KG Erwin -> RE: Blair Mountain scenario? (8/6/2004 5:28:25 AM)
Jess, this one will be tough to convert to SPWaW. It happened in 1921, so the Feds will have 1903 Rifles, Shotguns and maybe some M1917A1 HMGs or M1919A4 MMGs. The miners? These guys would simply have some hunting rifles, shotguns, pistols and God knows what else. This one will be tough to simulate, as the miners had numbers, and not much else. If the Feds used MGs, it would be simply a matter of acquiring firing positions. Looking at the available maps, though, this was a close-quarters struggle in very hilly terrain. There are few mountains in WV, but many hills, and the terrain in some areas is extemely rugged, all heavily wooded with narrow draws and many opportunities for ambushes. With proper organization, the miners could've made this a protracted fight, but the ultimate outcome was a foregone conclusion. Having studied the later USMC manual on Small Wars, this uprising would have definitely fallen in the generalized category of a "domestic disturbance", even though it involved over 5000 disaffected and armed American citizens.