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RBWhite -> A General Discussion (11/14/2004 5:41:01 PM)

I would like to get serious about why I joined as a Matrix member and a forum member.

I have been playing the Steel Panthers simulations since day one.

I have all the Steel Panther simulations sold or offered for free in the US, all the expansion disks updates and patches.

I have always been impressed with Matrix Games advancing the genres of war gaming and Scifi. I think the Steel Panthers World At War series is a very enjoyable simulation free or purchased. If I could get it to work correctly.

I see quite a few Matrix simulation that I would purchase, but I can not be sure that they would function on my machine.

The threads I see suggest there is a problem with Matrix game platform with Win98se & WinXP, a few video cards, drivers, both or all.

I have had problems with SPWAW 8.0 - 8.30 on both operating systems and two different video cards but the same driver base, Nvidia.

I'm not very confident in the responces I have received or have seen.

I think a good discussion for the forum would be solving the current problems with the platform.

Not so abrasive this time

Thank You:

Rick White[:)]

Hexed Gamer -> RE: A General Discussion (11/14/2004 6:29:49 PM)

To quote, the Developers Journal from 2b3's own site.

"He'll also invest some of his time to look into some new ideas that we have regarding a project which we all hope to get to in 2006 or 2007, Steel Panthers IV."

Not sure, but I think the "he'll" targets Mike Wood (feel free to correct that if needed).

Hmm Steel Panthers IV.

First off that will be an interesting trick if the game is to be actually called Steel Panthers IV considering the ownership of the name.
Is there something we wargamers are not being told?
Posting comments like that publicly is either silly or foolish or ill advised or all of the above.

Question, what the heck does Steel Panthers IV mean to Combat Leader?

I am not thinking Steel Panthers IV is a code name for Combat Leader for instance.

As it currently stands, SPWaW is a great game, but some would rather Matrix Games had enjoyed complete control over the actual original software (not being subservient to the wishes of SSI's owner). That is my own conjecture, though.
Either way, the code is old, and no amount of fiddling with the OOBs is every really going to alter that reality.

SP Camo's versions of the game run nicely, well as nice as those that like it need it to run.
You get two choices of course, run it in 98SE and just not worry. Or run it in XP and learn the tricks to get it to cooperate. Yes there is more out there than 98 SE and XP, but I don't care much more than anyone else does for them.
And of course, you might be in the lucky small group that has no trouble running it at all in the first place.

This spring, happy Steel Panthers fanatics (me included) will no doubt be driving SP Camo crazy with "is it here yet is it here yet?"
They have announced they have done what can be done with their versions in the non Windows frendly mode, and are planning to take the bold step and make it go Windows friendly.
The day I get a download of a Windows friendly SPWW2 and SPMBT file, is likely the day I fill out a money order to send a respectable donation to the offices of SP Camo. Can't buy the game from them, but I can still do the right thing :)
It will have been earned.

What exactly is 2by3 planning to do with this Steel Panthers IV, that will make Steel Panthers IV worth buying? I assume they expect to sell it.

Come, let's not suddenly go quiet now. You guys (2by3) let the cat out of the bag, so now it's out of the bag.

SP3 was brigade level and went from WW2 all the way to current modern.
I suspect I would play SP3 more than all the others if the darn thing liked me.
But of the 3 versions, it's the most cantankerous to me. It even gives me attitude on my 98SE machine occasonally.

SP IV, well I can't see any option not already done efficiently other than totally new code really.
But isn't that pretty much like telling the guys huffing and puffing on Combat Leader to get stuffed?
Correct me if I am wrong on this one, but we have all long called Combat Leader the evolution of the experience.
More game, but basically driving tanks around and controlling squads.

So what precisely is the deal with Steel Panthers IV?
Or is it merely they want to get money from it, and it's not relevant if they do it and detract from the efforts to produce Combat Leader?

If I hear SP IV is going to be 3d though, get ready to be assaulted by my best verbal barrage eh.
You won't have seen anything from me from the past that would compare :)

wodin -> RE: A General Discussion (11/14/2004 6:30:12 PM)

Dont quite understand the problem. All the games are developed by other people not Matrix. Matrix is the publisher. All games have problems with drivers etc thats the negatives of computers where all the parts are made by different companies. As for Win98 and XP thats a job for microsoft.

RBWhite -> RE: A General Discussion (11/14/2004 6:50:48 PM)


RBWhite -> RE: A General Discussion (11/14/2004 7:03:00 PM)

Matrix Games: Steel Panthers World At War 8.0 through 8.3 [:)]

Murky71 -> RE: A General Discussion (11/14/2004 7:29:21 PM)

I seem to be running just about the same hardware (MSI Nvidea card, Pentium 2800) and it runs fine. I have to ask: are your drivers up to date? I have seen a number of updates and I only have had this pc for a couple of months. Most problems I've encountered are down to aging drivers.

RBWhite -> RE: A General Discussion (11/14/2004 7:51:17 PM)


I check Nvidia weekly for updated driver.

I'm using the most recent version 66.93 WHQL certified issued on 11/9/04

Pentium4 2.4 ghz.


Rick White

Hexed Gamer -> RE: A General Discussion (11/14/2004 11:50:39 PM)


I see quite a few Matrix simulation that I would purchase, but I can not be sure that they would function on my machine.


I think a good discussion for the forum would be solving the current problems with the platform.

I detected a slight bit of confusion as to the relevance to my first post.

Steel Panthers WaW runs fine on my machine.
It runs fine on most machines.
But there is always someone that has trouble.
Nature of the beast.
It explains why some say they have no trouble with SP Camo versions on XP at all, while others have troubles.

2by3 is associated with Matrix Games 9through other titles), thus the connection here.
They (2by3) have defacto discussed Steel Panthers IV (by publicly commenting on it).
Naturally, one is to wonder, exactly what Steel Panthers IV will actually be.
I seek some definitive quantification (as do many others it would appear as evidenced by comments on other forums that are out there).

Thus, your need to fret over the current versions of Steel Panthers (including SPWaW), might alter in time.

Or will they.

RBWhite -> RE: A General Discussion (11/15/2004 12:08:22 AM)

Hexed Gamer

Runs fine on most machines, not all.

To be perfectly honest I have had computers and games in my home since 1985 and my job revolved around computers, I have never seen anything like this. I consider myself a pretty good trouble shooter when it comes to problem with computers. Got me.

Theres a problem.


Rick White

Reiryc -> RE: A General Discussion (11/15/2004 12:33:23 AM)





RBWhite -> RE: A General Discussion (11/15/2004 12:42:51 AM)


wodin -> RE: A General Discussion (11/15/2004 1:07:34 AM)



I see quite a few Matrix simulation that I would purchase, but I can not be sure that they would function on my machine.

The threads I see suggest there is a problem with Matrix game platform with Win98se & WinXP, a few video cards, drivers, both or all.

Rick White[:)]

This is what I dont understand. As far as Im aware most games will have compatibility issues and its not Matrix fault. They dont develop the games. Ie never heard of the MAtrix game platform.

RBWhite -> RE: A General Discussion (11/15/2004 1:21:18 AM)


Answer me this, who's staff created the version 8.30 patch for SPWAW 8.20?

I already know the answer.

Kevinugly -> RE: A General Discussion (11/15/2004 5:13:32 AM)

I've had no problems with SPWaW8.0 - 8.3 although I have with the SPCamo versions. However, I did find WaW7.1 refused to run on W98. I'm not a big fan of the game, I download it because it's free and I find the occasional game is a decent break from some of the other games. What else can I say?

RBWhite -> RE: A General Discussion (11/15/2004 2:30:15 PM)


Thanks for the responce.

I trying to find out what would make my machine different from those who say they are basicly running the same machine configuration as me.

Theres something embedded in that program that some machine configurations don't like.

It is odd SPWAW 7.1 worked ok on my Win98 se machine it also runs on my WinXp machine.


Thank You

Rick White

chief -> RE: A General Discussion (11/15/2004 8:00:01 PM)


I have read where using the next newest Nvidia (ie previous issue) driver solved many problems with SPwaw.....FWIW

RBWhite -> RE: A General Discussion (11/15/2004 10:36:24 PM)

Chief [Senior, master?]

Good to hear from you.

I've rolled back the Nvidia divers as far as I could go with my video card, I think that was version 45.23 WHQL.

There was no difference, the scenario starts at a blacked out screen or within less than minute it will blackout.

I'm talking about after I choose which scenario I want to play and hit the start button.

The only change with the 8.30 patch is that the autoplay screen now works

Thanks for responding

Rick White

Goblin -> RE: A General Discussion (11/15/2004 11:15:02 PM)

The problem could be the sound card, or DirectX. You must have version 9 or better (mentioning it just in case you didn't already check it). Also, are you starting the game thru the mech.exe file? If not, try that too.


RBWhite -> RE: A General Discussion (11/15/2004 11:23:14 PM)


I do have the current Directx, 9.0c

I ruled out the Audigy sound card along time ago, I loaded the drivers for the onboard sound and activated it in cmos same results. Got rid of all of it and went back to the audigy.

I have started from the mech.exe and I started from spwaw.exe.

Same result screen blacks out.

Thanks for responding

Rick White

Goblin -> RE: A General Discussion (11/16/2004 1:08:23 AM)

Damn, sounds like you have tried the usual tricks. Its got me stumped. The only other thing I can think of: a corrupted download or file within the download?


KG Erwin -> RE: A General Discussion (11/16/2004 1:18:48 AM)

Rick, have you tried checking the percentage of system resources that is being used when you run the game? Also, I seem to remember a particular dll (or lack of such) that caused problems for some users. What was it, guys, a vid.smk or something like that? With the engine for SPWaW being so dated, it requires some older system files that newer games don't need. Could I be on the right track here?

Kevinugly -> RE: A General Discussion (11/16/2004 4:07:57 AM)




Thanks for the responce.

I trying to find out what would make my machine different from those who say they are basicly running the same machine configuration as me.

Rick White

I'll give you my system specs.

AMD Athlon XP3200 cpu
Asus A7N8X Mobo
512Mb RAM
NVidia 5900GT Graphics
Soundblaster Audigy soundcard

All running XP Pro and 98se on a dual boot system.

RBWhite -> RE: A General Discussion (11/16/2004 4:15:30 AM)


I downloaded the original SPWAW 8.20 zip file from each of the sites used by Matrix for distribution same results from each download.

Does anyone have a problem trying to uninstall SPWAW 8.20 or 8.30, I have to run uninstall twice.

Rick White

RBWhite -> RE: A General Discussion (11/16/2004 4:21:11 AM)


I'm wondering if the SPWAW 8.0 - 8.30 programs has a problem with pentium 4 processors or hyper threading or both.

I ran SPWAW on a machine I put together from spare parts and used a AMD 550 processor and a Nvidia driver based video card and it worked fine.

Rick White

RBWhite -> RE: A General Discussion (11/16/2004 4:28:23 AM)

KG Erwin

I do remember vid.smk from SPWAW 7.0 & 7.1.

I didn't have any problem running it on this machine.

But I'll check it out.

Rick White

chief -> RE: A General Discussion (11/16/2004 7:55:06 AM)


Its got me stumped also ?????

Chief (E7).....I wasn't a politician, if you know what I mean, passed all exams for E8 but the boards and I never seemed to make it together.

Were You NAVY ? Lifer ? Airdale ?

Kevinugly -> RE: A General Discussion (11/16/2004 8:49:00 AM)




I'm wondering if the SPWAW 8.0 - 8.30 programs has a problem with pentium 4 processors or hyper threading or both.

I ran SPWAW on a machine I put together from spare parts and used a AMD 550 processor and a Nvidia driver based video card and it worked fine.

Rick White

Could be the HT. This may not help but I installed TOAW ACOW on my XP drive and whilst it was playable it did 'lock up' from time to time. I set it to run in W98 compatibility mode and it's run smoothly ever since. I know people with similar systems to mine for whom the game runs perfectly in XP without any 'tweaking' at all. Try it (if you haven't already) and see what happens.[8D]

RBWhite -> RE: A General Discussion (11/16/2004 2:28:50 PM)


I had a few problems when I was running Win98 se, nothing that would cause me not to be able to play the simulation.

I tried every compatibility mode available WinXp. Nothing.

All of the problems I have with SPWAW 8.0 series are related to WinXp, Intel pentium 4 processors with hyper threading I quess and I'm presuming Nvidia based driver video cards in combination.

I do have a question about Matrix Games making a statement that refers to SPWAW 8.30 & 8.30. "Works best on Alienware". That kind of raises some red flags with me.

Thanks for the info

Rick White

Murky71 -> RE: A General Discussion (11/16/2004 2:55:45 PM)

the alienware thing is just a commercial I think. It's mentioned in every release and has not hindered me in playing any of the games (Tin Soldiers, BIN, HTTR,SPWAW).

I do have a Pentium IV system.

Hexed Gamer -> RE: A General Discussion (11/16/2004 3:08:07 PM)

Process of elimination.

This will seem like a painful choice, but you might want to try swapping in and out parts.

With my limited knowledge, I know that the following are all pretty much core components of a computer.

Motherboard, RAM, processor, video card, sound card, hard drive and actual OS.

Keeping in mind, that it might matter with each part (other than OS) what specific brand and model number is involved, as we all know, some brands suck some don't. Some models will have been good some won't be.

And where OS is concerned, what other actual programs do you have installed (because I sure have encountered programs that got intrusive and meddlesome with the system beyond their right and or need to do so).
Also, what updates specifixcally have you installed?

Looks like you are the challenge of the moment eh :)

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