PzB74 -> RE: Summaries 4 (12/14/2008 9:24:07 PM)
Japan never advanced beyond historical limits in the Southern Pacific, most efforts went into capturing India and this completely shaped the remainder of the game. 4 Allied commanders with different strategies saw many strange turns, like when David took over from Wobbly and completely stopped the ground offensive on Java which would have wiped out our remaining ground units there. This is the kind of confusion that usually only takes place in a real war and added much flavor to the game [:)] I can't remember exactly, but this is the rule of the 4 different Allied commanders: Wobbly: 12/41-10/42 ADavidB: 10/42-06/43 Nomad: 06/43-07/43 AndyMac: 07/43-01/46 Please correct me if anyone can remember more accurately, not 100% certain about these dates anymore [:)] Since we agreed on an armistice a draw would be the obvious result. Remember that I missed only a few points for an autovictory at the end of 1942, in a way I'm glad this never happened because the game may not have been continued then. If we look at the final score Allies had some 143000 points vs 98000 Japanese points in 01/46. In order to win a draw on points Andy would have had to win by a 2-1 margin. This would mean earning an aditional 40-50000 points in 3-4 months. I don't think this would have been possible, but you never know... Not sure a Japanese victory would have had any meaning, the Empire had been collapsed and as in real life it was only a matter of time before the Emperor would have to accept defeat. This saga stretches back to 5th of August 2004, which means that the war has been going on for 4 full years, even longer than the real war in the Pacific! [8D] We have had more than 300000 hits and 5000 replies which averages 60 views per post. In adition there are the threads written by the Allied commanders, in total we have probably had more than half a million hits! I think this is AMAZINGLY KEWL and one of the main reasons why I have enjoyed this AAR so much [&o] A great thank you to all readers and contributers and an even bigger thanx to Matrix for hosting this AAR and creating such wonderful wargames. If you have any questions, please ask now. I will leave the AAR "open" for the remaining days of 2008 and then officially close it from2009. All good things should have a clearly defined start and end [:)]