/17/2002 11:26:00 PM)
What I would rather improved and that is the point system ( in my opinion )
The New point system. 5 points for a Victory 4 points for a agreement Victory (His enemy pressd on f9 for surender) 3 points for a Draw 2 points for a agreement Defeat (Hi pressd on F9 key for surender) 1 points for a Defeat
An example. I playd against xxxxxxxxx and i got 11 493 points and my Friendly enemy got 3021 points. (he press on f9 for surender) 11 493 / 3021 = 3,804369414101. is rounded 3.8 + those 5 points of the decisive victory that i achieved vould make me a 8.804 Man. ( or an 88:er ) If i had playd a littel battle for exampel with 3000 purchase points it had been the same results anyway ( mayby ) 8.804 The results is directly comparable to other battles. Then if the next I play is a 7.767 game. 7.767 + 8.804 = 16,571 / 2games = 8,2855 That is a good score. Then all the battels would be comparable up to some degree.
What I mean with "agrement victory" is that if the other player ho is loosing the battle, or he thinks that he is loosing, can offer his oponent a "agrement victory" (or a Draw) so that the player ho have "agrement Defet" (pissd in his pants) gets 2 points and the winner gets 4 points for his "agrement victory". Then comes that wen he is asked a "agrement victory" he understand that if he assaults with brut force mayby he can get a Victory insted, thats 5 points and so on.
It means that this New System would be mutch more flexibel than the current system. You got more comparative advantage of it, just compare what you friend got in his game against somebodyels. What do you think ?