RE: Status (Full Version)

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pauk -> RE: Status (8/31/2008 9:13:48 AM)



Hi Pauk-San, how's the family? [:)]

Looks very much like a fjord and mountain been to Norway?


Unforutnaly, i wasn't been there - you would be noticed if that was a case[:)].

Well done sir! It is Norway indeed. Friend of mine was there, and he showed me some pictures! Apsolutly outstanding country[:)]

pauk -> RE: Status (8/31/2008 10:39:33 AM)

I'm apsolutely delighted with those photos (and beatifulness (sp?)), so i have to post another one:

A small quest for you PzB: which island is that?


PzB74 -> RE: Status (8/31/2008 10:37:27 PM)

People not from Norway tend to notice the nature a bit more than us natives, taking it for granted I guess [;)]

My knowledge of Norwegian geography could need an update though, no idea what island this is.
Near Tromsø, or Herøya maybe...

You taken a pause from WitP Pauk?

NB! Thx for popping in one last time guys, appreciate it.
Planning to find time for some summaries etc [:)]

After prolonged negotiations a kind of draw was agreed with the Allied powers.
Not much of the Empire remains but High Command hope to retain most of its pre-war territory (not including China).

khyberbill -> RE: Status (9/1/2008 1:09:37 AM)


People not from Norway tend to notice the nature a bit more than us natives, taking it for granted I guess

My knowledge of Norwegian geography could need an update though, no idea what island this is.
Near Tromsø, or Herøya maybe...

You taken a pause from WitP Pauk?

NB! Thx for popping in one last time guys, appreciate it.
Planning to find time for some summaries etc

After prolonged negotiations a kind of draw was agreed with the Allied powers.
Not much of the Empire remains but High Command hope to retain most of its pre-war territory (not including China).

A well fought battle and the first AAR I read after joining the forum. Thanks for the enjoyment!

pauk -> RE: Status (9/1/2008 6:29:46 AM)

It is Andøy island.

Nah, we are playing our game although currently at slow pace due to Andys obligation to Allied edition.

castor troy -> RE: Status (9/1/2008 9:09:46 AM)



It is Andøy island.

Nah, we are playing our game although currently at slow pace due to Andys obligation to Allied edition.

hehe [:D]

PzB74 -> RE: Status (9/1/2008 7:32:15 PM)

Ah Andøya (Duck Island), never been there - to far north [:)]

PzB74 -> RE: Status (12/7/2008 12:09:27 PM)

Been promising you a write up and closure of this one, problem is that I sold the old computer were I played this game and I haven't patched up a similar version on the new rig.

Since the Jap fleet virtually got wiped out and no new additions could be launched the loss list was almost complete. The last few maps also shows pretty clearly how the Allies were closing in all around Japan - but this picture also got a bit distorted as we had to close down the war in Manchukuo because of the many bugs. In reality Japan should be fighting a desperate holding action roughly around the 38th parallel in Korea.

The unhistorical inefficiency of US subs (and some player neglect:) allowed Japan to gather enough resources to continue operating it's relatively undamaged industry at close to 100%. This combined with the great early Japanese victories in the game ensured that the Allied never were able to out produce Japan in regards to aircraft. Think both me and Andy were throwing thousands of green pilots into our airframes throughout 1945. Since Japan were allowed to introduce a couple of "what if" ac like the Shinden, the Allies had to face an even tougher challenge over the Home Islands in the waning months of the war.

The ability to overstack bases with troops, aircraft and ships and build level 9 forts everywere also severly influenced how the game played out. While Japan was allowed (by history) to expect great sacrifices from its soldiers and citizens the Allies were not. In WitP there were no penalties for excessive Allied losses - which again were forced upon them by the game limitations layed out above.

The game also showed that while Japan is capable of running wild all over the Pacific and taking even India. The penalties for "stretching thin" are always great but in this game the gambit in India showed that this approach is easier to justify than an overstretch into Australia and the wast expanses of the Pacific since a mainland link from India to Korea allows Japan to transfer troops without having to rely on the Combined Fleet for support and supplies. India also worked as an industrial basin and its surrender also forced the British out of the war.

It was possible to defeat the combined Allied navies throughout 1942 and force a stalemate until late 1943, but from then on relentless attrition and a lack of new keels will lead to an inevitable reverse of fortunes (unless the Japanese player completely outplays the Allied player - which was not the case in this game after Andy took over). The introduction of Corsairs is usually the worst omen of them all...

All of Japan's great successes in this game merely gave the Empire another year of life and this would be the only basis for claiming any sort of "victory". In real life the Japanese war against the USA was doomed to utter defeat, it was just a matter of time. The most interesting "what if" is perhaps what would have happened if Hitler had a bit more sober grip of things and used Japan's suicidal run in the Pacific to avoid war with the US for another 6-12 months. This approach would probably have earned the Nazi Empire another 6 months at most - by mid 45 the threat of nuclear devastation would loom over both Japan and Germany (if the latter had not been overrun by the Hammer & Sickel already).

Pretty sure that Admirals Edition will solve many of the issues encountered in this game, but I got a feeling that the results will not favor Japan....

Will try to pull out a final map and some statistics for you when I get a few days off this Xmas.
I see that the thread has more than 300k hits [:)] Again, thanx for reading and commenting, it has been great fun!

Also, a great thank you to all of my opponents in this game:
Wobbly, David, Nomand and AndyMac.

Honda -> RE: Status (12/8/2008 10:30:32 AM)

Great game, surely one of the classics, if not THE classic. Thanks for all the time and effort you put into this one. I remember reading it even before I bought the game. It was an inspiration, even the not so bright moves like losing the bulk of KB north of NG, but better to learn from others' mistakes then your own, right.

Hats down general/admiral!

undercovergeek -> RE: Status (12/8/2008 10:45:13 AM)

hoda - has your aar been taken off the site - i cant get to it anymore?

Zond -> RE: Status (12/8/2008 1:56:31 PM)

PZB, thank you for all the time you devoted to this AAR. It was a pleasure reading it. You fought like a true Samurai! [:)]

Pitty for the late war bugs in the game or the inabillity to build new ships. Exterminate the bugs! [:D]

Once again, congratulations!


ORIGINAL: undercovergeek

hoda - has your aar been taken off the site - i cant get to it anymore?

Hi, here is the link to Honda's aar


BTW What happened to Pauk's AAR? Bulk of the aar is simply gone![X(]

Can this be fixed in any way?

undercovergeek -> RE: Status (12/8/2008 4:46:18 PM)


Hi, here is the link to Honda's aar


i meant the one on the croatian forum that he has a link to in his sig - it doesnt link to the AAR anymore and its disappeared off the forum it seems

Zond -> RE: Status (12/8/2008 5:41:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: undercovergeek


Hi, here is the link to Honda's aar


i meant the one on the croatian forum that he has a link to in his sig - it doesnt link to the AAR anymore and its disappeared off the forum it seems

I just checked and it seems that you're right! Crap, i'll ask Honda what happened. Stay tuned [:)]

undercovergeek -> RE: Status (12/8/2008 11:20:35 PM)

thanks - i was steadily translating that with the help of trusty google translator!!!

Honda -> RE: Status (12/9/2008 9:47:13 AM)

Hey geek :)
I'll be sure to inform the oppressing administrator that there is still one reader left and that his action were totally uncalled for, unjust and unworthy of any self respecting admin.

undercovergeek -> RE: Status (12/9/2008 10:10:17 AM)

most kind - thankyou - unless he wants to just email me the content!!

Q-Ball -> RE: Status (12/9/2008 2:14:55 PM)

Thanks again PzB! Can't wait for final stats, I am curious how many A/C bit the dust.

Honda -> RE: Status (12/12/2008 9:09:38 AM)

YOu'll find the AAR is available now. However, not permanently so put that translator of yours to work :)


ORIGINAL: undercovergeek

most kind - thankyou - unless he wants to just email me the content!!

PzB74 -> RE: Status (12/12/2008 10:43:16 PM)

Thanx guys, it has been a good show! [:)]

A WitP game is a true investment in time and effort and I've decided that from now on I have to concentrate on smaller games that takes less time. In the General Forum there's news about the next Eastern Front game by Matrix and Gary Grigsby. Really looking forward to this one.

Admirals Edition of WitP I'll save until retirement age [;)]
Will be good to read AARs and follow it's development though, Andy & co are doing a great job.

jwilkerson -> RE: Status (12/14/2008 2:02:22 AM)



Great game, surely one of the classics, if not THE classic.

I'd say definitely "The Classic".
Great job PzB, Andy et al, just to go so far. What a journey!

PzB74 -> Summaries I (12/14/2008 7:44:46 PM)

Thanx Joe, we would never have gotten this far without your support! [:)][&o]

Ok here comes the final summary.
If there is one last advice for the AE team, pleaase add better summaries over shipping losses.
Today I added together ca 4000 sunk ships of all classes, need an auto summary system here.
Also need a date next to each ship that was sunk. This would allow lots of interesting statistics to be made!

Since so much time, effort and blood has been put into this mega campaign I found it only fair to list the enormous number of lost vessels, aircraft and men.

Air Losses

Allies flew ca 8.5 million sorties during the war compared with 5.8 million Japanese.
I find it a tad difficult to calculate exactly how many ac were lost on both sides since the counters have gone around and now list negative.

Can anyone help with this?


PzB74 -> Summaries I (12/14/2008 7:56:52 PM)

Japanese top scoring ace of all times: Ensign Matsuyama .B with 34 confirmed kills.
An even bigger feat...he survived!

As the screens under show Japan had 3319 ac left when the war ended.
These were mostly mediocre experienced units, but the Shinden units were very powerful and caused the Allies huge losses.


PzB74 -> Summaries 2 (12/14/2008 8:13:23 PM)

Ship losses

Since no more ships could be laid down after 08/45 the yards lay idle while the Combined Fleet was destroyed. At 01/46 the following combat ships were still afloat:

2 battleships
1 light cruiser
1 destroyer
1 seaplane tender
2 patrol craft
6 mine sweepers
13 submarines

As you can see hardly any of these were operational.

Japan lost 1772 points of shipping while Allies lost 2044.

Japanese shipping losses:

15 aircraft carriers
8 light carriers
9 escort carriers
10 battleships
18 heavy cruisers
25 light cruisers
1 seaplane tender
12 destroyer transports
200 destroyers
138 submarines
6 PTs
347 patrol craft
44 minelayers
218 minesweepers
12 auxiliaries
80 tankers
11 fleet oilers
305 troop transports
311 cargo ships

Allied shipping losses

5 aircraft carriers
4 light carriers
37 escort carriers
1 battlecruiser
17 battleships
5 anti aircraft cruisers
26 light cruisers
23 heavy cruisers
201 destroyers
59 destroyer escorts
45 fast destroyer transports
7 destroyer minelayers
18 destroyers minesweepers
99 LCI types
53 LS types
18 patrol craft
43 sub chasers
129 PT boats
118 minesweepers
6 minelayers
37 auxiliaries
139 submarines
58 tankers
7 fleet oilers
66 troop transports
684 cargo ships

These losses are just awesome and show just how many vessels that went down in a good 4 year period. Eeach day for some 1500 days of war 2-3 ships went down!

The Japanese merchant marine lost ca 60-65% of all its ships, but I actually halted production of replacements as there were enough left to meet the demands of the shrinking Empire.
The Allied submarine campaign was therefore much less effective than in real life.

I also halted the giant carrier Shinano, except from this only the bugged HA class subs have not been launched.


PzB74 -> Summaries 3 (12/14/2008 8:18:22 PM)


Ample resources left in the pools, although most oil reserves were trapped outside the isolated Home Islands. Heavy industry pool was large enough to last another half year or so.

Allied heavy bombing campaigns crippled Mitsubishi engine output, and this became the biggest choke point, but this was addressed by giving Shinden aircraft priority since we were on the defensive anyway.


PzB74 -> Summaries 4 (12/14/2008 8:22:07 PM)

Finally I'd like to have a last look at the Empire in 01/46:


In India we still hold onto the central area around Calcutta.
Allied landings recaptured Ceylon and forced an advance north towards Bombay and Karachi.
Bombay was under sieg and would most likely have fallen after another xx days of siege warfare.
Karachi would most likely have been an impossible nut to crack.


PzB74 -> RE: Summaries 4 (12/14/2008 8:23:42 PM)

Calcutta - Burma Area

Except some minor enemy para landings very little action took place in Burma
and Calcutta area after we occupied it.


PzB74 -> RE: Summaries 4 (12/14/2008 8:25:34 PM)

Indo China Area

Malaya and Indo China were mostly recaptured by the Allies, isolating Sumatra and oil reserves there.


jwilkerson -> RE: Summaries I (12/14/2008 8:30:02 PM)



If there is one last advice for the AE team, pleaase add better summaries over shipping losses.
Today I added together ca 4000 sunk ships of all classes, need an auto summary system here.
Also need a date next to each ship that was sunk. This would allow lots of interesting statistics to be made!



PzB74 -> RE: Summaries 4 (12/14/2008 8:31:58 PM)

Borneo - Java

The southern part of Borneo and parts of Sulawesit were also occupied by the Allies, efficiently
cutting of Java from the rest of the Empire.


PzB74 -> RE: Summaries 4 (12/14/2008 8:44:58 PM)

That's great Joe, only thing I miss then is a summary of how many ships of each class that has been lost!

Central Pacific

After the fall of New Britain and the Marshalls the Allied drive was stopped dead in the Marianas and Bonins. The heavy forts and unlimited garrisons saw to that, but it was a close call for some time. Enemy occupied most of southern and Central New Guinea, but bypassed many bases in the process.

Some of the best battles of the war were fought around Rabaul, really a great period in the game from mid 42 to mid 43!


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