m10bob -> RE: Fear of FCC cause of Saving Private Ryan preemptions tonight (11/12/2004 6:29:58 AM)
I don't really thinkthe affiliates feared the FCC as much as they wanted to provoke people to debate.. I have lived long enough to see the boundaries crossed and gratuitous crap replacing "entertainment". The network itself did not "fear" anything,and was likely feeling the showing to be a patriotic act.(The film is historically correct on so many levels,and the violence is not out of context,ergo,it is appropriate for the program). The affiliates which chose to not air the film,may have other "irons in the fire",and all they had to do was plead that they were only showing the networks endorsed programming. The major hits (financially directed by the FCC),were in my opinion long over due,and anybody who knows me would never think me a prude..Please consider the "shock jocks" are pandering (verbally and too often caustically) on an open airwave where children can hear there pollution.. I have no sympathy for these guys,(and maybe I'm jeolous they make millions just by voicing their opinion over the air,*spiced* with profanity and innuendo..) There is no validity to people saying "Well,just turn off the radio",not with the advent of transister radios in my lifetime,and children able to tune in from anywhere outside the home.Censorship?.O.K..I'm for it,because I want to be responsible for what my kids hear,not some panel,(or church,etc).. Saving Private Ryan however is a *war film*,and it is expected it will have violence,etc,whatever goes with the anguish and horrors of war. Like the Civil War general said,"It is well war is so terrible,lest we enjoy it too much".I feel it is correct that film did not try to soft-peddle the historical event,especially not on MY day,(Veteran's Day). As a matter of respect,I want people,civilians in general to see the terrible acts of war,because soldiers do not make wars,civilians do,and I prefer civilians be aware of the sacrifices their warriors have made. I think it a disgrace these T.V. affiliates chose to make this film the platform for their plea of "civil rights harassment/censorship.." Shame on them.......