Charles2222 -> (1/26/2002 6:50:00 AM)
Frank W.: Yeah the trees, oh so good.
Although in the demo the background sounds are a sound track in a loop, it's very convincing that you're in a war environment from those and other sounds.
And the more I can use "sound" to tell what the enemy is doing the more I'm convinced this game is great. Tell you something, since you haven't wasted the Tiger yet, when you do, you'll likely have reason to enter that very small demolished building that you first see the Tiger through. That building is a wakeup call if you haven't seen this earlier in the demo. What you have is three windows open to that second street. If you sit in there a while and Gerry starts coming, you can't watch all the windows at once. Then as you wait there you hear footsteps, and it travels stereowise from your left to your right, and you're carefully timing the footsteps to try and figure which window to the right that he is going to pop out of. Good scarey stuff.
BTW, would you like to know how to waste the Tiger? I can tell you what about 8 lives got me to do. BTW, do small arms fire on it generate it's getting damaged any? I ask this because when using the panzerschrek it states how much it's damaged.
BTW, I'm not saying that the guys who claim to play the whole thing in 6 hours didn't do it that fast. What I'm saying is that their complaints seem to stem from how quick they play it. I'm no afficianado on what works in FPS (probably running at high speed and firing basically non-stop or something along those lines) but obviously their playing time indicates speed. With speed, you would naturally complain about accurate snipers, not only because the players don't play the sniper game of sneak, sneak, sneak, crawl, crawl, crawl (assuming you can crawl in the game) and becoming one with the scenery, but because they hadn't even bothered trying to see what the sniper scope will show you when Gerry looks impossible to find behind trees, when he's not impossible to see (and hit). I can't help but think that people who play that quickly are only out to beat the game, like trying to memorize just another Super Mario Brothers or something and really don't want to lavish in the atmosphere. In other words, since you have some spawning Gerries at times, and time restricted ammo and medpacks to get off the dead enemy, speed seems the way to go. While I don't doubt that to win the game, one must go through pieces of blitz tactics, it isn't entirely necessary and really does spoil a lot of the beauty of it. Heck I hear people say they played it in 6 hours and don't plan to play it again. What kind of nonsense is that? They blow through it so fast there's no appreciation into the thought that the game was the cloest, besides maybe SPR, to being in real WWII combat as they may ever get. They want to look at how it's not a major breakthrough in FPS technology, and that it's allegedly too quick a game, and spoil the whole thing for themselves. I do think it's rather ironic that the people who are major FPSers are the very ones who seem to appreciate it the least. Those who really get off on FPS are enjoying it FAR less than I am, to all appearances.
I also think they're hung up on this idea that there's some great FPS guru somewhere who listens to every word they say, and so if they praise the game as being the best they've seen, suddenly there'll be no motivation for anyone to make something better. I also think at LEAST 80% of FPSers have little or no appreciation for wargames, maybe even particularly a disdain for WWII ones.
While Wolfenstein may be good, in my quest for wargaming, when you have zombies in it, such as it does, it in no way makes for a wargame. Compare that to what you've seen in MOHAA. Heck, I've seen sailors, officers in black robes with just a pistol, Wehrmacht, SS I think, marines, and some guys that I think might have been some sort of cossacks. It really adds an element of danger and reality to be hearing all those German voices from time to time too.
P.S. How did you like seeing some of your comrades limpimg around and their helmets getting blown off? GREAT!