ZOOMIE1980 -> RE: 17th army, what the... (9/23/2004 10:10:54 PM)
ORIGINAL: Mr.Frag Zoomie, I love your logic. You are basically stating when you remove all the fluff the following: I can use a old rusty shotgun to kill a bug instead of using a fly swatter. Mogami is saying: Duh ... but you could also use a fly swatter and it would be more cost effective. I think you'll see the logic here ... You only have so many shotgun shells and if you use them all to deal with the little bugs, what do you plan on using when the bear shows up? Had you saved the shotgun shells for the bear and used the fly swatter instead, you'd be ready for the bear. As is, lucky bear! You are shooting blanks [:D] You can point out that it is a bug as much as you want. It is not a bug and it *will* catch up with you sooner or later when those *properly* *prepared* Allied divisions come along and *stomp* your weakened unprepared Japanese divisions. Tossing around divisions uses fuel and supplies and ships wastefully when all that is needed is a couple of small AP's to bring in an small unit. You have a finite income of fuel and supplies. Once you use them up, they are gone for good. You are playing like there is no tomorrow. There is. Be that as it may, this game is just like any other game, number crunching. What difference does it make if I use a X amount of resources in three months or drag it out over six months? I'm still using X resources. All players are going to move those PI divsions somewhere, eventually. 3 0 Prep inf divisions taking PM with those original tiny Aussie units there will not suffer significantly more damage than 3 100 prep divisions doing the same. In the end, I'm going have those three divisions where I planned to have them from day one, prepped or not. And they get there with one move. A convoy from Manila to NG. The end result be the same by the time the Allies can fight back. My whole point is the game mechanics should be gently forcing the Japaneese play more towards teh six month time line than the three month one, if indeed, as you guys say, this is a HISTORICAL SIMULATION, and not a game. Game has been out about 3 month now. The bulk of players playing PBEM games have barely made it through the Japan conquest phase of the game. That also represnets a lot of the AI players too. So what's the bell curve of major results look like so far? Go look at all those AAR's. If this was, indeed, an HISTORICAL simulation, as all you testers and designers claim it to be, one would expect the results, taken in aggregate, to form a bell curve of results that generally resembled history. But what do we see???? Mainly in PBEM games between smart, experienced gamers. Singapore falls by Jan 20 +- a few days. Bataan and the PI falls some time in early to mid Feb give or take a week or so. SRA is largely complete by most by late March. Most players, even against the very best Allied players manage to cut the Burma road by March. Solomons often by late Feb, no later than March. And most AAR's I read Port Morseby is hopeless to defend against a top notch Japanese player. Compare that to history? Stuff just seems to move a bit too fast. One will expect a FEW outlandish results, but the mean should be roughly hisotric if this is indeed a HISTORIC SIMULATION. The only AAR's that seem to me to resemble history are those Allied Humans playing the AI!