Distiller -> RE: Ideas (2/2/2005 7:31:20 PM)
ORIGINAL: Distiller quote:
ORIGINAL: Distiller # How about having avgas for airplane as the third logistics need besides bunker oil for ships and supplies for everybody? # There should be a possibility to let pioneers build new railways, railyards and roads. # There should be a possibility to let pioneers build auxilary airfields. # The Jap industry should have a central screen with a possibilty to manipulate the industry on a single screen. # Japs did ops in the Indian Ocean as far as the African coast. Chance to include that? # The Fleet needs real waypoints. (I know I can do that with the "do not retire" option, but waypoints would be nice. # Why not let the player decide shich ships to build? # The whole industry system could be broadend and designed more flexible. # The wholo complex of hospitals and sick bays is missing. An amphib assault without a hospital ships is four to five times costlier in lives. # The aircraft database needs some serious workover (ranges, maneuverability of especially U.S. planes are often unrealisticly high) Later edit: # What about POW? # If a unit is undersupplied its strength dwindles away, because troops (or POW) die of starvation. Still later edit: # By looking into the editor - is there a built-in hero factor for U.S. planes? Armor, firepower, accuracy, ... Hmmm. # WHat's the point in not being able to evacuate USAFFE? Second class Americans? Couple more Ideas: # Landbased logistics: steam engines, waggons, trucks (like there are AKs, TKs, APs, only moving on land on pre-defined routs aka railway & roads) # Engineers should be capable of blowing up on supplies and fuel # The P-38 arrives a little late? # CAS (close air support) missions for fighterbombers, instead of the fuzzy "ground attack" Another idea: # A list with an overview of "march to" units with an estimated time to arrival. Something different: Just been scanning thru the WITP directories and seen, that all the graphics are bitmaps! Wow! No wonder it needs a lot of memory. That is just a waste. Why not use JPG?