Don Bowen -> Requested Adjustments to Unit Divide Function (1/23/2005 6:22:50 PM)
I am a retired programmer with somewhat over 35 years experience, and I truly understand the difference between a user’s perception of what is easy and what really is easy. These are easy – about 4 if statements in the Land Unit divide and Land Unit Re-combine functions. 1. Allow Regiments and RCT to divide into three sub-units (battalions). PROBABLY requires additional "or" to existing "if": If suffix = division OR REGIMENT OR RCT... Same on recombine. 2. Provide different divide/recombine for British and other Brigades. PROBABLY requires extension and "else" to existing "if". If suffix = Brigade {if Nation = British, Indian, Australian, New Zealand, Canada, Commonwealth divide by 3 else divide by 2}. Alternately, since only Corps (into 3), Divisions (into 3), and Brigades (into 2) may currently be divided it may be programmatically easier to allow all units to be divided by 3 with a specific exception for non-British brigade. This would also allow division of HQ, Fortress, etc units, which may or may not be acceptable. The ability to specifically divide larger units is much preferable to the splitting of units by loading on transports. The “divide” creates balanced sub-units while loading tends to split combat forces from support. Don