RE: 12-14-41 (Full Version)

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rroberson -> RE: 12-14-41 (11/16/2004 1:19:17 AM)

Okay, I have set my general strategies for turn eight.

West Coast

Supply task forces continue to form as I pound the seas for IJN subs...none currently appearing.

Pearl Harbor

The operation is called "Needle". I have filled USS Cachelot, Plunger and Pollack with members of the 25th infantry division. (About 60 troops). They will land at Lunga and provide some resistance to Xargun's traditional commando seizure of the place. 3 other subs with supplies will follow within a day. After that all 6 subs will operate between the Truk, Rangoon, and Solomon areas to provide some scouting and hopefully the occasional accidently sinking of enemy shipping.


I know believe he is baiting me here. He knows that I would love to reinforce this place and I think he is waiting to spring a trap...bait I won't take.


The TF bearing the 4th RCT is now about 1 day away from Dutch Harbor approaching from the southeast.


He dropped paratroopers on Kweiyang today which was really bad timing on his part. Not only do I have troops in Kweiyang but I have 9 division approaching from all directions into Kweiyang. Today is a good day for his paratroops to die. Kweiyand is one of those Chinese hubs I intend to defend to the last soldier (like Lanchow).


All three Rangoon task forces have come and gone and escaped cleanly. Currently there is about 36K of fuel left there. I am forming another Task Force to come in and grab it before I completely abandon Rangoon. He has begun recon overflights over Moulmein and Rangoon. The 44th has landed at adaman island, he has a sub there so no doubt he is aware of the landing.


The Singapore AF remains in business. Other then harrassment by fighter sweeps he has made no major moves there. Frankly Im not surprised, he just doesnt have enough troops on the ground there, and between that and the forward basing of all his bombers to DEI to sink my few merchants, he cant bomb everywhere at once. I think this is a tactical mistake on his part, a few merchants are not worth all the attention he is giving them.


He has surface raiders and airpower in blocking positions everywhere. Other then my fleeing merchants there really isnt much there to sink. I have long since evacuated anything of value stationed in DEI. I have begun to rebase all my Martins to Kupang, the next day or so I will hit Kendari for a few days again forcing him (I hope) to shift his figher assets around....Kupang has some damage but i have supplies and troops enroute to help fix the place up.


I have ebarked the 3rd Aussie tank regiment and sent them to PM.


nothing new


Task Force 1093 continues to offload fuel. Noumea is to be a supply hub.


Retreat and retreat. I continue to try to build Clark up somewhat. It is now a level 4 fortress

Carrier Groups one and two.

Both Carriers are southeast of Pago now I havent decided whether to send them to NZ or to the west coast. It would be nice to get an idea of his next major op before I make that decision.

rroberson -> RE: 12-15-41 (11/16/2004 7:10:52 PM)

He made fighter sweeps over Singapore, Soerbaja and Chungking. No real effect. Still curious that I am not seeing much in the way of heavy bombing, I honestly think his strategy of attacking my fleeing shipping with the bulk of his air is a huge mistake, but one I am happy to enjoy. My Singapore Air Force scored three hits against enemy shipping off of Malaya. Keep sending them in Xargun and I will keep beating them up. His hapless 1st Para at Kweiyang ran into 10-thousand screaming Chinese troops today, He was in deliberate attack mode with the 800 or so troops he dropped was a slaughter. He is very good at many things with this game, far better then me, but his use of his para troops over three games, is ...well entertaining.

rroberson -> RE: 12-14-41 (11/16/2004 7:54:45 PM)

West Coast
The 3 Pearl resupply groups are now gathering south east of San Diego off of Baja. I found another IJN sub this turn and have dispatched my ASW forces to its location to pound it beneath the waves.

Pearl Harbor

I ordered 3 of my subs to minelaying duty, to make sure he spends time with his MSW forces. I do not intend to mine the hell out of the pacific this game but i do want him to stay busy with his MSW forces...time spent on them is time away from important things for him ;).


The stars and stripes still fly here.


The TF bearing the 4th RCT is now unloading them at Dutch Harbor.


I enjoyed the slaughter at Kweiyang, this turn I will counter attack and hopefully completely destroy one of his para units as they have no retreat route.
I have moved about a third of the AVG into Hengchow. he has been making bombing runs on one of my insurgent units one hex outside of Nanching. They are unescorted and today he will pay for that little error ;).


Of all the areas in the pacific, I believe this is where i am doing the best strategy wise. I actually have a clue :). The Akyab-Mandalay line is coming along nicely. Akyab has begun to receive supplies and troops. I continue to gather my air strength for the coming battle there. Overall very pleased here currently. I do have one last Rangoon transport group in route there to remove the remain fuel.


The Singapore AF remains in business. Another good showing by my air as he inexplicable leaves the airfield at Singapore in business.


I have moved all my dutch level bombers to Kupang this turn and ordered an attack against Kendari, Kupang cant support this many bombers and has damage on the airfield so I am curious to see how many actually get aloft. I have been recon Kendari. Other then that I continue to flee from this area with all naval assets and harrass his units with my air.


Force Z has entered Aussie waters and I expect them to make landfall at Broome in the next couple of days.


nothing new


Noumea now has some supplies, I am considering sea lifting some NZ troops to help defend it until I can get US troops in place.


I have ordered the 6th FS (P-26) to Cagayan as i begin their long trip south to Australia. The 19th bomb group (what's left of it) is now in Ambonia.

Carrier Groups one and two.

Both Carriers are close to their rendevous. Once they do i will send them to Auckland for safe keeping I have decided that I would like to have some naval air in the South pacific. I will likely off load their airgroups and transfer them to Noumea for air power assets in theatre until the army-air can arrive there.

rroberson -> 12-16-41 (11/16/2004 7:55:23 PM)

That last reply should be 12-16 not 12-14.

rroberson -> RE: 12-16-41 (11/17/2004 12:05:14 AM)

A somewhat busier day today.

A 24 plane sally raid over Moulmein hit a lot of dirt and killed a couple of broken planes. My Martins raid flew against Kendari was very successful. I hit the place for 4 manpower hits, burn baby burn, he had a bit of CAP there (he should considering the fleet units he has based there) no doubt I will see a raid at my martin base this turn, I will be moving them back up to Soerbaja and giving them a couple of days off. The Singapore AF hit another AK east of Malaya, he finally got smart and is CAPing them so I lost a few more planes then normal. I think I will give the lads a day off or two, I will also begin to transfer lower morale units out of area and up to Malaya to rest.

I have found his carriers, between Pearl and Midway, lying in wait for my attempted reinforcement of Wake as i suspected. That or he is about to take Midway, which I also strongly suspect is one of his goals this game. Either way, there is nothing I can do about, One carrier is safe on the west coast, the other 2 are on tehir way to Auckland.

rroberson -> 12-17-41 (11/17/2004 12:49:44 AM)

West Coast
4 Pearl resupply groups are now moving south east of San Diego off of Baja. 1 of them is now headed southwest towards Pearl. The sub I found last turn has vanished, I will linger in the area a day or two.

Pearl Harbor

Now that I have found a pair of carriers (based on his raid on midway there are at least 2 there) I have turned the task force bearing the 24th southeast and away from his Task Force. All surface shipping is now locked down in Pearl until this group vanishes. I have moved the 7th Bomb Group (B-17s) to Midway. No doubt, it's a waste of my time, but I hope they will at least take a poke at the enemy carriers. We will see. if he is in fact invading this turn or next, I may lose these bombers, but the idea of maybe putting 1000 lber through his flight deck, no matter how low the odds are too tempting to pass up.


The stars and stripes still fly here, for now...he is still baiting me.


The TF bearing the 4th RCT is now unloading them at Dutch Harbor.


Well I attacked that para unit at Kweiyang and drove him out, wierd thing is he retreated behind my doubt he will starve I havent decided whether or not to pursue him. His bombers didnt come out and play this turn so my AVG guys missed out on any bonuses.


Of all the areas in the pacific, I believe this is where i am doing the best strategy wise. I actually have a clue :). The Akyab-Mandalay line is coming along nicely. Akyab has begun to receive supplies and troops. I continue to gather my air strength for the coming battle there. Overall very pleased here currently. I do have one last Rangoon transport group in route there to remove the remaining fuel. I also am rebasing SE Asia to Chandpur I have replaced Pownell with Haig in the first of many leadership transfers.


The Singapore AF remains in business. I have moved my remaining beasts and fish squadrons to Sumatra so they can rest and recover from 9 days of flying. I do not know if they will return to Singapore, I may go ahead and move them to Burma, not sure yet.


My martin attacks were widely successful (against his manpower) His fires are raging at 125, that should put a crimp in his oil production for a bit. My martins are all transfering back to Soerbaja, rest for a day or more and hit Balik again.


Nothing new here.


Supplys and some troops are inbound.


Noumea now has some supplies, I am considering sea lifting some NZ troops to help defend it until I can get US troops in place.


Nothing new

Carrier Groups one and two.

Carrier Groups one and two are now Carrier Group One, merged and headed towards New Zealand.


rroberson -> 12-17-41 (11/17/2004 7:11:24 PM)

The American undersea force has joined the battle. I have spread my subs out in a blob between Japan and Borneo, finally we get a hit putting a torpedo into one of his APs. I hope this is the first of many in the days to come. My usual MO with American subs is to use them as minelayers early in the war, that useless is their torpedos, but Im giving them another whirl. If I an cause as many losses as they take, i will continue with this campaign. If the losses become to high then i will send them all home for minelaying duty. Either way, I don't think there is any thing that makes me hold my breath more then watching a us sub fire its torpedoes and waiting for that message of a hit, mostly you don't get a hit. Very exciting stuff.

My Philippine based US PT boats attacked one of his today. I have been patiently waiting for intel to point me to an unescorted convoy and I thought I finally found one at Davao. I hit it, but it turns out he had at least 2 PCs with it. The Merchants scrambled and I had to settle for sinking 1 PC.

I have noticed a major Battleship heavy task force southeast of Kendari, I wonder what they are up too.

Speaking of sightings I now believe he has 2 to 3 carriers southwest of Midway (sighting). I think his other 3 are North East of Hawaii hunting for supply convoys. I believe one or two of his mini-me carriers struck Kupung.

He also used Heavy bombers for the 1st time in Malaya against some troop concentrations west of Kuatan.

He also attacked that last convoy to arrive at Rangoon, hit at least one tanker. As much as I hate losing ships in that operation, I will keep loading them up. I'd much rather have the fuel on the bottom of the Rangoon bay then in the belly of his warships.

The picture is of my sub spread between Japan and Borneo...

rroberson -> RE: 12-17-41 (11/17/2004 7:53:54 PM)

West Coast

I have begun embarking my first troop convoy at San Francisco. AA troops primarily. They will take the Southern Baja route to Pearl. No new sub sightings today.


Since I believe an operation against Midway will happen soon I have added it as a catagory. Currently Midway is in a world of hurt. I moved a B-17 group here last turn hoping they would take a poke at that carrier group now southwest of Midway. They did not but they did spot them at least (naval search level 20). Maybe this turn. Midway is in a world of hurt supply and troop wise. If he decides to he can take it easily.

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor is digging out. Airfields are all at 100 percent as soon as a few supply convoys reach the area I will begin to use it as a hub to build up the bases in the south pacific.




The 4th is landed, I am now expanding the airfield. I will move an AS as well as a group of surface ships here as soon as they become available. I intend to use Dutch Harbor as a sub base for my campaign against the Xargun home waters.


It's always something. That Para unit I chased out of Kweiyang is laying across my supply line and starving Kweiyang. I have sent 3 divisions to deal with it, but sheesh it will be at least 3 days before they get into place. One of my partisian units has slid deep into his lines and is now posed above Wenchow. Intel says there is nothing's hoping I can grab it before he can react.


His troops have entered Tavoy. My base unit will no doubt be forced from the town pretty quickly, the battle of Burma has begun. I have several supply convoys that should reach Akyab in the coming days. I also have troops streaming in from China and India. I should be able to give him quite the fight. I have the AVG covering that convoy in Rangoon...if his Sally's show up without escort again I should have a field day.


The Singapore AF remains in business. No real news here. I have withdrawn my bombers for the moment hoping to resupply and rest them. So his shipping has a free run at Malaya.


My intel is reporting 3 carriers north of Timor. Based on the size of the raids there Im sure its his escort carriers. Either way a kate is deadly so I will avoid the area and leave my Martins in Soerbaja to rest. I have ordered 3 B-17s (19th) sitting in Amboina to make a high level attack against his port of Kendari. He has a bunch of warships stacked in there. I hope they make the run...if they do maybe I can get lucky.


Northern Australia is becoming quite a camp for Allied warships. No idea what I will do with them since he is well established with LBA in DEI now.


Supplys and some troops are inbound.


Nothing new.


Continuing to move air assets out and build Clark up.

Carrier Group One.

Carrier Group One continues its trek to New Zealand.


rroberson -> 12-18-41 (11/17/2004 7:54:28 PM)

As always the last entry was for 12-18 :)

rroberson -> 12-18-41 (11/18/2004 5:21:29 AM)

A very quiet day. The way I like them. The only significant event was a major air raid against my Martins at Soerbaja. He did some damage, but more importantly I will ahve to pull them back to a safer port. He made some heavy bomber attacks against the Penang Fortress on Malaya. All in all, my kind of turn.

rroberson -> RE: 12-17-41 (11/18/2004 6:12:00 AM)

West Coast

I know have 4 convoys in the Baja slot. So far no merchant losses to enemy submarine activity. No new sub sightings today.


The B-17s here are now searching full time. Hopefully I will get some indication when Xargun begins to show up.

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor is improving, I now have fighters on CAP for the 1st time since the big raids. I am using the 5th BG to naval search in case xarg makes a return visit.


I have transfered VP21 here. He will eventually attack I hope to have some warning now.


I have ordered the Submarine Tender Fulton to dutch harbor.


He is attempting to push me out of Nanning and Wuchow. He hit them with air last turn. I will let him win. Its long long before time that I will commit major Chinese units to any effort.


More japanese troops headed north to Tavoy. He continues to bomb the empty field at Moulmein, excellant it will be nice and damaged for him when he takes it. My final Rangoon evacuation transport group avoid bombers this turn... Too bad really, I was hoping AVG would get some kills in.


No major changes.


With the bombing of Soerbaja with naval air I think my shipping has worn out its welcome in and around DEI. I will also be moving my Martins to Bativa and Palembang. Hopefully they can get a few days rest there. I also moved in as many dutch fighters as I could get my hands on. He hits Soerbaka with his Kates again...I hope he gets a surprise.


No major changes.


Supplys and some troops are inbound.


A field artillery brigade and about 5K of supplies is one day out.


I have removed the majority of "usable" air assets out of Clark. Just bracing for his onslaught now.

Carrier Group One.

Carrier Group One continues its trek to New Zealand.

rroberson -> 12-19-41 (11/19/2004 12:02:01 AM)

A somewhat busy day. The biggest of his moves is he slid his mini carriers west into the IO and raised hell with all my merchants straggling to Broome. He hit at least 8 or 9 of which I will probably lose most of them. That hurt. He also hit both Wake Island (finally) and Pearl Harbor for a 2nd time. Pearl was the usual explosions, my CAP got up and was felt this time. Sadly, the USS Fulton bound for Dutch Harbor took a torpedo. My own stupidity. I should of never sent a ship out unescorted or without a task group. Tavoy fell to him today too. The grand retreat and the begining of Operation Raverdave is at hand.

rroberson -> RE: 12-17-41 (11/21/2004 9:46:48 PM)

West Coast

Attempting to straggle the Fulton back to LA. With a float of over 70 already, it will be a race. He has already moved the bandit responsible for that attack. I am going to sweep the west coast one hex again extensively before I move any more shipping.


Ny B-17s here have been reset to naval attack 1000 feet. 50 Percent naval search. I still have high hopes the will fly against his carriers....he will no doubt take a swipe at Midway as he retires home. Id love to great him with a 1000 bomb.

Pearl Harbor

Interesting, he gets another free poke at pearl. I have a squadron of SBDs with decent morale, enough fighters to escort them, and the enemy carriers just 4 hexes away. <sigh>. Vice Admiral Halsey is now CINCPAC.


Good plan. Those PBYs gave me zero warning. He damaged the airfield in the first of many raids. I currently have 8 wildcats left...and 12 PBYs. If he raids heavily this turn I will withdraw the PBYS. The marine pilots are trapped.


I know have about 6000 troops at Dutch Harbor. If he decides to land here he will get a fight. I am now improving the airfield and forts there.


Not really alot to say here. I am marshalling my airpower still. I have splinter forces running around all over the country (he killed one this turn).


It appears Tavoy was lost to light armored troops. It tempts me to move of a division or two of infantry to slow him down, but I will stay my hand sticking to the Akyab-Mandalay line.


I moved my two squadrons of beasts back to Singapore. Hopefully they can do some more damage to his naval forces.


His naval bombardment of Soerbaja really indicates how much control he has over the area. THough the move itself wasnt very wise (he used cruisers and my CD units made him pay for it heavily) this area is pretty much a Xargun sea. My martins were moved last turn and are resting at Palem and Batvia. I am considering withdrawing them all north to Burma right now. We will see.


Force Z has arrived at Broome, which is looking more and more like my central shipping hub. Most of the supply/fuel convoys enroute there were attacked by his mini carrier forces so it will be days before I can resupply and refuel any warships at broome.


My first big convoy of supplies has arrived today.


Supplies and that artillary brigade arrived today. Its not much but the slow build up begins.


I have a nice supply build up at clark. The fortress is now at level 4. No major moves on his part beyond bombing here, I have 34K infantry and 2nd liners in the field currently here. I have also left 2 divisions of Philipino Scouts to hold the line at Naga. He has slid troops behind them making it a last stand, but I wonder if its frustrating him that I did not retreat back to Manila like I usually do.

Carrier Group One.

Carrier Group One continues its trek to New Zealand.

rroberson -> 12-20-41 (11/21/2004 9:48:18 PM)

sheesh 6 months and you think I could figure out how to put in the right date.

rroberson -> RE: 12-20-41 (11/22/2004 2:01:59 AM)

A good day to be the allies.

He sent yet another wave of his depleted carrier air against pearl. Hit the repair areas, airfield and battleship row again. He also struck Wake for the 2nd straight day bombing that tiny atoll. In china AVG smacked around several of his bombers who were striking ground troops outside nanning. I hope it was an unhappy surprise for him. AVG also fought him over Rangoon again against lightly escorted bombers. The big news of the day was Pearl showed its teeth :). Both the AM and PM phases saw strikes out of Pearl. In the AM a B-17 strike is alleging a hit against the battleship Hiei. The SBDs went up to but appear to of been eaten by the Flak. In the PM strike my B17s say the put a sweet 500 lb bomb in the center of the Soryu's flight deck. Boy I hope that is right. Either way, Im pretty sure I have seen the last of the Xargunites in Hawaiian waters. Psychologically, that will make him less likely to risk his fleet assets. IM sure he had to change his shorts when the bombers appeared over his carriers :).

My chinese forces were driven from wuchow today.

rroberson -> 12-21-41 (11/22/2004 2:50:30 AM)

West Coast

Fulton should make it back to port. It will be a long while before she leaves again. My first troop convoy is almost ready. i continue to sow the hex west of the west coast with depth charges trying to keep it clear of enemy subs.


Nothing are short, hopefully I have seen the last of KB for a while so I can address this, I may start making PBY supply runs here soon.

Pearl Harbor

Halsey must of lit a fire under my air groups. My B17s who are claiming the hits (5th BG) now have a morale of 16. That probably happens when you are making runs against shipping at 1000 feet. Pearl has no airfield damage. He hits some ships and the repair facilities, but I think he has to consider the second raid a big dissappointment.


I transfered the VP squadron southeast to Canton. No point in leaving them here to be destroyed when he takes the place. And he is coming, intel reports at least one battleship headed east towards Wake. Hopefully my subs can hit him and his transports on their way in. Wake is about to fall.


Nothing new.


I have ordered a general retreat out of Yenan. He now has 100 thousand troops there and there is no point in killing troops I will need for the defense of Lanchow.


I just noticed an airgroup trapped in Moulmein. Retreating base unit should take care of that. Other then that all things proceeding well.


Nothing new


He continues to harrass my fleeing merchants with his mini me carriers. What id give to have Lexington and Saratoga in the IO.


Nothing new


A base force is offloading today.


nothing new


He is probably frustrated at Naga, he bombed there today. Hopefully they can hold a couple more weeks.

Carrier Group One.

Carrier Group One continues its trek to New Zealand.

rroberson -> RE: 12-21-41 (11/23/2004 7:08:57 PM)

Not a busy day from the war standpoint.

He sank one of my submarines, I beleive this is the first loss of the war to his ASW forces. Xargun also finally bombed the airfield at Singapore, guess he is getting weary of seeing stringbags and beasts over his fleet. Beyond that no real news. I have forces streaming from the front lines in China Im sure he is claiming as ground battle victories.

rroberson -> 12-22-41 (11/23/2004 9:51:20 PM)

West Coast

Fulton has returned to LA with 93 float damage. We will see if she survives.


Nothing are very short now that his carriers are headed home I will send a big supply convoy with troops to midway as soon as I get pearl resupplied.

Pearl Harbor

Nothing new to report here, no doubt the army guys are all drinking heavily considering their success against his carrier and battleship.


He hit the place with a battleship and destroyer bombardment today. Unless I get some lucky dice rolls, wake should fall today.


Nothing new.


run away run away :P


The evacuation of Rangoon is complete. I am leaving the CD unit there for appearances. When he moves in he will net about 3K of fuel and almost no supplies :).


He is slowly pushing my troops back, I figure to be cut off into Singapore itself in about a week. His attack at the airfield there did no damage.


In case anyone is reading...Im it me or is his following AKs deep into the IO a big waste of assets. I really dont mind that he is doing that Aks are a dime a dozen, I just feel like he is really wasting planes and warships to do it. I also don't really know what to do with my martins, another day or so and they will be ready for action again. I may send them back to Timor for another strike at Kendari. The last one really hurt Xargun (I think) thus the reason he was suddenly bombing and bombarding all my airfields. Or I could send them to Burma and prepare them for the strategic Chinese campaign. What to do.


I am sending the Sparrow force from Darwin to Koepang. I have two supply groups offloading supplies there now. I would like to make Timor a fight for him. Part of the idea is if he is having to fight for it, then he can't be attacking Northern Australia. I will begin moving combat units from DEI to Timor once his mini me carrier leaves the area. I will also fly troops in..(by rule I can do this once he has troops on the ground).


I have supplies and infantry streaming into PM. I intend to base 3 fighter squadrons here and occupy Gili sometime in January. Hopefully that will be enough to stem any invasion ideas he has.


nothing new


I continue to hold the line here. He isnt being very aggressive currently. I believe that my holding him up at Naga is slowing his plans down. He continues to bomb there with air and artillary. Go scouts go.

Carrier Group One.

Carrier Group One continues its trek to New Zealand, its about 3 days outside of it now.

wobbly -> RE: 12-22-41 (11/23/2004 11:31:37 PM)

Sparrow force is not really sufficient to hold him for long - even against one of the bigger SNLF groups. If he supports with BBs then any coastal hex is at huge disadvantage.

rroberson -> RE: 12-22-41 (11/24/2004 3:09:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: wobbly

Sparrow force is not really sufficient to hold him for long - even against one of the bigger SNLF groups. If he supports with BBs then any coastal hex is at huge disadvantage.

They are a speed bump. Giving xargun some throats to cut. If I can slow him down a bit, Id like to insert some dutch or american combat troops there...but this will take a great deal of time.

rroberson -> RE: 12-22-41 (11/24/2004 7:25:55 PM)

Quiet day. He attacked Wake again with warships. My boys shot the hell out of 2 of his destroyers heavily damaging Hatsusharu. My beasts out of Singapore scored another one against his transports off malaya putting bombs into 2 troop ships. He took Yenen today. Not really a surprise since I was retreating out of the city.

rroberson -> 12-23-41 (11/25/2004 12:44:40 AM)

ack, the site crashed on me and I lost my orders. suffice to say not much is happening new.

rroberson -> 12-24-41 (11/28/2004 8:09:43 PM)

He spent Christmas eve making major airstrikes against Moulmein, Singapore, and Manilla. That damned mini carrier group attack shipping south of Timor, fortunetly they were all on their way home so there was no material or manpower losses.


rroberson -> 12-25-41 (11/28/2004 9:19:43 PM)

West Coast

Fulton did not survive, she sank in port. My convoys continue to slip south to Baja and safely out bound to pearl. Other the Fulton, I hope he is very frustrated with the lack of activity he is seeing (I dont think his glen's are seeing that much either).


My first bit of supplies should reach Midway via fast Destroyer transport in the next day or so. They will be followed by elements of the 24th infantry division as i begin to reinforce this island against an expected Xargun invasion.

Pearl Harbor

I have formed a task force made up of some of my medium damaged ships (mostly cruisers) and will be sending them to San Francisco via Baja.


Still no Xargunite ground troops today. He appears to have APs in the area, but no landings. My supply level is down to 25, so its not like the poor bastards trapped here would last very long anyway.


Nothing new.


some fighting here and there he took an empty homan today, my troops there had withdrawn as I begin to set up the defense of Lanchow. I am hitting Yenan and Wuchow with startegic bombers today, kicking off the start of that campaign.


His heavy air strikes against moulmein means he is preparing to attack there. I have left the 1st Burma to provide him a speed bump. I have also noticed 4 unknown units in Raheng, which means he may be thrusting north from there soon. I have the 1st and 2nd Burma rifles 12o miles north east on the he will hit a speed bump if he decides to make this is main thrust.


Since he has begun to drop bombs on the airfield at Singapore I am shifting all my beasts and fighters north to the airfield at Jorhore Bahru. So I can keep my beasts in area harrassing his shipping.


Not much new, shifting some air around. He hit Batvia with his battle ships today searching for my martins which are back in Timor.


I hope Sparrow reaches Timor, his mini me carrier is in the area it should be exciting.


I have enough supplies here for now (over 25K) I will begin to send more troops there as soon as i can get enough political points for headquarters transfers. I think the next to move with be the 1st Aussie brigade. Big enough to slow down any, but the largest invasion, small enough to only cost about 500 points.


Needs troops. I'd like to send my New Zealnders, but I dont have enough to convert them and the Aussies I need in PM. Tick Tick...I need more time.


The defense of naga continues. He does not have enough troops to force the issue there. He has moved at least 10 units of Xargunites into Clark AFB, so the siege there is now underway.
Carrier Group One.

Carrier Group One continues its trek to New Zealand, its about 2 days outside of it now.

rroberson -> 12-26-41 (12/1/2004 2:10:04 AM)

A mixed day in the war. On the one hand my beasts paid another visit to his shipping off Malaya hitting four of his transports. On the other hand his surface forces caught for of my transports (empty) off Timor and made holes in the water with them.

Strv103C -> RE: 12-25-41 (12/1/2004 5:39:27 AM)

Cant you split the kiwi brigade? That way you dont have to wait that long before the first reinforcement arrives in Noumea. I´m playing as allied myself now, just started, si I will face the same problems.


madflava13 -> RE: 12-25-41 (12/1/2004 7:32:10 AM)

There's a Marine CD unit in one of the islands between Noumea and Canton Island... Forget the name... But I always pick that up right away and ship it to Noumea - not much, but its enough to hold off an attempt with Naval Garrisons...

rroberson -> 12-28-41 (12/1/2004 9:46:29 PM)

Its been a couple game days since my last update, sorry about that. The forum ate my posts before i got them up...and I couldnt recall what i had done.

Back to our regularly scheduled programing.

Only major thing lately was Wake finally fell. Good for him. He can hold that rock for a bit. I really didnt enjoy worrying about it. I had a fast transport convoy reach midway today. One of the escorting ships Honolulu hit a mine. Sounds like Xargun has been busy playing the Rob mine game. The convoy will be offloading some members of the 24th...the rest should be ashore in a day or two with a transport group that is right behind them. Fortunetly I choose DMS to carry the soldiers so the swept Midway as they entered the area. I got the bright idea to hit Taan with my B17s in China. They scored, 3 AKs smashed with 500 lb bombs. Not much he can do to bombers at 33000 feet. In other news both Moulmein and Malacca feel. On to my orders.

rroberson -> RE: 12-25-41 (12/1/2004 9:47:13 PM)



Cant you split the kiwi brigade? That way you dont have to wait that long before the first reinforcement arrives in Noumea. I´m playing as allied myself now, just started, si I will face the same problems.


True I could do that, though I prefer to take the whole brigade. I may do just that however. That field artillary brigade is going to surrender if he drops any commandos there.

rroberson -> RE: 12-25-41 (12/1/2004 9:48:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: madflava13

There's a Marine CD unit in one of the islands between Noumea and Canton Island... Forget the name... But I always pick that up right away and ship it to Noumea - not much, but its enough to hold off an attempt with Naval Garrisons...

True true and I will look at that. I do worry that he will make a grab for Canton or one of the other islands there. Once supplies begin arriving at Pearl (the next couple of days) I intend to build up these islands with some troops and aircraft to somewhat secure the Pearl - Australia route.

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