Charles2222 -> (1/31/2002 1:14:00 AM)
But buying donkeys intentionally to trade for Tiger tanks later, that is reeeeeally lame.
IMO, this is one of the major drawbacks of SPWAW in comparison to SPWW2. I've been playing SPWW2 for about the past month, and from what I've seen it doesn't look like I can ever get over 200pts. to upgrade with. What's more, you can add to your core at anytime. That's right, ADD to it. Being able to add isn't that terribly signifigant if you don't get all that many points to upgrade in the first place.
I'll tell you, I've had a ball playing as the USSR and taking quite a few losses, to where I cannot replace everything (Well I might've been able to, only I decided I had to get one KV1 in the 2nd battle). I think it's likely that as your core grows in points, so will your upgrade points, so there's certainly something to be said for actually trying to make units more expensive as opposed to primarily fixing things all the time (and yes, I have gone into battles with a number of tanks out of action. It does make it fascinating when not ALL of my units, no matter how poor they are, cannot be relied upon to always be there if I take quite a few losses). Personally I think their starting replacement points should be between 75-125pts. higher and although SPWAW's pricing is quite different, it's nothing like the lavish amount given in SPWAW, where your only problem upgarding, MIGHT be the first and second battles. I just love getting a more modest amount, where EVERY SINGLE POINT is very important, so maybe you don't repair the one man loss on some units, or skip an entire upgrade on a platoon because the tank you're really waiting for is three monthes after that upgrade. You will pay for foolish spending in SPWW2.
I think the SPWAW '39 German replacement rate, for example, should be cut down to maybe 500. I think in V6.1 it's hovering around 1200. Also, I don't think the outcome of your last battle has anything to do with your replacement points in SPWAW, but in SPWW2 it does. Get the snot beat out of you in SPWW2 (meaning losing a lot of units in this case), and it may be a while before you field your full complement again.