rtrapasso -> RE: Sub transport supply problem (1/31/2005 3:52:37 PM)
ORIGINAL: Mr.Frag Well, at one extreme, it is safe to say that your subs will sit there for multiple turns waiting to load, at the other they will load and leave in one turn ... Tough to know with that kind of swing in supplies exactly whats up. I assume you have lots of units at the base ... what's it's required supplies level at? Most of the time i'm trying to load from unmanned bases such as Taytay and San Jose. THere are no troops there, but they have just under 1000 supplies (as some got out before the 1.40 upgrade). Occasionally, i will also try to load from Kendari, which has 30000+ supplies, and three partial engineer units, probably about 1000-2000 men total. In neither case do supplies load. The actual supply levels at the bases do not change much - the levels AT DIFFERENT bases are quite different. Last time i was able to load supplies was at Taytay (iirc) which has no troops. Supply levels required at these base range from 0 to maybe 100 tons (i am at work right now so can't give the exact figures). Generally, i will only try to have 1-2 subs load supplies at any one base in a turn. Again - i had no problem prior to upgrading from 1.30 to 1.40.