Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (Full Version)

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RUPD3658 -> Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 5:05:03 AM)

Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Or Running and hiding for dummies)

OK, it is December 8th, 1941 and your fleet just got the snot kicked out of it. How are you ever going to manage to recover and achieve ultimate victory?

The road will be long but the first 6 months are the key. Follow the suggestions listed below and you will have a good chance of surviving and achieving that ultimate victory.

Above all remember one thing throughout these early dark days: You don’t have to win the war in the first 6 months… just make sure you don’t lose it.


First wait for the KB to leave. Before sending any ships back to the mainland for repair you must clear the area of subs. Put a few LBA units on ASW patrol and form ASW TFs to clear the surrounding waters. Then send the moderately damaged ships to West coast ports (Splitting them up to maximize ship yards). The seriously and lightly damaged ships should stay put.

Send the carriers South until the KB leaves then pull then into PH. Send out every sub you can setting Singapore as it’s new base.

West Coast.

Load tankers with oil and pair them with AKs with supply or fuel and send them to Sydney via Suva. This will avoid the Jap air units. Load everyone else up with supplies and fuel and send them the same way. Every LCU and LBA unit that can be loaded should also be sent to OZ via this route. Order several AS/AE/AR/ MLE units. Don’t worry about ADs.


If Wake holds send DMs and MLs from PH to mine Wake. Brining PT boats up also helps. Have the units dig in and wait for round 2. You may even consider fast transporting a CD gun unit up to reinforce the defenders. IF Wake fall do all of this at Midway. Consider moving an AS up there to act as a forward sub base.


Initiate Operation “Get the hell out of Dodge” as soon as possible. Load every AK with resources or fuel and every TK with oil or fuel and head to Darwin. You will have to move the oil out later but don’t worry about that now. Also evacuate every base force that is not in a hex with combat units. They will only get overrun anyway so get them out. PT boats and subs out of Manila and can harass the invasion fleets. Just before the curtain falls evacuate the air units to China or Darwin and pull out base forces and HQs by sub. The PP cost is almost nothing if they have been worn down. They will regrow to fight another day. Surface ships should go to Serobaja (sp) to consolidate. They will eventually go to OZ.


Don’t discount the Dutch. They put up a hell of a fight despite their obsolete equipment. If the real Dutch units fought like this they deserve our utmost respect. First sortie every sub and sent them towards Malaya and base them out of Singapore. They will exact a huge toll. Consolidate your air units into 1 or 2 bases so as to launch massive air strikes against relatively unprotected transports. Send the PT boats up to Singapore to help there. Like in the PI evacuate every base force that is not with a combat unit to Darwin. As the end nears pull out the others and as many air units as you can to Darwin. The Dutch recon units later fly F-5a recon planes. Take every drop of oil, fuel, and resources to OZ as soon as possible. All you need is supplies. You don’t need the resourses but you can deny them to the enemy. Use you consolidated naval units to raid forward beaches where transports are unloading then run for OZ. Use the MLs to drop a present before running to India or OZ.


It is going to fall. Just make it take time and cost Japs. Immediately pull every base force and air unit into fortress Singapore and start building forts. Have the other units put up a delaying action then run for the fort. Use the Dutch PTs to raid the nearby beaches. Task Force Z is a must. Even though it is doomed to fail, politically it must be done. Pull any survivors back to the DEI for a fight there. The air units out of Singapore can eventually fly to China or to Burma to fight on. At the end use subs to pull out samples of units so they can be reformed later. Remember that South East Asia is not a restricted command so no PPs need be spent. Get transports and warships out under Operation “Brave Sir Robin” (Run away!) Make sure to take fuel and resources with you.


Sending Chinese units to take Hanoi can divert units away from Malaya and destroy HI. Make sure you have a path back to China.


Move everyone up near Dacca and dig in. Be willing to surrender everything South. 2-3k worth of dug in units will stop any Jap advance. Use cargo TFs to run fuel and supplies to OZ via a route away from the DEI. Consider moving the AVG in to help. Air units out of Dacca can harass the Jap advance.


Aside from a raid on Hanoi, dig in. Don’t worry about building airfields until you have level 9 forts. Spreading out your units allows for what has been called the “Cat herding defense”. By staying off the roads the Japs must either follow you into the bush or risk being cut off. Either one slows the advance and allows time for other units to dig in.


This is where you run and hide to. Build every airfield to it’s max before worrying about ports or forts. Concentrated air power is all that will stop the Japs. Move everything up to the Cairns/Townsville area as well as sending some units to Darwin to assist the survivors of the DEI. Don’t worry about PM until the front has stabilized. Even if the Japs take it early you can pound it by air and starve it out. Once the units arrive from the US you should be able to hold off any further Jap advances.

CV Units

Hide until you are even in number to the KB. Only use them for quick raids against shipping when you know the KB is far away and the LBA is weak. Lose them early and you could lose the war.

Sub warfare Your old S boats are the only US subs with woring toprs. Use them and the Brit/Dutch subs for anti-shipping work. Use the other (Including the Dutch O19 and O20) as mine layers and leave "presents" for Japan in very port that you can

General: Get all your 4E bombers (Mostly B-17s until June 42) to the same base. They are able to punch through even the toughest CAP/Flak and are the only thing that can hurt the KB early on. They can also level any base that Japan tries to consentrate AC or ships at.

This is a general outline of what has worked for me. Any comments are welcome.

Platoonist -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 5:39:58 AM)

Looks like pretty solid advice overall. I've had success in pulling whatever Dutch units I could get my hands on into Timor and turning that place into a last ditch DEI fortress. However this was aginst the AI. I doubt if it would be as successful against a human player.

kaleun -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 5:44:18 AM)

I looove your banner.[;)]

Platoonist -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 6:07:46 AM)

Thanks Herr Kaleun. Wimmen and war. They go together like butter and toast. [:D] you usually try to send some APs north and pull those Australian units out of Rabaul?

Feinder -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 7:36:58 AM)

I have some interesting advise to add, and believe me, I'm dying to do so. But I had better wait until my PBEM games have progressed a little farther. But yes, it's good adivce.


witpqs -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 8:35:46 AM)

Thanks for the write up!

A couple of brief notes...

AE's only start to work in 1945, so making them right away is a waste (I found out the hard way). Better to put a heavy emphasis on AR's.

AS's need a port size 3 or larger to function. It takes Wake a while to build up to that level. Midway gets there first, so watch the port sizes and put an AS in Midway and then in Wake as each becomes ready.

janushm -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 2:04:25 PM)

fortress timor certainly keeps the supply route to java open and timor itself is easy to supply from darwin.
i also like evac my FK.51's staight away. they are utterly usless as they lack the range to do anything exept maybe coastal recon.

load up all the units in tjilipatiap and tansport them to the OZ. train em and your recon forces will be boosted to an insane level.

pow and repulse dash certainly is a must...they sunk kongo and jap DD in a shell logging fest with the loss of 1 cl and 1 dd.

BaitBoy -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 3:16:59 PM)

Once the Japanese become too strong to risk AKs in the DEI, I have had good sucess sending subs in on transport missions to pull out cadre units. Sure, a sub can't carry much, but it prevents the entire unit from being destroyed once you get over-run.

Bobthehatchit -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 3:28:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: Platoonist

Thanks Herr Kaleun. Wimmen and war. They go together like butter and toast. [:D] you usually try to send some APs north and pull those Australian units out of Rabaul?

I normally do, although i do waite until i have got some of the oz/nz surface units to gether to give support, then pick them up and place them in PM.

janushm -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 3:34:43 PM)

and send lark and gull force to timor

Feinder -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 4:01:57 PM)

Just reading the suggestions, and it's interesting to compare the differences between an AI game a PBEM game.

I like the idea of fortifying Timor. And I'm sure that's a grand idea for an AI game (and useful in PBEM, just not first priority).

But not to sound condescending, but PBEM is much different.

But in PBEM you need to be able to move Gull/Lark/Sparrow to garrison any base that you don't want Japan to just walk into. Timor is less of a priorty for them, because it already has a marginal garrison, and it will take a PBEM opponent 6 - 8 weeks before they even have a remote chance of invading it (you'd have to clear a path thru Kendari/Menado/Ambonia et al, or you'll get clobbered by RDAF and RAAF).


PeteG662 -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 4:09:49 PM)

Send those Dutch 2K APs to Singapore to pull stuff out of there. Send them in one at a time and pull out whatever you want, I like the base forces, HQs and Aussie units in particular. Send 7K AKs and 9K TKs to Palembang and pull resources, again one at a time. I usually send one of the Dutch torpedo plane sections there with a 6 plane fighter section to protect this pullout. I put Dutch bombers and fighters with some patrol planes in Brunei and that other base on the N shore and they take potshots at the IJN as they transit the area. Use those 2 Dutch minelaying subs to mine places where the IJN is landing or reinforcing then set them back to patrol.

I spread out the air units in the PI to utilize the supply and make it harder for the Japs to target. P26 unit to the place just S of Aparri. The other useless fighter group to the base NW of Legaspi. B17 bomb Group to San Marcellino. I do not evacuate everything at once from Manila as the baby KB may be around and that will just tear you up. Better to be under the fighter cover already in Manila. All subs get sortied usually northwards but sometimes will try to hit baby KB if they make a dash thru the PI too.

In China I will sometimes be a bit more aggressive and do limited attacks against the Japanese to spoil and attrit.

For all those lone wolves out there like the 3 DDs in HK and the MSW at whatever that isolated base in the middle of the Japanese empire is, send them full speed SW manual control as far as possible as soon as possible. DDs can run to Batavia or Sorebaja. MSW goes to Oz.

In Malaya, I fight it out as much as possible.

In the central and south pacific, you have a few scattered base forces that can be moved from those overlapping bases (south pacific) to better places so some APs that are in the area anyway get to pull some duty early on.

PH/Midway. Create the PT boat TF in case KB wants to linger. Sortie all the subs. Disperse the PBYs to other bases not damaged. Move the long range Patrol squadron out of San Diego in the Hawaiian Islands. I tend to send my carriers early on to strike at Makin which is a usual target because of the port and maybe Wake to catch the invaders before retiring.....use full speed and for both carrier TFs and you can catch both invasions. Load the buffalo squadron in San Diefo on Sara and send Sara and friends towards Hawaiian islands.

For CAs, BBs, and CLs.....I make sure all there search aircraft are on 100% naval search to start. They gain experience quickly and can then transition to ASW patrol. Leaving them at 100% search does not tend to create any problems in ops losses. For ASW TFs around PH, 4 or 5 ship TFs work well using one DD of each class available and maybe a DMS. Again, wait until KB is gone or you pay a price. March the 2nd Mardiv to Los Angeles while moving all the APs from San Fran to LA. They will arrive about the same time and can load up. Use the scattered APs at the ports to move out some of the LCUs on the West Coast forward.

Just my input.....

Feinder -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 4:31:53 PM)

What I can add (because it's already evidenced in my PBEM games)

Use the Dutch AF, and the remnants of Sing RAF. It doesn't take them long to build up experience. You can make IJN pay a hefty tool in DEI. I move the Vildabeasts and Stringbags in DEI, because it -should- be a while before you start seeing enemy ships in the Indian ocea (so you might as well keep them in DEI to give them something to shoot at, and there's plenty of targets). I also load up the Vildabeast sqdn in India and truck it DEI. More the merrier. I also keep the Blen 1s in DEI. They AFs in Burma are only lvl-2, so Blens won't do as well from them. Which means your Blens are constrained to your AFs near India, which means you need range, which Blen-1s don't have. The Blen 1s can do well bombing stuff in DEI, where the ranges are shorter. The 250lb bombs of your Blens and Martin139s will only bounce off IJN CLs and above, but there should be plenty of shipping for them to practice their skills on. MOVE YOUR AIRCRAFT AROUND. It won't take long to p1ss off IJN. He'll start bombing/shelling your AFs. MOVE YOUR AIRCRAFT AROUND. Fortunately, you have lots of AFs that you can operate out of. MOVE YOUR AIRCRAFT AROUND. And don't superload an AF, it only makes a really tempting target. Keep those patrols up. It only takes a lvl(1) af with 200 supplies to run your PBY/Cats/Do25s for a week. You can't bomb/intercept/torpedo what you can't see. It also avoids nasty surprises.

DEI is heaven for PT boats. Both because they do wonderfully there, and because they die there (*grin*). DEI is your guarenteed battlefield at the start. You've got a bunch of little bases with 200 fuel that are only 3 or 4 hexes apart. 200 fuel is nothing for a CL, but enough to run PTs for a week. Use your PTs prolifically. Natrually, if you see a convoy that is escorted, stay the he11 the away from it. But if you see AK/APs puttering around, send in your PTs. These boys really shine there. Use little TFs of about 4 PTs. And jump from base to base, waiting for you targets.


dereck -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 5:50:44 PM)


Load tankers with oil and pair them with AKs with supply or fuel and send them to Sydney via Suva. This will avoid the Jap air units. Load everyone else up with supplies and fuel and send them the same way. Every LCU and LBA unit that can be loaded should also be sent to OZ via this route. Order several AS/AE/AR/ MLE units. Don’t worry about ADs.

Just my two cents concerning logistics:

Rather than the large convoy approach I prefer to create a supply pipeline from the west coast to ultimately Australia. I have short convoys from West Coast->Pearl Harbor; Pearl Harbor->Canton Island; Canton Island->Suva; Suva->Brisbane.

These serve as supply depots and will move as my "front" moves. This allows me to have supply spread along my fronts and also instead of having a LOT of supplies arrive in Australia every other month or so I have a steady stream of supplies arriving every other week. I have two 10k and two 5 TK convoys between each depot (except west coast which are all 10 ship convoys). One is unloading in the destination port while the other is loading in the source port.

Also has the advantage that is the Japanese manage to destroy one of my convoys the supplies will be replaced quicker than if they have to come all the way from the west coast.

I also hoarded and moved AK and TK ships from India to the West Coast and keep a reserve of ships in my ports to use as replacements for convoy ships needing repairs, special convoys for extra supplies, to move troops or for use in invasions. I may only "actively" have 25% of my cargo ships moving supplies but I've accumulated 999,999 supplies and fuel at Pearl Harbor and Lahaina and close to that amount in Canton Island and Luganville.

String -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 5:55:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: janushm

pow and repulse dash certainly is a must...they sunk kongo and jap DD in a shell logging fest with the loss of 1 cl and 1 dd.

Hm i'd transfer them to southern DEI or use them early to intercept shipping there, out of the range of the japanese LBA. Then later they can be transferred to OZ. They are also useful as a 'fleet in being' as just the fact that they are around forces the japanese player to limit his invasions to LBA range or escort them heavily

madflava13 -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 6:04:43 PM)

I concur with String - POW and Repulse are too valuable to risk for potentially limited gains early on. At the very least, the fleet in being concept forces the Japanese player to cover all invasions with heavy surface support - this means he can't expand as fast, plus those surface forces suck a ton of fuel - something the Japanese don't have a lot of. I say keep Force Z hidden so the Japanese player is guessing... If you get a chance to nail a poorly escorted invasion, do it! But play it safe...

mlees -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 6:05:47 PM)

I've only played the AI, with me as the allies.

I've never had luck pulling much out of Malaya/Singapore (or Northern Sumatra, for that matter) with AK/AP's, because the LBA's in Saigon, then later Singapore, turn my ships into razor blades.
I use, at most, 4-ship TF's, hoping that the small TF size will help them escape notice. No joy. I've tried LRCAP from brit cv's (3CV, 1CVL), but the Jap LBA strike overwhelms the CAP.
How do you do it?

madflava13 -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 6:10:00 PM)

There's 2 fast APs in Singapore at start... Use them to load up one of the Aussie BDEs - I usually LRCAP the TF or else move the BDE to Singapore. Usually the Japanese player is trying to kill airfields, so you can often sneak this TF out - the Nells and Betties won't attack if there is heavy CAP and they don't have escort.

A lot of people save a small contingent from the units using subs - once Singapore falls and the main body of those units is destroyed, the small contingent will begin to rebuild to original strength. Moved to India, these can be invaluable. Some people consider it gamey though...

Another option is to use transport aircraft to fly the units to a slightly safer location and then move the troops from there. This is the least efficient method though.

Caltone -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 6:12:10 PM)

Decent list but I would question the need of sending Chinese units to Hanoi. Once a Chinese unit enters Indochina, a Vietnamese militia type is created. Additionally, you get one for every Chinese unit that enters up to a max of 4.

While they're not great units, they function OK on defense and will start in the cities you're trying to attack. They will be superior to the Chinese units as well.

BlackVoid -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 6:40:24 PM)

In Australis, I would not move much into the Townswille area, this would allow easy time to any landing force in the south. Instead, concentrate on defending the key bases. In the north you only need aviation support and some delaying force.
Level 4 airfields are good enough no need to improve, better to spend supplies on fortyfing and maybe expanding the Brisbane port.

tanker4145 -> BIG D! (12/1/2004 7:09:30 PM)

One thing I'm big on is building up the islands between PH and Oz. 2 BDE's and a base force bare minimum as forces become available add more. This string of islands is important in my eye since it helps keep your LOC with Oz safe. If the Jap player takes some, you'll be able to get them back later, but make him fight for them.

I also like to take the base forces out of the island SW of Sydney (tasmania?) and move them to Oz since the Allies didn't train enough mechanics for the airplanes for the first part of the war. They will help you out a lot.

I also agree with saving force Z. You can keep them in south DEI as a threat, but don't risk them at first, it's too much of a crap shoot.

DrewMatrix -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 7:27:38 PM)

Excellent post, RUPD3658

Some other thoughts:


Do _not_ try to fly ASW from Pearl. The damaged airfield will hamper you until it is repaired. You

can fly ASW from Hilo and Lahaina with PBYs the first few turns. And for the same reason don't fly

A/C into Pearl until the airfield is repaired (there is a B=17 unit in Seattle IIRC. Just have it

fly ASW in Seattle to train the first few turns.

When you make those ASW TFs use a lot of the DDs in Pearl. I make about 4 TFs with LOTS of DDs (10

or so IIRC) plus any MSWs just to add experience to the MSWs. Move them every turn. cover all the

hexes on the Southwestern and Northeastern approaches to Pearl.

And to NOT bring the TFs near Pearl (including the Air Combat TF starting about 8 hexes SW of

Pearl) near Pearl until the Subs go home.

Regarding sending ships back to the West Coast, once the subs are gone I break the moderately

damaged ships up into TFs by speed (about 5 and about 10 knots in two separate groups). So the 5

knot ships don't slow down the 10 knot ships.

West Coast.

I don't pair AKs with TKs, nor do I pair 7000 ton AKs with 4500 ton AKs. The reason is the entire

TF then takes as long to load/unload as the largest ship. So I would make smaller, more homogeneous

TFs to move stuff.

CV Units

I hide until I have all of the above:
4 CVs (in two TFs, 2 CVS and a total of 15 ships each TF, but both staying in the same hex (one set

to follow the other)
All Fighters on the 4 CVs upgraded to F4Fs
That will take until about mid January, 1942.
Then I have to spot the KB.

Then and only then I will start raiding to gain experience or cover small moves in places far from

the KB.

(I kill the KB eventually by attrition with my Land Based, not Carrier based air units)

PI and DEI

In the PI I try to get a cadre of PS, PS cavalry and PA out (so I can use the replacements that will eventually accrue to rebuild at least one, probably two, of each of those units.

In the DEI and PI I evacuate first a cadred of each Engineer unit that has high Air support **On Its TOE *** (ie not at present). There are some dutch and PI engineer units that have 90 to 150 max Air Support (rather than just 30) so I get a cadre out by sub or air evac early (some to Oz and some to India).

Then I save more as PPs allow. Remember for victory conditions the Filipo units cost fewer VPs to lose than the other allies (ie less than US or Dutch, not less than China or Soviet, obviously).

Basically I have two objectives: Save lots of tiny cadres and (secondary) save VPs by pulling out troops at the last minute. When pulling out troops I remove spent units rather than those with more combat (Assault Points) so as to delay as long as possible.

To remove the max Aircraft for the minimum PP cost: First change HQ for an air unit (maybe a Dutch Patrol Unit) with only 2-3 A/C. That will only cost 8-12 PPs. Then (same turn) Disband a couple of other Patrol Units (same nationality and airplane). That will get 8 or 9 A/C out but only cost the PPs for 2 or 3. (the disbanded unit will reappear in 90 days in Oz).

I find the Patrol and transport units of the Dutch more valuable than the combat A/C. The Combat A/C tend to need rarer planes to re-equip and the pilot pool has low experience. By the time the combat units are ready to commit you will already have zillions of US planes.

The fighters (in India) are probably worse more than the Bombers (I want fighters for air cover along the Burma Coast).


I evacuate TF Z (The Prince of Wales and Repulse) to India right off. I want to have a bombardment TF to harrass the Burma coast (under air cover from Dacca and Chandpur).


I build up Akyab and Jorhat and try to hold their. There is a scattering of troops in front of that line, but that is where I actually plan to hold. I use Bombardment (3 BBs or so, from Chandpur back and forth under LR Cap from Akyab/Chandpur) to hammer anyone who tries to take Akyab. My prejudice is that the inland route (Jorhat, Myitkynia etc) is a sump to suck up Japanese troops. The more he sends way inland the more trouble he is in when I retake Rangoon.

Oh yeah, and I use air transport (not marching) as much as possible in Burma (much faster). I salvage the two Dutch air transport units with that in mind.

DrewMatrix -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 7:37:54 PM)

One more thing:

You will have a short time (about December 1941) during which you can move long ranged air units into or out of India via DEI and Malaya.

You will eventually have zillions of aircraft in the Pacific. So I use this period to move air units into India. One or two B-17 units can make a big difference on the Burma-India border.

freeboy -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 7:45:28 PM)

This is a tough call as they are also needed in the Soloman as the only planes lba that have the legs to reach out and touch the JAp bases in Lunga if taken and Rabaul..
But I do agree they help alot in the Indian ocean area as well...
My plan... make the bastards pay as high a price as possible for sra... slow them down and prepare to counter attaclk in 43, my first forey has yeilded mixed results as my ship losses have been very high, as well as carrier losses...
in late nov 42 pbem game, next game as allies, again pbem I will be somewhat more conservative in my use of ships

DrewMatrix -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 8:18:12 PM)

The reason I move B-17s to India is:

The Allies will inevitably win in the long run if they can avoid losing in the short run. I don't think I can _lose_ the war in Lunga or Rabaul. Eventually I will crush both (or ignore them and sail an Invincible Armada straight to Saipan in early 1944 or similar).

But I worry I could lose the war in India in 1942.

Feinder -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 8:59:05 PM)

Just so you know, evacing the HQs from PI/Java/Malaya may not be necessary.

I love the RAF Group HQs, MAF/PAF/DAF Aviation. I evac'd the RAF 224(?) Group from Sing, and U2 was nice enough to put 3 torps into their single transport (stupid me). Of course the darn sank in about 4 seconds, and everybody became shark food. So next turn, I clicked on the LCU reinforcements ("When am I gonna get another RAF group to replace those knuckle-heads?), when lo-and-behold, there's the 224th, 30 days out. It's even full and complete, not the shot-up carcass that it was when it boarded the transport. Naturally, this was actually in documented in the manual, but I must have read that part as, "Blah, blah, blah. Need 2x supplies. Blah, blah. Don't cross into SEAsia with China. Blah, blah-blah, blah, LCUs die and don't come back." But the 224th will arrive in Karachi at full strength, sooner than it would have taken me to transport the thing somewhere, and rebuild it. (which I'll admit is a little "quirky", but who am I to complain)

I don't know if the major Av units (PAF/MAF/DAF) units work this way (anybody know?), but it might very well be that they aren't necessary to evac either.


freeboy -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 8:59:46 PM)

True, depends on who you are playing, both my two JAp oponents are not attacking India, and in game number one I did move one group now b24 s to DAcca

madflava13 -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 9:01:00 PM)

Hopefully my PBEM opponent isn't reading this... hehe

1. Move every engineer unit you can to Palembang/Balikpapan/Kendari etc... When captured, these units will damage the facilities there.

2. A trick to get ships out of the PI region: Send ships EAST. At start, there are no Japanese naval attack aircraft based in Iwo Jima, Marcus, etc. And no LR Recon either. Sending single ship task forces through this gap works like a charm because most Japanese players don't bother building that area up yet. Have them head to a way point and return to Midway/PH/Seattle. An added bonus is that if KB is in that area, their search/strike aircraft will tip you off. You may lose some of these ships, but you'll know which direction KB went after the PH strike. Invaluable info.

mlees -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 9:18:39 PM)

I don't think you saw a "respawning" feature, I think that there are two units with the same names out there. (More than two, actually.)

I'm at work, so I can't do it myself, but load up a fresh new campaign, and check your ground reinforcement schedule (sort by unit type). I think you will find some RAF HQ's due in that have the same name as some already on the map.

It's not a problem for me, as I lose most of the stuff in Malaya, anyway...

DrewMatrix -> RE: Surviving the first 6 months as the Allies (Long) (12/1/2004 9:55:04 PM)

So let me get this straight:

This group advises that I put all my DEI/PI engineers in rubber boats and float them into Yokahama so I can tell (from the number of explosions occuring in the vicinity) when the KB arrives home.

And so their "heirs and assignees" can rebuild more units with the same name.

Memo to self: Stay out of rubber boats if you are a Dutch engineer.

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