Gallo Rojo -> RE: pbem points (10/3/2004 4:37:40 PM)
I usually use equal points if it's a Meeting. 2-1 if it's a Advance-Delay 3-1 if it's a Assault-Deffence. I think that that is the way to do it. It's assumed that unit's cost are calculated to produce a balanced battle if all realism prefferences are setted ON -- ok... that's the assumption... unit's cost can have problems, and as a matter of fact I have the feeling that some of them should be cheaper/more expencive than they actually are... but that's only a feeling , I can't really support that with "strong evidence". Now... there're a few topics that has to be discussed: As far as I remember, in early SPWaW versions there was something called "Soviet Purchase Advantage"; that means that if you stablish a certain battle points for the Germans and leave the Soviet side by default (XXXX), the game assigns an extra 20% for the USSR (example: a battle with 3,000 points for GE and XXX for the USSR turns into a 3,000 for GE and 3,600 for the USSR). Is that "purchase advantage" nesesary for a balanced game? I'm not sure about that. I have won battles playing the Soviets without that extra 20%. Having said that, it's assumed that "all preferences" has to be setted ON for the game to be balanced. One prefference that I think is crussial but few people play with is Command and Controll. As Germans usually have more orders and radios, you can maneuvre a GE force easily... while you can't do that with the Soviets. So I guess that those 20% extra points can be a good idea if you're playing SO vs GE in meetings in the early years of the war. Then you have Rarity. I never knew if Rarity is to force the player to buy more realistic battle groups, or to balace the game, or both. But my experience tells me that it's useless in terms of producing balanced battles (I mean: you can have balanced games if you set it OFF; and a player can still very un-realistic battle-groups even if it's ON). That's for meetings. Now... for Advance-Delays, a 2-1 ratio it's ok For Assault-Deffences, it's assumed that the ratio has to be 3-1... but I never won a deffencive battle with such a ratio: my opponent always overrun me [:(]