shawn118aw -> U.S. Forces take Truk Island (27 DEC 1942) (1/3/2005 7:00:32 PM)
Here is my problem…I cannot get the Command Line (Attached to HQ’s) on Truk Island to change from the IJN Southeast Fleet to any US Command HQ (Central or South, the only two options). I have spent 360 political points, 180 points each time--two times to try and change it’s HQ with no luck (it takes the points, but does not change the status). None of my 664 aircraft I now have on the island will attack any Japanese targets, and any ships I have docked there—the computer takes over them and tries to send them back to ports in Japan. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG??? Additional background…. I am playing scenario 15 (The War in the Pacific), I am the Allied side, and the computer is the Japanese. I am running version v1.40 (Dec 2004); I have over 139,000 troops (about 10 Divisions) on Truk Island, over 664 aircraft (including about 316 long range bombers), over 270 in aviation support, and over 645 engineers. Plus I have over 105,000 tons of supplies and 27,000 tons of fuel located on the island. Both the Airfield and Port have been repaired to full operational status with no damage (both 0%) and all Japanese ground troops have been eliminated, plus I have captured over 60 Japanese Aircraft. What am I missing here?