MCNA - A fight all the way (Full Version)

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Eddie -> MCNA - A fight all the way (2/27/2002 5:18:00 AM)

Hi everybody, I've just finished "The long road to Mechili" (scen331) and I've started "A fight all the way" (scen332). I've noticed that my G0-G4 PzKpfw-IIIe units and my H2 & H3 PzKpfw-IVd units are gone. Ok, I lost G1 & G2 & H2 (but not any crew), but they are not with me anymore. In fact G group has been replaced by a recon group, but as part of scen-reinforcements. Is this because I'm following the south route and I'm far from the DAK's core?
Is the High Command ever going to refit my forces?
I hope life is easier along the north road!!! Edu J. Glez

Supervisor -> (2/27/2002 6:15:00 AM)

Not necessarly, Mega's branch differently from normal campaigns, it could just be because of the next battle you choose. Each battle was merticulously created with a predesigned force by the creator. So core forces will change from battle to battle, it's adds a little realistic touch to take into account your supply lines being cut, or troops being diverted to somewhere else on the battlefield or some guys even getting sent on some R&R.

Eddie -> (2/27/2002 3:12:00 PM)

Hi, That's what I thought.
If the crews ever come back, I hope they bring along improved PzKpfw III's.
PD. I've not been hit by the "lost leaders" bug and I have some savegames from previous battles. Just in case the devolopment team needs any of them for testing/checking drop me a line...

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