Brigz -> RE: Very carefully (4/9/2005 12:12:45 AM)
ORIGINAL: Jim_H My advice? Stay single and don't have kids if you want to be a wargamer! [:'(] Jim That's exactly what I did. Got married young, about 22, and my wife hated wargames and the guys I wargamed with. She thought it was the biggest waste of time and thought all my game buddies were losers. She even threatened to have an affair if I didn't stop gaming. I managed to stay married for about five years but enough was enough. That was nearly 30 years ago and she's been long gone and I never had any kids. Except for work and the occasional girlfriend I've completely spoiled myself and pretty much play whenever I want. The real amazing thing is that all my girlfirends since I got divorced have all been fascinated by my wargames. They don't want to play but think it's very interesting and praise me for being so "smart". Hah! I guess it's the marriage thing. When women have you sign a contract something changes and they will never let you be the same again. Hey, don't get me wrong. I love women, but that's all I do with them... unless of course they play wargames. No BS guys. I'm a very lucky, single, wargamer and I've never regretted it. My wargames will keep me company when I'm old and grey and that ain't far off. I just hope I can still attract some old and grey women when I get there.