RE: Massive air combat over Bonins! (Full Version)

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PzB74 -> RE: Massive air combat over Bonins! (2/1/2007 10:39:35 PM)

It's hard to tell, but even 600 AP will be difficult to dislodge with 9 forts and mountain defense bonus.
Also remember that my transports and air lifts are capable of increasing the total by xx%!
Should be at least 3-4 days before enemy landings can begin. As soon as I know which island Andy is going for it will
be easier to prioritize.

Only Iwo Jima can base B-29s, Bonin is a size 4 AF - Andy says he will not operate them from anything less than a size 5 field.

The Bonins is a very important place and I will use all the resources at my disposal to repulse Andy.
Only time will show if it's enough [:-]

What I'm unsure about is whether I should risk loading several troop convoys and just sending them towards the Bonins.
Could be death sentence, but it's also a possibility that some will get through. What do you think!?

Nikademus -> RE: Massive air combat over Bonins! (2/1/2007 10:43:06 PM)

600 will be indeed....i had enough trouble @ Saipan recently with 3 divisions spearheading!

Speedysteve -> RE: Massive air combat over Bonins! (2/1/2007 10:45:30 PM)

Unless he uses 13 like I did on Saipan. Taken within a week of landing against 800AP..............

Can you account for most of his Divisions John?

pauk -> RE: Massive air combat over Bonins! (2/1/2007 10:48:28 PM)


Could be death sentence, but it's also a possibility that some will get through. What do you think!?

well, you can always load those men on transports and wait if the opportunity shows.... in "normal" circumstances (Allied CVs near Bonins)i would't sent them to certain death, but perhaps Andy will give you few days while he repelnish his CVs with fuel and pilots....

PzB74 -> RE: Massive air combat over Bonins! (2/2/2007 12:07:43 AM)

I have a lot of troops really, if I only could have them all in the right place...

Well, it's the last 2 days of sailing that is dangerous.
But if I split the convoys up over several hexes, it should be possible to sneak in some reserves.
Annoying thing is that I will release a crack div from Shanghai in just a few days, got 3150 of the 3300 points
needed to release it. 99/99 exp/morale [8D] It has been prepping for Iwo for quite some time.

Fast transport is another option!

AdmNelson -> RE: Massive air combat over Bonins! (2/2/2007 12:33:11 AM)

Can you fly enough in with airtranports?

Naskra -> RE: Massive air combat over Bonins! (2/2/2007 12:43:59 AM)

PzB, your opponent has made some miscalculations, but he is by no means a fool.  If he his coming to the Bonins,
be assured he is bringing enough firepower to win.  He knows the terrain is mountainous that you will have level 9
forts.  He will not expect to be facing anything less than 600AV pts and possibly a good deal more.  Both islands
need to be held; if Bonin falls, Iwo will follow - it's just a ferry ride away under air cover. I regard these islands
as vital to the long-term defense of Japan.  2000AV on each of them might bring stalemate, if you can muster it.
I suggest you do not reinforce if you cannot reach a level near that number.

PzB74 -> RE: Massive air combat over Bonins! (2/2/2007 1:07:02 AM)

We got an agreement that we won't use more air transports than the AF size x 25.
So that's 4x25 for Bonin and 5x25 for Iwo. If Andy bogs down it will allow us to bring in substantial reinforcements.
If we also use fast transports, I could bring in even more.

You're right Naskra, but you're assuming thaT Andy will be able to land all his troops safely.
I'm planning to use the Combined Fleet, down to the last barge - to disrupt him.

This far Andy has been able to use heavy bombers to suppress his targets. This time he only got his modern
battleships. If he hits too many mines and slugs it out with Yamato et al he may be running out of heavy hitters.

But as I've already stated, the most important thing is to shoot down Hellcats. When Andy runs low he has no replacements
and will have to withdraw. This is my first goal. If he only close one island we will be able to tax him heavily, and if he tries to close
down both, he may end up closing neither [8D]

Naskra -> RE: Massive air combat over Bonins! (2/2/2007 1:20:13 AM)

I like the way you talk -- "last barge", last oar, last sailor. Go sink 'em!

Nemo121 -> RE: Massive air combat over Bonins! (2/2/2007 1:28:19 AM)

And don't forget that your BBs and CAs have absolutely huge capacity when used as Fast Transports. I've loaded them up as Fast Transports, carrying an entire regiment in 3 BBs and a couple of CA escorts, and then switched them to bombard on the way to the target. Set at Patrol/No Retire they go to the target, bombard it and then can be told to unload all their troops the next day before running like hell for home.

Still, 125 transports ( particularly if you use Emilys for this) allow you to bring an awful lot of troops in quickly... I think though that not mining Iwo Jima was a mistake and if Andy is going anywhere I imagine it will be Iwo Jima. If I were you I'd start flying troops in there now. If you have guessed wrong then, so what? The crucial thing is to get the AV up ASAP. Once his CVs retreat from the scene you can always send some transports into Iwo to fly these fragments into Bonin if you guess wrong.

PzB74 -> RE: Massive air combat over Bonins! (2/2/2007 1:51:17 AM)

The big big threat is the 20 enemy cv's with a thousand bombers...they can hulk a fleet in a single strike.
But the use of battleship bombardment/fast transports is a good idea Nemo [8D]

I did mine Iwo and Bonin Jima - some 6 months ago. Problem is that most mines whitered away and I only got a handful
minelayers left. A major problem that you can't convert msw's to ml's. I've been busy mining Formosa and the PIs lately.
Now we'll make one last attempt at putting down a few thousand mines at the Bonins.

I also think Andy wants Iwo! Bigger AF, further away from the Home Island. His first strikes on Bonin may be a divertion,
but if so I think it's a mistake as it will cost him too much to close down both islands in regards to lost Hellcats.
Tomorrow I'm unloading a crack regiment and the super heavy 240mm siege artillery bde at Iwo Jima. This will bring its defenses
up to the level of Bonin and then some.

I got a 130 transports in the Home Islands and I can move engineers and combat troops at will.
Another air bridge will be able to fly in reinforcements from all over the Marianas.

Let's take another screenshot of the islands in, lets say, 5 days and see how many more assault points we've managed to unload.
I would really LOVE to see transports unload in the face of numerous 240mm guns [:D]

PzB74 -> RE: Massive air combat over Bonins! (2/2/2007 2:01:37 AM)

Arrives at Iwo tomorrow [:)]


PzB74 -> Yamato faces a torrent of steel - and lives! (2/2/2007 4:37:25 PM)

What a day! Enemy ac plunge themselves against our defenses: at great cost we shoot down
some 236 enemy naval fighters and bombers [&o]

Our mightiest warships are damaged, but refuse to give in!
Climax is approaching as the Admiral Nagumo and the Kido Butai sets sail to face the enemy.
The entire Combined Fleet prepares to resist the enemy long enough to ensure the continued safety
of the Bonin Islands.


Sub/ASW Attacks

Sub attack near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
DD Nara, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
SS Tullibee
ASW attack at 66,53

Japanese Ships
SS I-185, hits 6, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
DMS Harding
DMS Jeffers
DMS Gherardi
DMS Rodman
DMS Macomb
DD Conner
DD Charrette
DD Hyman

Surface Combat

Our TFs moving between Bonin and Iwo Jima were intercepted by enemy destoyers!

Night Time Surface Combat at 64,53

Japanese Ships
PC PC-41, Shell hits 2, on fire
PC PC-144, Shell hits 2, on fire
ML Ishizaki
ML Niizaki
ML Yurijima
MSW W.12, Shell hits 7, and is sunk

Allied Ships
DD Bennion, Shell hits 1
DD Woodworth
DD Electra
Night Time Surface Combat at 64,53

Japanese Ships
AK Tatsufuku Maru, Shell hits 9, and is sunk

Allied Ships
DD Bennion
DD Woodworth
DD Electra
Night Time Surface Combat at 64,53

Japanese Ships
MSW Ranzan Maru, Shell hits 16, and is sunk
MLE Kamogawa Maru, Shell hits 12, on fire, heavy damage *ouch*
AK Hachimanzan Maru
AK Renzan Maru
AK Sensan Maru
AK Myoho Maru
AK Ushio Maru, Shell hits 1

Allied Ships
DD Bennion
DD Woodworth
DD Electra

Night Naval Attacks

Our subs triggers night naval attacks on enemy carriers!

Night Air attack on TF at 65,53

Japanese aircraft
H8K Emily x 8

Japanese aircraft losses
H8K Emily: 1 destroyed, 6 damaged

Allied Ships
CV Ticonderoga

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x H8K Emily launching torpedoes at 200 feet
3 x H8K Emily launching torpedoes at 200 feet
3 x H8K Emily launching torpedoes at 200 feet

Air Combat

I placed only second rate fighters on Bonin as damage to airfields would make it impossible to
operate large numbers of first line fighters. Damage to fields is now down to 24, and our ac have returned!

Day Air attack on Bonin , at 65,52

Japanese aircraft
C6N1-S Myrt x 17
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 5
Ki-45 KAIc Nick x 23

Allied aircraft
P-51D Mustang x 24

Japanese aircraft losses
C6N1-S Myrt: 4 destroyed
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 3 destroyed
Ki-45 KAIc Nick: 8 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
P-51D Mustang: 2 damaged
A rather dissappointing number of fighters on CAP - maybe because some were on escort missions
as enemy destroyers entered Iwo Jima coastal waters?

Still, a very nasty sweep by 136 enemy Corsairs and 43 Hellcats. Our pilots suffered, but 30 enemy
fighters were shot down.

Day Air attack on Iwo Jima , at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
A6M2-N Rufe x 3
A6M5 Zeke x 17
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 33
Ki-84-Ia Frank x 42
Ki-84-Ic Frank x 4
Ki-102a Randy x 4

Allied aircraft
F4U-1D Corsair x 122
Corsair IV x 14
F6F-5N Hellcat x 43

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2-N Rufe: 3 destroyed
A6M5 Zeke: 17 destroyed
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 33 destroyed
Ki-84-Ia Frank: 41 destroyed
Ki-84-Ic Frank: 4 destroyed
Ki-102a Randy: 4 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F4U-1D Corsair: 29 destroyed, 15 damaged
Corsair IV: 1 destroyed
After ALL our CAP fighters had been shot down in the AM phase, wave after wave of enemy bombers
streamed in! The Battlecruiser Squadron was hit badly, loosing the Hiei while the Kirishima and Nachi will be
forced to withdraw. 8 enemy ac shot down but 59 were damaged!

Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 57
SB2C Helldiver x 50
TBM Avenger x 47

Allied aircraft losses
SB2C Helldiver: 3 destroyed, 27 damaged
TBM Avenger: 5 destroyed, 32 damaged

Japanese Ships
BB Kirishima, Bomb hits 4, Torpedo hits 2, on fire
BB Hiei, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 5, on fire, heavy damage *sinks*
CA Nachi, Bomb hits 4, on fire, heavy damage
96 enemy bobers scored a lot of bomb hits on Musashi, but no torpedo hits. So the ships
are still fully operational. 12 enemy ac shot down with another 60 damaged.

Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Allied aircraft
SB2C Helldiver x 68
TBM Avenger x 28

Allied aircraft losses
SB2C Helldiver: 6 destroyed, 44 damaged
TBM Avenger: 6 destroyed, 16 damaged

Japanese Ships
BB Musashi, Bomb hits 11, on fire
BB Mutsu, Bomb hits 4, on fire
BB Yamato
Our escort carriers also absorbed a wave of enemy bombers and we lost the Otakisan Maru.
The Yamashiro Maru is still operational while the Chigusa Maru is dead in the water.
Nevertheless, these ships played their role and diverted enemy resources!

Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Allied aircraft
SB2C Helldiver x 47
TBM Avenger x 17

Allied aircraft losses
SB2C Helldiver: 1 destroyed, 4 damaged
TBM Avenger: 5 damaged

Japanese Ships
CVE Yamashiro Maru, Bomb hits 1, on fire
CVE Chigusa Maru, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
CVE Otakisan Maru, Bomb hits 14, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
Attack on troop and aux convoys:

Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Allied aircraft
TBM Avenger x 8

Allied aircraft losses
TBM Avenger: 2 damaged

Japanese Ships
PC PC-8, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
AP Zinzan Maru, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Japanese ground losses:
47 casualties reported
Guns lost 2
Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Allied aircraft
TBM Avenger x 28

No Allied losses

Japanese Ships
AP Tanba Maru
AP Tonan Maru, Torpedo hits 1
PC Ch 4, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
AP Tatuharu Maru, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
PC Ch 17

Japanese ground losses:
98 casualties reported
Guns lost 3
Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Allied aircraft
SB2C Helldiver x 28
TBM Avenger x 17

No Allied losses

Japanese Ships - ouch, our precious minelayers...well without their MLE they wouldn't be of much use anyway!

ML Yurijima, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
ML Ishizaki, Bomb hits 1, on fire
ML Niizaki, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
A strike against our ASW screen at Bonin:

Day Air attack on TF, near Bonin at 65,52

Japanese aircraft
C6N1-S Myrt x 13
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 2
Ki-45 KAIc Nick x 15

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 115
TBM Avenger x 56

Japanese aircraft losses
C6N1-S Myrt: 13 destroyed
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 1 destroyed
Ki-45 KAIc Nick: 14 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
FM-2 Wildcat: 9 damaged
TBM Avenger: 3 destroyed, 9 damaged

Japanese Ships
PC PC-55, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
PC PC-69
PC PC-3, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
PC PC-76
PC PC-45, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
PC Hiburi



Day Air attack on TF at 65,54

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zeke x 3

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 57

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zeke: 3 destroyed

Allied Ships
CA Louisville, Kamikaze hits 2
Day Air attack on TF at 65,54

Japanese aircraft
G4M2 Betty x 15

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 57

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M2 Betty: 14 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F6F Hellcat: 2 destroyed, 15 damaged
Day Air attack on TF at 68,53

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zeke x 16

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zeke: 16 destroyed

Allied Ships - another invasion ship hit!
DE Mack
AK Henry Meiggs
LST LST-630, Kamikaze hits 1, on fire
AK H. H. Raymond

Allied ground losses:
32 casualties reported
Day Air attack on TF at 65,54

Japanese aircraft
B7A Grace x 3

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 55

Japanese aircraft losses
B7A Grace: 3 destroyed

Day Air attack on TF at 66,53

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zeke x 2

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zeke: 2 destroyed

Allied Ships
AK Leland Stanford
Day Air attack on TF at 66,53

Japanese aircraft
G4M2 Betty x 3

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M2 Betty: 2 damaged

Allied Ships
DE George E. Davis
Day Air attack on TF at 64,55 - our smaller strikes sometimes find openings and they also
manage to increase the number of damaged enemy ac - if nothing else.

Japanese aircraft
G4M2 Betty x 3
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 3

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 62
F4U-1D Corsair x 3

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M2 Betty: 3 destroyed
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 3 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F6F Hellcat: 2 damaged

Day Air attack on TF at 64,55

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zeke x 3

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 62
F4U-1D Corsair x 3

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zeke: 3 destroyed

Allied Ships
CV Shangri-La
CV Enterprise
Day Air attack on TF at 64,55

Japanese aircraft
B7A Grace x 10
G4M2 Betty x 19
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 3
Ki-67 Peggy x 3

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 62
F4U-1D Corsair x 3

Japanese aircraft losses
B7A Grace: 5 destroyed
G4M2 Betty: 13 destroyed
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 3 destroyed
Ki-67 Peggy: 3 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F6F Hellcat: 7 damaged
Day Air attack on TF at 65,54

Japanese aircraft
G4M2 Betty x 3

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 55

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
F6F Hellcat: 1 damaged
Enemy destroyers at Iwo Jima didn't fare well!

Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
A6M2-N Rufe x 4
A6M5 Zeke x 22
B7A Grace x 32
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 31
Ki-84-Ia Frank x 44
Ki-84-Ic Frank x 11
Ki-102a Randy x 7

Japanese aircraft losses
B7A Grace: 2 destroyed, 12 damaged

Allied Ships
DD Bennion
DD Electra, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
DD Woodworth, Torpedo hits 5, on fire, heavy damage
Strike from the Home Islands - unfortunately against derelicts!

Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
B7A Grace x 24
G4M2 Betty x 6
P1Y Frances x 45
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 109

Japanese aircraft losses
B7A Grace: 1 damaged
G4M2 Betty: 1 destroyed
P1Y Frances: 1 destroyed, 6 damaged

Allied Ships
DD Bennion
DD Woodworth, on fire, heavy damage
DD Electra, on fire, heavy damage

Afternoon Phase: Our fighters on escort mission on Iwo scrambled to provide CAP and downed a lot
of enemy bombers and fighters! [:D]

Day Air attack on TF at 62,53

Allied aircraft
SB2C Helldiver x 9

No Allied losses

Japanese Ships
AP Iwaki Maru, Bomb hits 3, on fire, heavy damage

Japanese ground losses:
74 casualties reported
Guns lost 2
Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
A6M2-N Rufe x 2
A6M5 Zeke x 20
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 30
Ki-84-Ia Frank x 40
Ki-84-Ic Frank x 9
Ki-102a Randy x 6

Allied aircraft
SB2C Helldiver x 6

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
SB2C Helldiver: 6 destroyed
Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
A6M2-N Rufe x 2
A6M5 Zeke x 20
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 30
Ki-84-Ia Frank x 40
Ki-84-Ic Frank x 9
Ki-102a Randy x 6

Allied aircraft
SB2C Helldiver x 9

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2-N Rufe: 1 damaged
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 3 damaged
Ki-84-Ia Frank: 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
SB2C Helldiver: 9 destroyed
Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
A6M2-N Rufe x 2
A6M5 Zeke x 20
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 30
Ki-84-Ia Frank x 40
Ki-84-Ic Frank x 9
Ki-102a Randy x 6

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 68
F4U-1D Corsair x 22
SB2C Helldiver x 9

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2-N Rufe: 2 destroyed
A6M5 Zeke: 8 destroyed
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 25 destroyed
Ki-84-Ia Frank: 32 destroyed
Ki-84-Ic Frank: 6 destroyed
Ki-102a Randy: 3 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F6F Hellcat: 23 destroyed, 11 damaged [8D]
F4U-1D Corsair: 8 destroyed, 5 damaged
SB2C Helldiver: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged

Japanese Ships
ML Kyosai

Aircraft Attacking:
8 x SB2C Helldiver bombing at 2000 feet
Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zeke x 12
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 5
Ki-84-Ia Frank x 8
Ki-84-Ic Frank x 3
Ki-102a Randy x 3

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 38
TBM Avenger x 7

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zeke: 2 destroyed
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 1 destroyed
Ki-84-Ia Frank: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
FM-2 Wildcat: 19 destroyed [8D]
TBM Avenger: 5 damaged

Japanese Ships
PC PC-207
PC PC-14, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zeke x 10
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 4
Ki-84-Ia Frank x 7
Ki-84-Ic Frank x 3
Ki-102a Randy x 3

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 57
SB2C Helldiver x 3

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zeke: 10 destroyed
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 4 destroyed
Ki-84-Ia Frank: 6 destroyed
Ki-84-Ic Frank: 2 destroyed
Ki-102a Randy: 3 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses - a steady attrition of enemy ac!
F6F Hellcat: 6 destroyed, 4 damaged

Japanese Ships
AK Hachimanzan Maru, Bomb hits 2, on fire
Day Air attack on TF at 64,53

Allied aircraft
F4U-1D Corsair x 28
TBM Avenger x 14

No Allied losses

Japanese Ships
ML Ashizaki
MSW Wa 101, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
Day Air attack on TF at 64,53

Allied aircraft
TBM Avenger x 22

No Allied losses

Japanese Ships
ML Ashizaki, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
Day Air attack on TF, near Bonin at 65,52

Japanese aircraft
C6N1-S Myrt x 3
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 1
Ki-45 KAIc Nick x 4

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 96
TBM Avenger x 4

Japanese aircraft losses
C6N1-S Myrt: 3 destroyed
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 1 destroyed
Ki-45 KAIc Nick: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
FM-2 Wildcat: 3 damaged

Japanese Ships
AP Kamo Maru, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
Day Air attack on TF at 64,53

Allied aircraft
SB2C Helldiver x 13
F6F-5N Hellcat x 22

No Allied losses

Japanese Ships
ML Kurosaki, Bomb hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
Ki-84-Ia Frank x 1
Ki-84-Ic Frank x 1

Allied aircraft
SB2C Helldiver x 5

No Japanese losses

No Allied losses

Japanese Ships
ML Niizaki, Bomb hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
Day Air attack on TF at 66,53

Japanese aircraft
G4M2 Betty x 5

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M2 Betty: 4 damaged

Allied Ships
DMS Boggs
Day Air attack on TF at 66,53

Japanese aircraft
G4M2 Betty x 7

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M2 Betty: 1 destroyed, 5 damaged

Allied Ships
Day Air attack on TF at 66,53

Japanese aircraft
B7A Grace x 21
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 2

Japanese aircraft losses
B7A Grace: 3 damaged

Allied Ships - more damage to enemy invasion troops!
DE Lawrence C. Taylor
LST LST-339, Bomb hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
LST LST-457, Bomb hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Allied ground losses:
50 casualties reported
Guns lost 2
Day Air attack on TF at 64,55

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 3
Ki-67 Peggy x 3

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 57
F4U-1D Corsair x 2

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 3 destroyed
Ki-67 Peggy: 3 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F6F Hellcat: 5 damaged
This attack was made east of Java:

Day Air attack on TF at 24,61

Japanese aircraft
G4M2 Betty x 11

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M2 Betty: 8 damaged

Allied Ships
APD Bull
APD Kephart
AO Escambia, Torpedo hits 1, on fire

The Gathering Storm

By sending a surface group against enemy supply ships at Marcus Island (2 days away) and throwing the KB
against the enemy's flank - we will engage Andy's mighty armada piecemeal. Bad weather will make the outcome of
tomorrows battle most uncertain.

The Fleet continues to defend both Iwo and Bonin Jima despite their losses and we have crack torpedo bombers on short
attack range. According to my calculations the enemy lost more than 300 ac over the last 2 days with another ca 250 damaged.
Andy now has to provide CAP for his invasion fleet, protect his carriers, sweep the Bonins, attack our surface fleets AND
fend of the Kido Butai.

This is our chance! With the Kamikaze triggered after the fall of Marcus Island I'm able to convert trained Zeke units again,
but our main aim is still to shoot down enough enemy ac and destroyer enemy troop transports. Enemy carriers are more numerous than locusts anyway! [8|]

In the Marianas and Home Islands I have prepared some 700 long range fighters and bombers.
The hope is that the ensuring confusion caused by the KB will make the enemy fleets vulnerable to attack.
Everything is thrown in, there's no holding back anymore [sm=00000106.gif]

In the Marianas 100 transports will airlift the 3rd Regiment of the Imperial Guards Division to Iwo Jima.
In the Home Islands 100 transports will airlift another regiment to Bonin Jima.

Each day we fight we allow more troops to prepare the defenses!


PzB74 -> RE: Yamato faces a torrent of steel - and lives! (2/2/2007 4:41:10 PM)

This Means WAR!

I want you
I want you to
I want you to march

Eyes go right, shoulder arms
Left wheel turn, show your charms
Change your clothes, cut your hair
Ain't no joke, ain't no place for kids
When the flags are high, hear the battle cry
Treaty gone, see the bandit fly
Dig that trench, watch the blast
Shell shock come, coming fast

Name and rank on parade
Might get laid by a hand grenade
Do you know what this means?
Do you know what this means?
This - means - war

This means war, this means war
I said this means war, this means war
This means war


veji1 -> RE: Yamato faces a torrent of steel - and lives! (2/2/2007 5:15:07 PM)

Banzai !!! This is the day of Glory... May the divine wind gather in a potent storm and wreck these fleets of steal !!![&o]

Good luck !!

PzB74 -> RE: Yamato faces a torrent of steel - and lives! (2/2/2007 5:36:49 PM)

Thx Veji! Must admit we're out on a plank on this one. Need a little luck and a good plan to swing it our way [8D]
As soon as Andy release his surface and bombardment TFs they will suffer damage and end up in hexes WITHOUT CAP.
Then Miss Betty will have her day!

Squeezed in between the Home Island and the Marianas it takes a gambit of desperation to lunge the entire US Fleet against
the Bonins.

Figure I can fly in ca 100 AP each day, so give me 5 days and you will all have your 1000 AP [;)]
Clue is to fly in combat troops and leave the support troops and heavy equippment behind. Our men have fixed defenses  they
can man. I'm not flying in huge siege guns even if I could. Doesn't find it realistic. As of yet I'm having at most 300 ac on size 4
airfields and using the remaining capacity of 100 ac for transports.

Actually ordered 16 Emily's to fly in troops today.

Each day I transfer another 3-400 ac from China and the PIs to the Home Islands and Marianas.
So I will be able to reinforce the Bonins for another week even if Andy keeps gunning them all down [:'(]
The good thing is that pilot losses is only about 60% and a crack unit with 48 ac will soon be back at 50% strength and it's possible
to add 10-15 rookies before sending them into the fight again.

JagdFlanker -> RE: Yamato faces a torrent of steel - and lives! (2/3/2007 12:17:00 AM)

woo hoo! the final climactic battle! and it only took 122 pages of reading! i guess these would also be appropriate lyrics:

Prepare yourself for the worst its coming soon
I believe in those foretold prophecies of doom
They say the end is close, its coming fast
Not every single one of us is gonna last
So, stand and fight or kill yourself right now
It'll be one less motherf***er to kill
Skin shot, burned, stabbed, scorched and torn
This pain is real - you cant ignore...

War is coming

Arm yourself with the right to kill at will
Shoot to kill its them or you
Time to choose, time to choose or die
Bloods pouring, from the hole in your side
Take the pain - it'll focus and strengthen you
Take the pain - or your lifes f***in' through
Face the pain - let it become part of you
Take the pain

War is coming



PzB74 -> RE: Yamato faces a torrent of steel - and lives! (2/3/2007 12:31:28 AM)

We've had many 'decisive' battles before...and there will be more to come after this one.
Another 14-15 months to go before the war comes to an end [8|]

I'm afraid the Combined Fleet will never be able to face the enemy in such strength again though.

We have managed to expropriate a Top Secret map of the enemy's planned landings on Iwo Jima:


PzB74 -> RE: Yamato faces a torrent of steel - and lives! (2/3/2007 12:38:35 AM)

The first time I fought over Iwo Jima back in the mid 1980's it looked like this [:D]
Remember it was 1 of 2 scenarios in a C64 game called 'Conflict in the Pacific'.


PzB74 -> Air and surface battles near the Bonins! (2/3/2007 5:28:18 AM)

Here it goes, a giant post! Took me half night to see the turn and post the AAR [;)]
Andy presses on the attack on Iwo Jima and faces most of the Combined Fleet in the process.


Sub/ASW Attacks

Chub had a field day today [8|]
Sub attack near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
PC PC-14, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
SS Chub
Sub attack near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
DD Nara, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage *sinks*

Allied Ships
SS Chub
Sub attack near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
AP Iwaki Maru, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage *sinks*
MSW Toshi Maru #1

Allied Ships
SS Chub

Japanese ground losses:
86 casualties reported
Sub attack near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
SS I-56, hits 3

Allied Ships
DD Charles Ausburne, Torpedo hits 1, on fire <- nice one!
DD Aulick
DD Caperton
DD Saufley
DD John Hood
DD Picking
ASW attack near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
DD Sumire
DD Haruzuki
DD Yoizuki
DD Shimozuki

Allied Ships
SS Chub, hits 1 - a small headache for the annoying Chub!
ASW attack near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
SS I-56, hits 12

Allied Ships
DD Stephen Potter
DD Prichett
DD Rowe

Night Surface Combat

I didn't understand much of todays surface combat!
The battlegroup with the Yamato didn't get involved at all despite numerous enemy surface
attacks! Is it possible that this happened because the Musashi was separated from the TF?

We lost a few transport because the AI engaged the TF's not according to type but number?

Night Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
AP Hokuhi Maru, Shell hits 15, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk

Allied Ships
CA Pittsburgh
CL Vincennes
DD Ingraham
DD Wallace Lind
DD Maddox
DD Charles S. Sperry
DD Lyman K. Swenson
DD Taussig
DD John W. Weeks
DD Harrison
DD Isherwood
DD David Taylor
DD Barton
DD Quickmatch

Japanese ground losses:
620 casualties reported
Guns lost 9
Night Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
MSW Noshiro Maru #2, Shell hits 8, and is sunk
AK Shingo Maru, Shell hits 26, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
AK Tsurugisan Maru, Shell hits 4, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk

Allied Ships
CA Pittsburgh
CL Vincennes
DD Ingraham
DD Wallace Lind
DD Maddox
DD Charles S. Sperry
DD Lyman K. Swenson
DD Taussig
DD John W. Weeks
DD Harrison
DD Isherwood
DD David Taylor
DD Barton
DD Quickmatch
Night Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
MSW Toroshima Maru, Shell hits 16, and is sunk
AP Mitsu Maru #3, Shell hits 26, and is sunk

Allied Ships
CA Pittsburgh
CL Vincennes
DD Ingraham
DD Wallace Lind
DD Maddox
DD Charles S. Sperry
DD Lyman K. Swenson
DD Taussig
DD John W. Weeks
DD Harrison
DD Isherwood
DD David Taylor
DD Barton
DD Quickmatch

Japanese ground losses:
261 casualties reported
Guns lost 3
Night Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
MSW W.5, Shell hits 6, and is sunk
AP Ueizuru Maru, Shell hits 48, and is sunk

Allied Ships
CA Pittsburgh
CL Vincennes
DD Ingraham
DD Wallace Lind
DD Maddox
DD Charles S. Sperry
DD Lyman K. Swenson
DD Taussig
DD John W. Weeks
DD Harrison
DD Isherwood
DD David Taylor
DD Barton
DD Quickmatch

Japanese ground losses:
224 casualties reported
Guns lost 6
Finally, our light Surface Group engaged the enemy! The veteran Myoko led a spirited
opposition to the superior enemy and inflicted a lot of casualties:

1st Round: To the Yanks

Night Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
CA Myoko, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Akizuki, Shell hits 3, on fire
DD Teruzuki, Shell hits 3, on fire
DD Susuzuki, Shell hits 4
DD Hatsuzuki, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Tamanami, Shell hits 2, on fire
DD Onami, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
DD Tsuta, Shell hits 5, on fire

Allied Ships
CA Pittsburgh, Shell hits 3, Torpedo hits 1, on fire - Myoko did this!
CL Vincennes, Shell hits 3
DD Ingraham, Shell hits 3, on fire
DD Wallace Lind, Shell hits 1
DD Maddox
DD Charles S. Sperry, Shell hits 1
DD Lyman K. Swenson
DD Taussig
DD John W. Weeks, Shell hits 1
DD Harrison
DD Isherwood
DD David Taylor
DD Barton
DD Quickmatch

2nd Round: To the Yanks

Night Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
CA Myoko, on fire
DD Akizuki, Shell hits 14, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
DD Teruzuki, on fire
DD Susuzuki
DD Hatsuzuki, on fire
DD Tamanami, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Onami, Shell hits 12, and is sunk
DD Tsuta, Shell hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
CA Pittsburgh, on fire
CL Vincennes
DD Ingraham, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Wallace Lind
DD Maddox, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Charles S. Sperry
DD Lyman K. Swenson
DD Taussig
DD John W. Weeks
DD Harrison
DD Isherwood
DD David Taylor
DD Barton
DD Quickmatch
3rd Round: To Japan!

Amazing comeback that inflicted damage to most US ships.

Night Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
CA Myoko, Shell hits 6, on fire, heavy damage
DD Akizuki, and is sunk
DD Teruzuki, Shell hits 17, on fire, heavy damage
DD Susuzuki, Shell hits 1
DD Hatsuzuki, Shell hits 36, and is sunk
DD Tamanami, Shell hits 6, on fire
DD Tsuta, Shell hits 7, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk

Allied Ships
CA Pittsburgh, Shell hits 9, on fire, heavy damage
CL Vincennes, Shell hits 11, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
DD Ingraham, Shell hits 6, on fire, heavy damage
DD Wallace Lind, Shell hits 17, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
DD Maddox, Shell hits 21, on fire, heavy damage
DD Charles S. Sperry, Shell hits 3, on fire
DD Lyman K. Swenson
DD Taussig
DD John W. Weeks
DD Harrison
DD Isherwood, Shell hits 4
DD David Taylor
DD Barton
DD Quickmatch
At Bonin our destroyers fended of some US destroyers:

Night Time Surface Combat, near Bonin at 65,52

Japanese Ships
DD Isonami, Shell hits 4
DD Nire, Shell hits 2, on fire
DD Hagi, Shell hits 2, on fire
DD Enoki

Allied Ships
DD Brush, Shell hits 3, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
DD Brown, Shell hits 4, on fire
DD Bryant, Shell hits 1
Night Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
PC PC-45, Shell hits 17, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
CA Pittsburgh, on fire, heavy damage
CL Vincennes, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Ingraham, on fire, heavy damage
DD Maddox, on fire, heavy damage
DD Charles S. Sperry, on fire
DD Lyman K. Swenson
DD Taussig
DD John W. Weeks
DD Harrison
DD Isherwood
DD David Taylor
DD Barton
DD Quickmatch
Night Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
PC PC-8, Shell hits 2, and is sunk

Allied Ships
CA Pittsburgh, on fire, heavy damage
CL Vincennes, on fire, heavy damage
DD Ingraham, on fire, heavy damage
DD Maddox, on fire, heavy damage
DD Charles S. Sperry, on fire
DD Lyman K. Swenson
DD Taussig
DD John W. Weeks
DD Harrison
DD Isherwood
DD David Taylor
DD Barton
DD Quickmatch

Daytime Surface Combat

Daylight surface combat was a messy afair:
The damaged Japanese ships were finished after as many as a dozen rounds of combat.
Only the Musashi was able to strike back and hit at least 6 enemy ships, 3 with 18.1" shells.

Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
DD Teruzuki, Shell hits 15, and is sunk

Allied Ships
CL Australia
CA Indianapolis
CL Wilkes-Barre
CA Detroit
DD Allen M. Sumner
DD Burns
DD Bush
DD Callaghan
DD Welles
DD Wilkes
DD Roe
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
CA Myoko, Shell hits 4, on fire, heavy damage
DD Tamanami, Shell hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
CL Australia
CA Indianapolis
CL Wilkes-Barre
CA Detroit
DD Allen M. Sumner
DD Burns
DD Bush
DD Callaghan
DD Welles
DD Wilkes
DD Roe
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
CA Myoko, Shell hits 37, on fire, heavy damage
DD Tamanami, Shell hits 1, and is sunk

Allied Ships
CL Australia
CA Indianapolis
CL Wilkes-Barre
CA Detroit
DD Allen M. Sumner
DD Burns
DD Bush
DD Callaghan
DD Welles
DD Wilkes
DD Roe
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
CA Myoko, Shell hits 38, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
CL Australia
CA Indianapolis
CL Wilkes-Barre
CA Detroit
DD Allen M. Sumner
DD Burns
DD Bush
DD Callaghan
DD Welles
DD Wilkes
DD Roe
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
E13A1 Jake: 1 destroyed
F1M2 Pete: 1 destroyed

Japanese Ships
CA Myoko, and is sunk

Allied Ships
CL Australia
CA Indianapolis
CL Wilkes-Barre
CA Detroit
DD Allen M. Sumner
DD Burns
DD Bush
DD Callaghan
DD Welles
DD Wilkes
DD Roe
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
DD Susuzuki, Shell hits 2, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
CL Australia
CA Indianapolis
CL Wilkes-Barre
CA Detroit
DD Allen M. Sumner
DD Burns
DD Bush
DD Callaghan
DD Welles
DD Wilkes
DD Roe
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
DD Susuzuki, Shell hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
CL Australia
CA Indianapolis
CL Wilkes-Barre
CA Detroit
DD Allen M. Sumner
DD Burns
DD Bush
DD Callaghan
DD Welles
DD Wilkes
DD Roe
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
DD Susuzuki, Shell hits 11, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
CL Australia
CA Indianapolis
CL Wilkes-Barre
CA Detroit
DD Allen M. Sumner
DD Burns, Shell hits 1
DD Bush
DD Callaghan
DD Welles
DD Wilkes
DD Roe
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
DD Susuzuki, Shell hits 17, and is sunk

Allied Ships
CL Gambia
DD Fletcher
DD Bearss
DD Sigsbee
DD Strong
DD Twiggs
DD Twining
DD Cassin
DD Arunta
DD Isaac Sweers
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
PC PC-207, Shell hits 31, and is sunk

Allied Ships
CL Gambia
DD Fletcher
DD Bearss
DD Sigsbee
DD Strong
DD Twiggs
DD Twining
DD Cassin
DD Arunta
DD Isaac Sweers
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
MSW Seki Maru #3, Shell hits 5, and is sunk
AK Taijun Maru, Shell hits 1
AK Hiyama Maru, Shell hits 1, on fire

Allied Ships
CL Gambia
DD Fletcher
DD Bearss
DD Sigsbee
DD Strong
DD Twiggs
DD Twining
DD Cassin
DD Arunta
DD Isaac Sweers
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
BB Musashi, Shell hits 2, on fire
DD Sumire

Allied Ships
CL Gambia
DD Fletcher
DD Bearss
DD Sigsbee
DD Strong
DD Twiggs
DD Twining
DD Cassin
DD Arunta
DD Isaac Sweers
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
BB Musashi, on fire
DD Sumire

Allied Ships
CL Gambia
DD Fletcher
DD Bearss
DD Sigsbee
DD Strong
DD Twiggs
DD Twining
DD Cassin, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Arunta
DD Isaac Sweers
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
BB Musashi, Shell hits 2, on fire
DD Sumire

Allied Ships
CL Gambia
DD Fletcher
DD Bearss
DD Sigsbee
DD Strong
DD Twiggs
DD Twining
DD Cassin, on fire
DD Arunta
DD Isaac Sweers
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
BB Musashi, Shell hits 11, on fire, heavy damage
DD Sumire, Shell hits 1

Allied Ships
CL Gambia
DD Fletcher
DD Bearss
DD Sigsbee
DD Strong
DD Twiggs
DD Twining
DD Cassin, on fire
DD Arunta
DD Isaac Sweers
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
BB Musashi, Shell hits 22, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
DD Sumire, Shell hits 15, on fire, heavy damage *Mag explodes - sinks*

Allied Ships
CL Gambia, Shell hits 2, on fire
DD Fletcher, Shell hits 1
DD Bearss, Shell hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
DD Sigsbee
DD Strong, Shell hits 1
DD Twiggs
DD Twining, Shell hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
DD Cassin, Shell hits 2, on fire
DD Arunta
DD Isaac Sweers
Musashi was still afloat when morning came, with 96 in flooding she was scuttled under
cheers of BANZAAI!! Her heroic fight will never be forgotten [&o]

Sub attack near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
BB Musashi, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
SS Chub


Without engaging the Yamato et al the enemy bombardment group struck! Didn't think this
was possible with a defending TF in the hex? Just as well since 5 enemy modern BBs would have
been too much even for the Yamato [:'(]

Still, damage was slight and our guns scored a lot of hits on the enemy!

Naval bombardment of Iwo Jima, at 63,53 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!

131 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
Allied Ships
BB Alabama, Shell hits 24
BB Massachusetts, Shell hits 3
BB South Dakota, Shell hits 17
CA Chicago
CA Louisville, Shell hits 22

Japanese ground losses:
526 casualties reported
Guns lost 9
Afternoon bombardment:

Naval bombardment of Iwo Jima, at 63,53

Allied Ships
CA Chester
BB Washington
BB North Carolina

Japanese ground losses:
276 casualties reported
Guns lost 4

Air Combat

DEI Theatre:

Andy decided to close Palembang again!

Day Air attack on Palembang , at 20,55

Japanese aircraft
J2M Jack x 12
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 9
Ki-61 KAIc Tony x 27

Allied aircraft
F4U-1D Corsair x 12
SB2C Helldiver x 24
Liberator VI x 14
Beaufighter VIC x 6
Mosquito FB.VI x 7
P-38J Lightning x 119 <- why didn't he use them yesterday!-)
B-25J Mitchell x 80
B-29 Superfortress x 36

Japanese aircraft losses
J2M Jack: 12 destroyed
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 8 destroyed
Ki-61 KAIc Tony: 29 destroyed
P1Y Frances: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
SB2C Helldiver: 1 damaged
Liberator VI: 1 damaged
Beaufighter VIC: 3 destroyed
Mosquito FB.VI: 2 destroyed
P-38J Lightning: 11 destroyed, 8 damaged
B-25J Mitchell: 6 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
272 casualties reported
Guns lost 5

Airbase hits 33
Airbase supply hits 8
Runway hits 202
Port hits 5
Port fuel hits 1
Port supply hits 3
Our defenders at Mir holds their own and then some!

Day Air attack on Miri , at 31,57

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zeke x 19
N1K1-J George x 18
J2M Jack x 15
C6N1-S Myrt x 8

Allied aircraft
P-40N Warhawk x 13
P-38J Lightning x 6
B-25J Mitchell x 39

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zeke: 2 destroyed
N1K1-J George: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged
J2M Jack: 3 destroyed, 1 damaged
C6N1-S Myrt: 6 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
P-40N Warhawk: 6 destroyed
P-38J Lightning: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged
B-25J Mitchell: 5 destroyed, 1 damaged

Runway hits 10
Andy isn't protecting his convoys moving past Java! We hit a large number of loaded transports
and tankers.

Day Air attack on TF at 66,53

Japanese aircraft
G4M2 Betty x 12
P1Y Frances x 17

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 26

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M2 Betty: 3 destroyed, 6 damaged
P1Y Frances: 16 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
FM-2 Wildcat: 2 destroyed, 8 damaged

Allied Ships
DE Kendall C. Campbell
AK Margaret Fuller, Torpedo hits 1
LST LST-350, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
MSW Strength
MSW Strategy
AK Martin Johnson, Torpedo hits 1, on fire

Allied ground losses:
73 casualties reported
Guns lost 1
Day Air attack on TF at 23,59

Japanese aircraft
G4M2 Betty x 8

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M2 Betty: 1 destroyed, 3 damaged

Allied Ships
APD Kephart, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
AO Cowanesque, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
APD Liddle

Allied ground losses:
38 casualties reported
Vehicles lost 2
Day Air attack on TF at 23,59

Japanese aircraft
G4M2 Betty x 2

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M2 Betty: 1 destroyed

Allied Ships
TK Matinicock, Torpedo hits 2, on fire

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x G4M2 Betty launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Day Air attack on TF at 23,59

Japanese aircraft
G4M2 Betty x 8
P1Y Frances x 6
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 11

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M2 Betty: 3 destroyed, 2 damaged
P1Y Frances: 2 destroyed, 2 damaged

Allied Ships
APD Bull, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
APD Kephart, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
APD Liddle
AR James Oliver

Allied ground losses:
12 casualties reported
Day Air attack on Brunei , at 32,57

Japanese aircraft
N1K1-J George x 54
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 13
Ki-84-Ia Frank x 12

Allied aircraft
B-29 Superfortress x 13

Japanese aircraft losses
N1K1-J George: 7 damaged
Ki-84-Ia Frank: 6 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
B-29 Superfortress: 6 destroyed, 1 damaged

Air Combat Central Pacific

What can I say...another major debacle were only 50-55% of our fighters
rose to meet the enemy!

Day Air attack on Iwo Jima , at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
A6M2-N Rufe x 2
A6M5 Zeke x 58
J2M Jack x 9
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 12
Ki-61 KAIc Tony x 23
Ki-84-Ia Frank x 3
Ki-84-Ic Frank x 16
Ki-102a Randy x 19

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 95 <- more and more Wildcats joins in!
F6F Hellcat x 79
F4U-1D Corsair x 44
SB2C Helldiver x 35
F6F-5N Hellcat x 23
TBM Avenger x 124

Japanese aircraft losses <- another Uber destructive day in the air...
A6M2-N Rufe: 2 destroyed
A6M5 Zeke: 67 destroyed
J2M Jack: 13 destroyed
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 14 destroyed
Ki-61 KAIc Tony: 25 destroyed
Ki-84-Ia Frank: 5 destroyed
Ki-84-Ic Frank: 22 destroyed
Ki-102a Randy: 16 destroyed
B7A Grace: 4 destroyed
H8K Emily: 1 destroyed
P1Y Frances: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
FM-2 Wildcat: 11 destroyed, 9 damaged
F6F Hellcat: 40 destroyed <- Here goes another months worth of Hellcats [8D]
F4U-1D Corsair: 2 destroyed, 3 damaged
SB2C Helldiver: 1 damaged
F6F-5N Hellcat: 2 destroyed

Japanese ground losses:
172 casualties reported

Airbase hits 10
Airbase supply hits 5
Runway hits 72
Day Air attack on Iwo Jima , at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft
F4U-1D Corsair x 11
SB2C Helldiver x 71

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zeke: 4 destroyed
B7A Grace: 3 destroyed
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 1 destroyed
Ki-84-Ic Frank: 1 destroyed
H8K Emily: 1 destroyed
Ki-84-Ia Frank: 1 destroyed
J2M Jack: 1 destroyed
Ki-102a Randy: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
SB2C Helldiver: 4 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
47 casualties reported

Airbase hits 3
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 35
Day Air attack on Wake Island , at 82,63

Allied aircraft
F-5C Lightning x 1
PB4Y Liberator x 3
B-24J Liberator x 35

No Allied losses

Port supply hits 2
Day Air attack on TF at 65,54

Japanese aircraft
B7A Grace x 17

Japanese aircraft losses - ppor results by crack TBDs!
B7A Grace: 5 destroyed, 7 damaged

Allied Ships
DD Mahan
DD Yarnall
DD Wadsworth
DD Helm
Day Air attack on TF, near Bonin at 65,52

Japanese aircraft
G4M2e Betty x 1

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
DD Brown, on fire

Aircraft Attacking: <- Ohka bombers..can't hit dip $hit. Fix it Mr Matrix!-)
1 x G4M2e Betty ohka bombing
Day Air attack on TF at 67,53

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zeke x 5

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 109
F4U-1D Corsair x 2

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zeke: 5 destroyed

Allied Ships
CA San Francisco
Day Air attack on TF at 66,53

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zeke x 19

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 26

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zeke: 19 destroyed

Allied Ships
CL Helena
AK Richard Moczkowski, Kamikaze hits 7, on fire, heavy damage *sinks* Takes with it parts of a US division
CL Honolulu

Allied ground losses:
14 casualties reported
Vehicles lost 1
Day Air attack on TF at 66,53

Japanese aircraft
P1Y Frances x 6

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 26

Japanese aircraft losses
P1Y Frances: 2 destroyed, 2 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
FM-2 Wildcat: 5 damaged

Allied Ships
LCI(G) LCI(G)-442
Day Air attack on TF at 66,53

Japanese aircraft
G4M2 Betty x 4
G4M2e Betty x 1
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 5
Ki-67 Peggy x 11

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 26

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M2 Betty: 1 destroyed
G4M2e Betty: 1 destroyed
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 3 destroyed
Ki-67 Peggy: 11 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
FM-2 Wildcat: 2 damaged

Allied Ships
AK M. H. De Young
Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
A6M2-N Rufe x 2

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 5
F4U-1D Corsair x 1
SB2C Helldiver x 5

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2-N Rufe: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
SB2C Helldiver: 2 damaged

Japanese Ships
CA Myoko, Bomb hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
A6M2-N Rufe x 1

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 12
F4U-1D Corsair x 1
Corsair IV x 1
SB2C Helldiver x 1

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2-N Rufe: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
SB2C Helldiver: 1 damaged

Japanese Ships
BB Musashi, Bomb hits 1, on fire
Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 21
F4U-1D Corsair x 3
Corsair IV x 2
SB2C Helldiver x 5
TBM Avenger x 17

Allied aircraft losses
SB2C Helldiver: 3 damaged
TBM Avenger: 2 destroyed, 13 damaged

Japanese Ships
BB Yamato
BB Mutsu, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, on fire <- damage was 22 sys and 22 flood. Returning to Home Islands
CL Sakawa
Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 43
F4U-1D Corsair x 6
Corsair IV x 4
SB2C Helldiver x 15

Allied aircraft losses
SB2C Helldiver: 1 damaged

Japanese Ships
CVE Yamashiro Maru, Bomb hits 1
Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Allied aircraft
SB2C Helldiver x 2

No Allied losses

Japanese Ships
DD Enoki, Bomb hits 1, on fire
Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zeke x 2

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 49
F4U-1D Corsair x 10
Corsair IV x 5

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zeke: 2 destroyed

Allied Ships
BB South Dakota, Kamikaze hits 1


After being shrouded in during the AM phase, the KB reacted twice - away from the Surface group it was assigned
to follow: It had multiple targets to attack and probably selected the one with the heaviest CAP. Think that's how
target selection works in WitP. Still, Nagumo got of a nice big strike and 2 smaller ones that were slaughtered.

The good thing: Andy had limited his carrier's strike range and we got away with it! [8D]

Day Air attack on TF at 66,54

Japanese aircraft - 215/370 ready KB ac
A6M5 Zeke x 106
D4Y Judy x 63
B7A Grace x 46

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 111
F6F Hellcat x 110
F4U-1D Corsair x 1

Japanese aircraft losses <- the infamous Uber CAP killed ALL our escorts, crack pilots all of them!
A6M5 Zeke: 106 destroyed
D4Y Judy: 38 destroyed
B7A Grace: 25 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses - Well, another 30 Hellcats gone!
FM-2 Wildcat: 21 destroyed, 15 damaged
F6F Hellcat: 30 destroyed, 17 damaged
F4U-1D Corsair: 1 destroyed

Allied Ships <- results were poor! 2 enemy escort carriers were hit.
CVE Attu, Bomb hits 2, on fire
CVE Roi, Bomb hits 2
CVE Munda
CVE Makassar Strait
CVE Matanikau
CVE Salamaua
CVE Shipley Bay
CVE Bougainville

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x D4Y Judy bombing at 2000 feet
7 x D4Y Judy bombing at 2000 feet
9 x D4Y Judy bombing at 2000 feet
1 x B7A Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet
4 x B7A Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet
4 x B7A Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet
4 x B7A Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet
8 x D4Y Judy bombing at 2000 feet
4 x B7A Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet
4 x B7A Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Our doomed follow up attacks!

Day Air attack on TF at 66,54

Japanese aircraft
B7A Grace x 27

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 80
F6F Hellcat x 59

Japanese aircraft losses
B7A Grace: 18 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
FM-2 Wildcat: 1 damaged
Day Air attack on TF at 66,54

Japanese aircraft
D4Y Judy x 27

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 84
F6F Hellcat x 80

Japanese aircraft losses
D4Y Judy: 23 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
FM-2 Wildcat: 2 damaged
F6F Hellcat: 1 damaged
Only minute strikes from the Marianas:

Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 2
Ki-67 Peggy x 4

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 49
F4U-1D Corsair x 10
Corsair IV x 5

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 2 destroyed
Ki-67 Peggy: 4 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F6F Hellcat: 4 damaged
Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 6
Ki-67 Peggy x 2

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 49
F4U-1D Corsair x 10
Corsair IV x 5

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 5 destroyed
Ki-67 Peggy: 2 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F6F Hellcat: 1 damaged
Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 23
Ki-67 Peggy x 4

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 49
F4U-1D Corsair x 10
Corsair IV x 5

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 20 destroyed
Ki-67 Peggy: 4 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F6F Hellcat: 3 damaged
Day Air attack on TF at 64,54

Japanese aircraft
G4M2 Betty x 3

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M2 Betty: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged

Allied Ships
DD Ingraham, on fire, heavy damage

Aircraft Attacking:
2 x G4M2 Betty launching torpedoes at 200 feet

Ground Combat

Not much happenind on Wake!

Ground combat at Wake Island

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 35152 troops, 278 guns, 3 vehicles, Assault Value = 731

Defending force 25564 troops, 319 guns, 4 vehicles, Assault Value = 468

Japanese ground losses:
272 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

Battle for Bonin Islands

I will post a few more screens - the pure numbers shoud tell their own story!


PzB74 -> RE: Air and surface battles near the Bonins! (2/3/2007 5:34:40 AM)

The KB strike was a total success - except from the result [8|]
With so many lightly defended targets all the AI gave us was another Uber CAP!

It's not a grateful job at times....


PzB74 -> RE: Air and surface battles near the Bonins! (2/3/2007 5:39:20 AM)

Despite absorbing enormous amounts of damage the Musashi didn't sink!
I will not tell Andy that I scuttled that's one thing he can't brag about [;)]

The Super Heavy Artillery Brigade manage to disembark despite of murderous enemy fire.
Same with the crack regiment.

40 heavy artillery pieces has reinforced the defenses of Iwo Jima.
Our transports took a bad mauling, but I brought in more from the PI and will continue to fly
in troops tomorrow.

I'm getting the feeling that Andy will turn away like he did at the Marianas [;)]
Just don't think he can afford it, will take him months to replace his losses and come back for
another round.


PzB74 -> RE: Air and surface battles near the Bonins! (2/3/2007 5:42:50 AM)



PzB74 -> RE: Air and surface battles near the Bonins! (2/3/2007 5:56:59 AM)

Have you ever seen such continued and horrible air losses?

687/202!!! That's a freakin' lot of ac lost in one day....

Another 72 Hellcats, 37 Wildcats and 23 attack ac.
How many more such days does it take to turn Andy around?

His carriers will be getting replacements from his CVEs, I expect that some 1500-1700
enemy ac, takes part in the assault. Of these some 5-600 should be fighters. I guess we
have destroyed some 250-300 of them and damaged another 100. If we can keep the pressure up
Andy should be getting nervous tonight, agitated and upset tomorrow, and withdraw on Sunday [:D]

It will be interesting to see if Andy really can pull this off. If he lands his 200k troops it will
be game Uber... Just can't take the chance that he will manage that. Won't be fun to play WitP as Japan
for a year after loosing the Bonins [:o]

Even though the Empire is heavily taxed, we can continue this kind of defense for another week, at least.
I'm most pleased with that Andy didn't manage to destroy the Yamato's battle fleet. The loss of the Musashi,
she sank before her big brother as in RL, is unfortunate - but she protected a lot of ships with her sacrifice.
So we've lost an old battle cruiser, a super dreadnought, a couple of cruisers and a dozen destroyers so far.

It's first now I will gather our remaining battleships in this last stand. Hopefully Andy's ships are low on
ammo after the numerous engagements. He is forced to continue his bombardment of both islands tomorrow in order
to keep them closed. As you can see Bonin has sustained a lot of punishment, but there are a lot of engineers in place.

Runways on Bonin have been cleared and I will do my outmost to keep it so.
Iwo received ca 150 AP from the sea and air while Bonin got 30 AP from the air. Guess 30-40 AP is what we can bring in
pr day.


String -> RE: Air and surface battles near the Bonins! (2/3/2007 10:00:24 AM)

Was your Yamato TF set to retire? That might explain it.

kkoovvoo -> RE: Air and surface battles near the Bonins! (2/3/2007 10:27:13 AM)



Despite absorbing enormous amounts of damage the Musashi didn't sink!
I will not tell Andy that I scuttled that's one thing he can't brag about [;)]

The Super Heavy Artillery Brigade manage to disembark despite of murderous enemy fire.
Same with the crack regiment.

40 heavy artillery pieces has reinforced the defenses of Iwo Jima.
Our transports took a bad mauling, but I brought in more from the PI and will continue to fly
in troops tomorrow.

I'm getting the feeling that Andy will turn away like he did at the Marianas [;)]
Just don't think he can afford it, will take him months to replace his losses and come back for
another round.


Musashi could probably inflict more damage if more competent commander than Nakano would be in command [:(]

pauk -> RE: Yamato faces a torrent of steel - and lives! (2/3/2007 11:20:22 AM)



The first time I fought over Iwo Jima back in the mid 1980's it looked like this [:D]
Remember it was 1 of 2 scenarios in a C64 game called 'Conflict in the Pacific'.


oh, oh...i've played this game for weeks too... good old commodore64...

As for your surface TF which didn't engage the enemy...i think i had same situation like you, but don't think that someone can explain it...the rule for the nigt combat is "if the two enemy TFs are in the same hex the battle will occur" (at least it was been told clearly more than one time here on board).

Not sure that everything is fine with naval combat - often have situation my SC TFs didn't move 8 hexes as they are supposed to do (with fuel, no ops points, search planes stood down)...

Hm, looks like Andy will go for Bonins no matter at cost - not sure that he will withdraw this time - but this is your chance! Banzai!

PS... did you start to recive Militia units in HI? I'm not sure if those units are arriving only if they are triggered with invasion on HI[&:]?

PzB74 -> RE: Yamato faces a torrent of steel - and lives! (2/3/2007 12:35:16 PM)

Quick comment on the captain of the Musashi!


Rob Brennan UK -> RE: Yamato faces a torrent of steel - and lives! (2/3/2007 6:21:05 PM)

WOW , exciting stuff PzB , I cant help but cheer for Japan in your shoes. regarding the musashi captain, IF she was auto split out of a TF and was acting as the 'TF commander' IIRC the captain will remain with the TF and a new "incompetant" one takes the helm of the detached ship.

Just a possibility, and if it is the leader bug re-surfacing at least its not Nimitz swopping sides randomly [;)]

PzB74 -> RE: Yamato faces a torrent of steel - and lives! (2/3/2007 8:49:28 PM)

I don't know Rob, the Yamato TF was led by the Yamato, no need for the CO on the Musashi to hand over command to
a Jr Lt in the Army. This game still has things that require attention by Matrix.

When I transfer air groups to my carriers even damaged ac are transferred at times. In other incidents they all become

This was supposed to be a interesting battle, but it's slowly turning into anpther Uber CAP issue. Andy is massing his cv's in
the Iwo Jima hex, shooting down all and everything that approaches from single plane strikes to 200 ones. Guess it's the tactic
he has to use, but it's awful to witness.

Today we lost another 700 ac to the enemy's 160, including 100 fighters of which 52 were Hellcats.
We lost only transports, escorts and some destroyers and returned the favor to the enemy. While many supplies and troops were
lost at sea, we managed to increase supply stock in Iwo to 45k. Another 30 AP were flown in, but the massive enemy carrier CAP over Iwo shot down some 50 transports. I will concentrate on reinforcing Bonin for now and prepare to hit Andy in the rear.

He can't be strong everywhere and a stream of damaged ships is now returning to Wake and from Wake they will go to the Marshalls.
Sooner or later his carriers also have to return, and that should happen within a week! Then I'll eat him for lunch [:D]


Why oh why must the cursor jump to the top of the post each time I add a font size, color etc?
It's driving me nutters [:'(]


TF 1035 encounters mine field at Iwo Jima (63,53)

Allied Ships
DE Oberrender, Mine hits 1, on fire [:)]
CVE Attu, Mine hits 1, on fire [:)]

Sub/ASW Attacks

ASW attack at 65,54

Japanese Ships
SS I-178, hits 6, on fire

Allied Ships
DD Roe
DD Wilkes
DD Welles
DD Callaghan
DD Bush
DD Burns
DD Allen M. Sumner
CL Wilkes-Barre
CA Indianapolis
ASW attack near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
SS I-56, hits 4

Allied Ships
DD Stockton
DD Farenholt
DD Young
Sub attack at 66,53

Japanese Ships
DD Oboro
DD Kaede
DD Momi
DD Kaki
DD Yuzuki
DD Fuyuzuki
CL Noshiro
CA Mikuma

Allied Ships
SS Pargo, hits 2, on fire
ASW attack at 66,53

Japanese Ships
DD Kaede
DD Momi
DD Kaki

Allied Ships
SS Pargo, hits 6, on fire, heavy damage [:)]
Sub attack at 61,53

Japanese Ships
AP Tenpei Maru, Torpedo hits 1, heavy damage
PC Ch 2

Allied Ships
SS Tang

Japanese ground losses:
19 casualties reported
Sub attack at 64,50

Japanese Ships
PC PC-31, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
PC PC-34
PC PC-33
PC PC-32
PC PC-30
PC PC-29
PC PC-28
PC PC-27
PC Miyake
DD Minazuki

Allied Ships
SS Pompano, hits 15, on fire
Sub attack at 61,53

Japanese Ships
AP Fukuju Maru, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
PC Showa Maru #5
MSW Banshu Maru #18
PC Yashiro
PC Awaji

Allied Ships
SS Tang, hits 3, on fire

Japanese ground losses:
31 casualties reported
ASW attack near Bonin at 65,52

Japanese Ships
MSW Seki Maru

Allied Ships
SS Hake, hits 1
ASW attack at 64,48

Japanese Ships
MSW W.29
PC PC-150
PC PC-13
PC PC-11
PC Sakito

Allied Ships
SS Pompano, hits 16, on fire, heavy damage [:)]
Sub attack near Iwo Jima at 63,53 - our new small coastal sub's in action!

Japanese Ships
SS RO-35, hits 5

Allied Ships
DD Charles S. Sperry, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
DD Quickmatch
DD Barton
DD David Taylor
DD Isherwood
DD Harrison
DD John W. Weeks
DD Taussig
DD Lyman K. Swenson
Sub attack at 63,52

Japanese Ships
SS I-48

Allied Ships
DD Bennion, on fire
We hit a lot of enemy subs today! Andy is creaming them into the base hexes by the dozen [:(]

Sub attack at 61,53

Japanese Ships
AP Hiburi Maru, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
PC Showa Maru #5
MSW Banshu Maru #18
PC Yashiro

Allied Ships
SS Tang, hits 9, heavy damage

Japanese ground losses:
35 casualties reported

Surface Combat

Day time battles were vicious, lost a lot of transports and escorts but supplies at Iwo Jima went
up to 45000! This is extremely important. Also think Andy's battleships have expended their ammo on
cargo ships [;)]

Night Time Surface Combat at 62,53

Japanese Ships
AK Hiyama Maru, Shell hits 4, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
DD Nicholson
Night Time Surface Combat at 64,52

Japanese Ships
DD Isonami

Allied Ships
DD Hank, Shell hits 2, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
Night Time Surface Combat at 62,53

Japanese Ships
AK Gisho Maru, Shell hits 2, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk

Allied Ships
DD Nicholson
Night Time Surface Combat at 62,53

Japanese Ships
AK Taijun Maru, Shell hits 3, on fire

Allied Ships
DD Nicholson
Night Time Surface Combat, near Bonin at 65,52

Japanese Ships
BB Yamato
CA Chokai
CL Sakawa
DD Niizuki
DD Wakazuki
DD Shimozuki
DD Yoizuki
DD Haruzuki
DD Yanagi

Allied Ships - Yamato put some big shells into these buggers!

DD Brown, Shell hits 11, and is sunk
DD Bryant, Shell hits 23, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
Night Time Surface Combat at 62,53

Japanese Ships
ML Ishizaki, Shell hits 9, and is sunk

Allied Ships
DD Nicholson
Night Time Surface Combat at 64,52

Japanese Ships
PC Hiburi, Shell hits 1, on fire
PC PC-69, Shell hits 2, on fire
PC PC-76, Shell hits 1, on fire

Allied Ships
DD Hank, Shell hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
Night Time Surface Combat at 64,52

Japanese Ships
DD Isonami, Shell hits 9, on fire

Allied Ships - no end to how annoying this 'Hank' can be!
DD Hank, Shell hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
Night Time Surface Combat at 64,52

Japanese Ships
DD Nire, on fire
DD Hagi, Shell hits 1

Allied Ships
DD Hank, Shell hits 4, and is sunk - Goodbye & Good Riddance!

Daytime Surface Combat

Day Time Surface Combat at 63,52

Japanese Ships
PC Iki, Shell hits 6, on fire, heavy damage
PC Ukuru, Shell hits 4, on fire
PC Ikuna, Shell hits 3, on fire
PC PC-66, Shell hits 7, on fire, heavy damage
PC PC-72, Shell hits 2, on fire
PC PC-112
PC PC-134
DD Kiji, Shell hits 2, on fire

Allied Ships
DD Bennion, Shell hits 21, on fire
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
AP Zinzan Maru, Shell hits 1, and is sunk

Allied Ships
BB Iowa
BB New Jersey
BB Wisconsin
BB Missouri
CA Minneapolis
CA Northampton
DD Cogswell
DD Colahan
DD Luce
DD Trathen
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
MSW Tama Maru, Shell hits 7, on fire, heavy damage
AK Kiso Maru, Shell hits 6, and is sunk
AK Nasusan Maru, Shell hits 6, on fire, heavy damage
AK Ryuko Maru, Shell hits 4, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
BB Iowa
BB New Jersey
BB Wisconsin
BB Missouri
CA Minneapolis
CA Northampton
DD Cogswell
DD Colahan
DD Luce
DD Trathen
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
AK Misaku Maru, Shell hits 7, and is sunk
AK Nagisan Maru, Shell hits 31, and is sunk
AK Naniwa Maru, Shell hits 4, and is sunk

Allied Ships
BB Iowa
BB New Jersey
BB Wisconsin
BB Missouri
CA Minneapolis
CA Northampton
DD Cogswell
DD Colahan
DD Luce
DD Trathen
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
AK Asakaze Maru, Shell hits 29, and is sunk
AK Atlas Maru, Shell hits 19, and is sunk

Allied Ships
BB Iowa
BB New Jersey
BB Wisconsin
BB Missouri
CA Minneapolis
CA Northampton
DD Cogswell
DD Colahan
DD Luce
DD Trathen
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
AK Renzan Maru, Shell hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
AK Sensan Maru, Shell hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
AK Myoho Maru
AK Ushio Maru

Allied Ships
BB Iowa
BB New Jersey
BB Wisconsin
BB Missouri
CA Minneapolis
CA Northampton
DD Cogswell
DD Colahan
DD Luce
DD Trathen
Day Time Surface Combat, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese Ships
PC PC-40, Shell hits 28, and is sunk
AP Tonan Maru, Shell hits 12, and is sunk

Allied Ships
BB South Dakota
BB Massachusetts
BB Alabama
CA Louisville
CA Chicago
DD Walker
DD Waller
DD Wedderburn
Can you imagine how much damage single enemy destroyer can do? [:(]
When I attempt to intercept a convoy I'm lucky to sink the escorts [:@]
Day Time Surface Combat at 61,53

Japanese Ships
PC Awaji, Shell hits 3, on fire
PC Yashiro, Shell hits 4, on fire
PC PC-2, Shell hits 3, on fire
MSW Banshu Maru #18, Shell hits 6, on fire, heavy damage
PC Showa Maru #5, Shell hits 3, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
AP Hiburi Maru, Shell hits 8, and is sunk
AP Harukiku Maru, Shell hits 1
AP Kurenai Maru, Shell hits 4, on fire
AP Mayasan Maru, Shell hits 1, on fire
AP Fukuju Maru, Shell hits 3, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
DD Mahan, Shell hits 5, on fire

Japanese ground losses:
1036 casualties reported
Guns lost 14


Naval bombardment of Iwo Jima, at 63,53 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zeke: 1 destroyed
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 1 destroyed
Ki-84-Ic Frank: 1 destroyed

50 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Allied Ships
CA Northampton, Shell hits 2
CA Minneapolis
BB Missouri, Shell hits 15
BB Wisconsin
BB New Jersey
BB Iowa

Japanese ground losses:
512 casualties reported
Guns lost 14

Runway hits 4
Port supply hits 2

Air Combat

Day Air attack on Bonin , at 65,52

Japanese aircraft
A6M2-N Rufe x 1
A6M5 Zeke x 27
J2M Jack x 15
A6M5c Zeke x 41
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 33
Ki-102a Randy x 37

Allied aircraft
P-51D Mustang x 36

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zeke: 10 destroyed, 1 damaged
J2M Jack: 4 destroyed, 1 damaged
A6M5c Zeke: 13 destroyed
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 18 destroyed
Ki-102a Randy: 11 destroyed, 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
P-51D Mustang: 14 destroyed, 6 damaged
Day Air attack on Iwo Jima , at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
N1K1-J George x 6
J2M Jack x 22
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 18
Ki-84-Ia Frank x 47
Ki-102a Randy x 5

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 65
F6F Hellcat x 83
F4U-1 Corsair x 16
F4U-1D Corsair x 14
Corsair IV x 6
SB2C Helldiver x 46
TBM Avenger x 69

Japanese aircraft losses
N1K1-J George: 7 destroyed
J2M Jack: 22 destroyed
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 18 destroyed
Ki-84-Ia Frank: 49 destroyed
Ki-102a Randy: 5 destroyed
Ki-61 KAIc Tony: 4 destroyed
A6M2-N Rufe: 1 destroyed
H8K Emily: 2 destroyed
B7A Grace: 3 destroyed
Ki-84-Ic Frank: 3 destroyed
A6M5 Zeke: 2 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
FM-2 Wildcat: 13 destroyed, 2 damaged
F6F Hellcat: 27 destroyed, 5 damaged
F4U-1 Corsair: 1 destroyed
F4U-1D Corsair: 2 destroyed
Corsair IV: 3 destroyed
SB2C Helldiver: 1 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
74 casualties reported

Airbase hits 8
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 50
Day Air attack on Iwo Jima , at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 28
SB2C Helldiver x 64
F6F-5N Hellcat x 19
TBM Avenger x 71

Japanese aircraft losses
J2M Jack: 1 destroyed
Ki-84-Ia Frank: 4 destroyed
A6M5 Zeke: 3 destroyed
Ki-102a Randy: 1 destroyed
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 2 destroyed
H8K Emily: 2 destroyed
B7A Grace: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
SB2C Helldiver: 8 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
131 casualties reported

Airbase hits 4
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 65
Day Air attack on Wake Island , at 82,63

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft
F-5C Lightning x 1
PB4Y Liberator x 3
B-24J Liberator x 31

Japanese aircraft losses
B7A Grace: 2 destroyed
Ki-49 Helen: 4 destroyed
Ki-67 Peggy: 2 destroyed

Airbase hits 8
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 21
Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zeke x 8

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 27
F6F Hellcat x 49
F4U-1 Corsair x 6
F4U-1D Corsair x 13
Corsair IV x 5

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zeke: 8 destroyed

Allied Ships
BB Alabama
Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
Ki-67 Peggy x 3

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 27
F6F Hellcat x 49
F4U-1 Corsair x 6
F4U-1D Corsair x 13
Corsair IV x 5

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-67 Peggy: 3 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F6F Hellcat: 1 damaged
Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 2
Ki-67 Peggy x 3

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 27
F6F Hellcat x 49
F4U-1 Corsair x 6
F4U-1D Corsair x 13
Corsair IV x 5

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 2 destroyed
Ki-67 Peggy: 3 destroyed
Day Air attack on TF at 65,53

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zeke x 2

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 25
F6F Hellcat x 165

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zeke: 2 destroyed

Allied Ships
AK Louis A. Sengteller, Kamikaze hits 1, on fire

Allied ground losses:
35 casualties reported
Day Air attack on TF at 77,58

Japanese aircraft
B7A Grace x 5
Ki-67 Peggy x 13

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-67 Peggy: 3 damaged

Allied Ships
AK Brander Matthews
AK Sage Brush, Bomb hits 1, on fire
DE Day
LST LST-476, Bomb hits 1, on fire
I had hopes for this air strike: 131 escorts for 74 bombers. 100 enemy fighters shot down 95%
of them. This is why I have to use ground attack training in China.

Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
B7A Grace x 23
G4M2 Betty x 49
G4M2e Betty x 1
P1Y Frances x 41
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 131

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 27
F6F Hellcat x 49
F4U-1 Corsair x 6
F4U-1D Corsair x 13
Corsair IV x 5

Japanese aircraft losses
B7A Grace: 10 destroyed, 2 damaged
G4M2 Betty: 27 destroyed
G4M2e Betty: 1 destroyed
P1Y Frances: 10 destroyed, 7 damaged
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 108 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
FM-2 Wildcat: 1 destroyed, 10 damaged
F6F Hellcat: 8 destroyed, 21 damaged
F4U-1D Corsair: 1 destroyed, 3 damaged

Allied Ships
CV Bunker Hill
CVL Princeton
CV Hornet

Aircraft Attacking:
2 x G4M2 Betty launching torpedoes at 200 feet
2 x G4M2 Betty launching torpedoes at 200 feet
2 x G4M2 Betty launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zeke x 7

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 26
F6F Hellcat x 41
F4U-1 Corsair x 6
F4U-1D Corsair x 12
Corsair IV x 5

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zeke: 7 destroyed

Allied Ships - at least each kamikaze should influct 1 point of sys damage [8|]
BB Iowa, Kamikaze hits 4
Day Air attack on Iwo Jima , at 63,53

Japanese aircraft
Ki-102a Randy x 7

Allied aircraft
F4U-1D Corsair x 41
F6F-5N Hellcat x 20

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-102a Randy: 7 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F4U-1D Corsair: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged
The KB launched two more strikes and the results were horrible. No way around the Uber CAP!-(

Day Air attack on TF, near Iwo Jima at 63,53

Japanese aircraft - WHY is it so difficult to divide escorts and bombers evenly!? [:@]

A6M5 Zeke x 93
B7A Grace x 12

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 36
F6F Hellcat x 51
F4U-1 Corsair x 13
F4U-1D Corsair x 10
Corsair IV x 6

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zeke: 93 destroyed
B7A Grace: 8 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
FM-2 Wildcat: 5 destroyed, 2 damaged
F6F Hellcat: 16 destroyed, 5 damaged
F4U-1D Corsair: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged
This is so awful....

Day Air attack on TF at 64,53

Japanese aircraft
D4Y Judy x 78

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 88

Japanese aircraft losses
D4Y Judy: 54 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F6F Hellcat: 2 damaged
Day Air attack on TF at 65,53

Japanese aircraft
D4Y Judy x 45

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 25
F6F Hellcat x 164

Japanese aircraft losses
D4Y Judy: 17 destroyed, 3 damaged
Day Air attack on TF at 65,53

Japanese aircraft
D4Y Judy x 25

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 25
F6F Hellcat x 164

Japanese aircraft losses
D4Y Judy: 23 destroyed

Air Battles in the DEI

Day Air attack on TF at 25,55

Allied aircraft
F4U-1D Corsair x 13
TBM Avenger x 11
Beaufighter VIC x 3
P-38J Lightning x 48

No Allied losses

Japanese Ships
AK Kinmo Maru, Bomb hits 4, on fire, heavy damage
Day Air attack on TF, near Butung Island at 33,72

Japanese aircraft
P1Y Frances x 17

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
AK John lsaacson, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
Day Air attack on TF at 23,57

Japanese aircraft
B7A Grace x 4
G4M2 Betty x 4
P1Y Frances x 3
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 4

Allied aircraft
P-38J Lightning x 15

Japanese aircraft losses
B7A Grace: 4 destroyed
G4M2 Betty: 1 damaged
P1Y Frances: 2 destroyed
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 3 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
P-38J Lightning: 3 damaged

Allied Ships
APD Bull

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x P1Y Frances launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Day Air attack on TF at 25,55

Allied aircraft
F4U-1D Corsair x 7
TBM Avenger x 41
P-38J Lightning x 50

No Allied losses

Japanese Ships
AK Shichiyo Maru, Bomb hits 3, on fire
AK Kinmo Maru, Bomb hits 7, on fire, heavy damage
AK Kurogane Maru
AK Hirota Maru, Bomb hits 2, on fire
Day Air attack on 19th/C Division, at 31,57

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zeke x 12
N1K1-J George x 41
J2M Jack x 9

Allied aircraft
B-25J Mitchell x 16

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zeke: 2 destroyed, 1 damaged
N1K1-J George: 1 destroyed, 8 damaged
J2M Jack: 2 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
B-25J Mitchell: 12 destroyed
Day Air attack on 6th/A Division, at 31,57

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zeke x 10
N1K1-J George x 40
J2M Jack x 9

Allied aircraft
B-25J Mitchell x 6
PB4Y Liberator x 4

Japanese aircraft losses
N1K1-J George: 3 destroyed, 4 damaged
J2M Jack: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
B-25J Mitchell: 6 destroyed
PB4Y Liberator: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
11 casualties reported
Guns lost 1
Day Air attack on Miri , at 31,57

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zeke x 12
N1K1-J George x 41
J2M Jack x 9

Allied aircraft
P-38J Lightning x 7

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
P-38J Lightning: 7 destroyed
Day Air attack on Brunei , at 32,57

Japanese aircraft
N1K1-J George x 15
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 8
Ki-84-Ia Frank x 9

Allied aircraft
B-29 Superfortress x 6

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
B-29 Superfortress: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged
Day Air attack on Palembang , at 20,55

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft
F4U-1D Corsair x 7
SB2C Helldiver x 18
Liberator VI x 15
Beaufighter VIC x 3
Mosquito FB.VI x 5
B-25J Mitchell x 76
B-29 Superfortress x 44

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-61 KAIc Tony: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
SB2C Helldiver: 2 damaged
Liberator VI: 1 damaged
B-25J Mitchell: 6 damaged
B-29 Superfortress: 6 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
90 casualties reported
Guns lost 5

Airbase hits 17
Airbase supply hits 5
Runway hits 208
Port hits 1

Battlefield Bonins


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